15,127 Topics
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Hi, I have a database program that creates URL's that look like this... http://www.mywebsiteDB.com/admin.php?toDo=module&module=RESERVATIONS&modsub=reservations or this http://www.mywebsiteDB.com/admin.php?toDo=module&module=RESERVATIONS&modsub=upcoming etc. I need to make a page that inserts fields into the database AJAX style, which I managed to do outside of the database program. However, when I put the code into a … | |
I have a php web service returning json data. My problem is that when i call the json data from url returns nothing but when a call a local file with exactly the same data (copy from the url) works fine. The json data i receive are for example {"ResponseData":[{"Code":"91010001","Description":"ISADORA … | |
We are currently running a modified version of jShowOff, a jQuery slider. It has never been modified since it was created back in 2009 and lacks a few features we need. I have been searching the latest crop of sliders and haven't found one with the features we need. It … | |
| I want to put my html in a php variable and use this variable in the .html() but it doesn't work as I expect it to..how can I do something like that? $var="<p>test</p>"; //this works $return['script'] = "jQuery('#form_pop_out').html('<p>test</p>');" //those don't work $return['script'] = "jQuery('#form_pop_out').html('$var');" $return['script'] = "jQuery('#form_pop_out').html('{$var}');" $return['script'] = "jQuery('#form_pop_out').html('".$var."');" |
Hi have this piece of code to display images of cameras and a caption underneath which states what type of camera it is. However I cant get the caption to change, i posted this piece of code before and some responded stating i need to '==' not just one. I … | |
I am trying to dynamically append DIV tag after the last one. Also if the user clicks remove button then div in which the remove button is clicked should be eliminated. My caption (is in JS and want to covert it in JQquery) is also not working well. There are … | |
Hi Guys I have a text area(in php) that contain some text.I want a javascript that select the text and copy to clipboard automatically.Then it display "Link copied to clipboard alongside the text area Can anyone of you suggest me a good javascript ? | |
I have a bunch of drop down boxes, then after they are selected the the total amount automatically appears at the bottom.. the only problem is it appeears like this - <span id="resp">Total</span> How would I make this insert into the database? | |
Good Evening Guys, Today its my Birthaday. I have a If statement that i use to return an integer that will mean Success or Failure , now am testing for that integer in my ASP.NET 2.0 Page lke this [CODE] if (Res == 1) { Response.Write("<script> alert('You have Successfully Registred');</script>"); … | |
dude anyone knw how to create to assign height and width dynamically in web page for images? like this site http://muslider.musings.it/ | |
i am having problems in solving a few of my computer problems in 2d arrays.. for eg:- 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 9 10 11 12 16 15 14 13 what would be the javascript to print this?? please help..its urgent :) | |
I have a problem whith my .change() function firing twice on my onClick. First of all, I know jquery has a .click function, but since my table (results) are bing displayed/pulled in dynamically from an $.ajax call I don't know of a way to bind .click since the content doesn't … | |
I have a photo gallery where there is a strip of thumbnails on the top and a full size image below. Basically when I click the thumbnails, it should show the full size image in the image placeholder known as "full" in my page. That works fine except I also … | |
Hi, I am building a basic shopping basket and the problem I find is that all the products, even with quantity of 0 are being displayed in the shopping basket. Please can anyone help!.. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Thank you so much in advance! This is my … | |
i want the source code for image, audio and video slide show in javascript only... can anyone help me dudes !!?? | |
I have one menu toggle div manu which is slide up and down. For that I used jquery.Cookie plugin but still it's not working. here is my problem : http://jsfiddle.net/wasimkazi/fauNg/10/ please help me... $(document).ready(function() { $(".widget2").hide(); var $widget2 = $(".widget2"); readCookie('widget2') === 'open' ? $widget2.show() : $widget2.hide(); $(".box2").toggle(function() { $(this).next(".widget2").slideDown(200); … | |
Hello, I have found lots of examples on how to display a form field onclick, but none if I want to display an entire form onclick of a button. I am having difficulty figuring out where to put the form along with all of its form fields, in the head … | |
Why my javascript menu is structing after 5 minutes (measn the drop down menu is not coming ). For that i need to referesh the whole page that page is in jsp. Can anyone help me to overcome from this problem. below is the sample code <td WIDTH=150 onmouseover="awgMnBSpmc('awgMnBSpma0',1);awgMnBSpmd('awgMnBSpm11','awgMnBSpma0');" onmouseout="awgMnBSpmc('awgMnBSpma0',0);awgMnBSpme('awgMnBSpm11');" … | |
Dear All, I'm struglling with one small prblm with my code. // Charecter count $(document).ready(function (){ $('#msgbx').click(function(){ var charLength = $(this).val().length; $('#charcount').html(charLength + ' of 250 characters used'); // Alerts when 250 characters is reached if($(this).val().length > 250){ $('#charcount').html('<strong>You may only have up to 250 characters.</strong>'); }); }); Please help … | |
Hi, I'm working on rails project where I use json file for storing some data. Basically data are stored and get using ajax calls from jquery. But there are some strange issues. For example, when I add data in json file using AJAX and then open file in Chrome: localhost:3000/example.json … | |
Friends What You Think? Which Editor Is Best For Writing JavaScript Code? I was writing the JavaScript code with notepad++ and checking with Mozilla Web Browser, but there is one problem that I am facing is: If there is a problem in my code the browser doesn't indicate aur highlight … | |
Hi there, why does the sort function not sort out numeric values depending on their values(large to small or small to large)? var drinks1 = [40,30,10,20,100]; println(drinks1.sort()); // this will give you 10, 100, 20, 30, 40 it sorts those values as follows: 10,100,20,30,40 Is there a way of changing … | |
Hello, The below code is mean to hit or show some data based on checkbox is checked off or not using Javascript. I found a bit of code on a Forum and tried modifying it. I'm trying to see if it's possible show data based on multiple Div Tags. For … | |
Having a little trouble getting my "pre-loader" to show properly... I would assume, what this script would do is that once xmlhttp is invoked, JS would make a div with an ID called 'preload' and it will persist until we get a 400 response from the server, and then destroy … | |
I've got a photo gallery on my website, but it seems to glitch at case 3 in my prevPic function. Instead of going backward, it goes forward. In each case, I want it to decrease the imgNum and show the previous picture. Here is some code: function prevPic(){ /*imgNum = … | |
need help here. how can i change the src in <embed> using javascript that works in firefox? ex. [code]<embed src="music.mid">[/code] - how can i change "music.mid" to another midi file. | |
Hi I have a question regarding the way my site deals with areas that are generated via Javascript not updating to the latest information when using IE9 but working perfectly on FireFox. I appreciate this may be like looking for a needle in a haystack but I would appreciate some … | |
Hi I have a script which displays a price but currently is not fixed to 2 decimal places so a price such as $2.50 shows as $2.5 which to me looks wrong. The line of code is `amount += parseFloat($(this).metadata().amount);` Looking around I see there is a function `toFixed()` but … | |
Hi, I am trying to populate 4 dropdowns. Each one is related to other. Dropdown 1 has predefined values. On selecting data from Dropdown1, dropdown2 populates. On selecting data from dropdown2, dropdown 3 populates accordingly. But nothing is working. Please help. I am not even sure whether my scripts are … | |
Hi! I am trying to wrap some html paragraphs inside a div element: <p>1st paragraph</p> <p>2nd paragraph</p> <p>3rd paragraph</p> I want to have this when I select this text from an iframe with window.getSelection(): <div> <p>1st paragraph</p> <p>2nd paragraph</p> <p>3rd paragraph</p> </div> and, in case I select 2 paragraphs and … |
The End.