15,117 Topics

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Member Avatar for BTLSP

I have a client who wants me to come up with js code to attach an image from a visitor's computer to a form to email to the client.

Member Avatar for nadiam

I have two tables, one being populated by data and another empty. I am using draggable and droppable jquery ui so I can move data from the first table to the other. and its working perfectly. Now, I am trying to clone the "tr" element of the second table where …

Member Avatar for Siberian

I hope someone can [help](http://www.thecreativesheep.ca/webdesignprojects/largeprojects/CreativeSheep/cs_site.html). The id=reachme is suppose to be hidden at all times except when the event which is triggered by clicking the word "reachme" is clicked then it is suppose to bounce into view. I've set display to hidden in the css for the id=reachme, hoping the …

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Member Avatar for Siberian

I'm in the process of creating the following; when a class anchor is clicked, it triggers an ID that is scaled which was hidden before the anchor was clicked with a little bounce before it rests into place, I hope that made sense ? Here is what I have so …

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for tronghiep92

I problem AJAX jquery. How block run AJAX from console.log EX test on localhost: **file index.html:** <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ var btn = $('button'); btn.on('click', function(){ $.ajax({ url : 'process.php', type : 'post', data : {id : 1}, success: function(data){ console.log(data); } }); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <button>CLick</button> </body> …

Member Avatar for hsakapandit

I have arrays and variables in JQuery and I want to know that Can I POST both arrays and variables from single $ajax jquery request to my php page. If yes then How will I post data from Jquery and how will i handle in PHP page. var get_id = …

Member Avatar for hsakapandit
Member Avatar for Tinnin

I am running this on my local: <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#validateButton").click(function() { var forename = $("#Name").val(); var surname = $("#Surname").val(); var dob = $("#DOB").val(); var flatNumber = $("#FlatNumber").val(); var houseName = $("#HouseName").val(); var houseNumber = $("#HouseNumber").val(); var street = $("#Street").val(); var townCity = $("#TownCity").val(); var county = $("#County").val(); var postcode …

Member Avatar for Tinnin
Member Avatar for RikTelner

Let's say my website heavily depends on JavaScript. I found this: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_noscript What I understand is. If JavaScript is enabled, it displays "Hello World". If JavaScript is disabled it displays everything within `<noscript>` as normal div. The clue is. I have "NoScript" Firefox addon. That blocks JavaScripts, disables flashes and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for napninjanx
Member Avatar for metalfurby

Hi there, I am taking a html/java script class and I am completely lost. Can anyone help? Here is what my assignment is: Create an HTML file with Javascript to do the following Have text boxes for the user to enter 2 numbers Have a button so that when clicked …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for junaid_5

Hello i am creating a small project. is there any tutorial that could help me . i have image gallery. it has main categories and then sub categories , i want to upload the images to respective sub category under main category after choosing categ and sub categ from list …

Member Avatar for junaid_5
Member Avatar for alonso.jasl

Hello everyone, I'm not sure whether this post belongs here. The thing is that I want to do a Page reload from my java code running on the server. After pressing a button, I wish for the page to do an automatic reload. So, inside the class file, I have …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Feedly app left attack window open for malicious JavaScript hackers according to one security researcher. Security consultant and blogger Jeremy S [revealed](http://breaktoprotect.blogspot.in/2014/04/feedly-android-application-zero-day.html) that the Feedly Android app, or at least the version prior to the update on March 17th 2014, had been subject to a zero-day JavaScript code injection vulnerability. …

Member Avatar for LG Fresh

function makeSelection(icon, id) { if(!icon || !id) return; var elem = icon.elements[id]; if(!elem) return; var val = elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].id; opener.targetElement.value = val; this.close(); } this form used to select from a dropdown but i want to make it select from a click button <td>Icon1 Here<br /><input type="button" value="Select" id="1000" onclick="makeSelection(this.form, 'icon');"></td> …

Member Avatar for Siberian

var one = getElementsByClassName("orange")[0]; one.style.color = "orange"; The code above gives me the following error, why ? Error: 'getElementsByClassName' was used before it was defined.

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Member Avatar for nadiam

hey guys, so i want to disable the input button function unless checbox is checked. i found [this](http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/41715-solved-submit-button-remain-disabled-until-checkbox-checked/) forum and it sorta worked. the button is disabled when no checkbox is checked but it stays disabled even after checkbox is checked. this is the html: <input type="button" id="del_event" name="del_event" value="Delete …

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Member Avatar for nouth

my [previous question](http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/javascript-dhtml-ajax/threads/477450/convert-str-to-var) about this dealt with global vars but unfortunatley the `window` of opportunitys doesn't work with this next example because it alerts 4 times instead of only 1 test("a","b","c"); function test(var0,var1,var2,var3) { for(var i=0; i<4; i++) { if(window["var"+i]===undefined) {alert("test");} } } this may not be very clear so …

Member Avatar for felgall
Member Avatar for nouth

this is my attempt var test=["a","b","c"]; var var0="a"; for(var i=0; i<1; i++) { test.splice(test.indexOf(test[window["var"+i.toString()]]),1); } alert(test); it alerts "a,b" but I want it to alert "b,c" ref:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5613834/convert-string-to-variable-name-in-javascript

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Member Avatar for ajay.motah

Hello the code below will fetch all unaswered questions from the db. But when there is only one question, when next is done, it doest submit, and gives a blank page.If more than 1 questions it works fine. Please help. Thank you <?php session_start(); //uri get from index $qu=$_GET['qu']; $userid=$_SESSION['userid']; …

Member Avatar for bradly.spicer

I am trying to make it so that the snippet below automatically creates extra pages to show me all the followers I have on my Twitch Channel. At the moment I have it at 25, but it does cap at 100. How can I make it so that it automatically …

Member Avatar for Kyle Wiering
Member Avatar for SagarSe7en

Hello Everyone, I am trying to achieve pagination using jsp javascript and servlets. Here is my code below: SearchUserViews.java `package TestPackage; /** * * @author Sagar */ private String _userid; private String _firstName; private String _lastName; private String _emailAddress; public userProfile(){ _userid = ""; _firstName = ""; _lastName = ""; …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for programmer12

Hi, I am trying to create a jquery slider with navigation button and arrows, but my slider is not stopping at the last image nor stopping at the first image. See my fiddle for an example: [http://jsfiddle.net/c2mKp/](http://jsfiddle.net/c2mKp/) Any help is welcomed. HTML: <!-- Jquery Slider --> <div class="jquery-slider"> <div class="wrap"> …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for begueradj

Howdy, I am looking to download a list of malicious JS code in order to test it on my localhost website I am developing. Is there any place to download such a list ? Thank you in advance for your answer. Begueradj

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for marse.haka91

I used Morris chart in my application project to show some details about quantity of sales. After executing the AJAX request, the chart is showing data in disordered way.It doesn't display sales for each city.I want to display them like this example with static data http://jsfiddle.net/marsi/LaJXP/1/ var json = (function …

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Member Avatar for Mr.Pink

I have this code which loads 10 divs from an external file into the main file. There's also a next / previous function to skip back and fourth between the divs. Demo: http://goo.gl/RFBN2E (Click load content to load the content via ajax, then the next / previous buttons will skip …

Member Avatar for ravi142

Both SetCookie() and GetCookie() works good. **Problem:** In bellow code how could i make condition IF cookie value NULL then BOX show otherwise HIde. I have run but condition not going true. $(document).ready(function(){ var first_name = getCookie("chat_name"); var user_id = getCookie("chat_id"); var img_src = getCookie("chat_img"); if(first_name !=="" && user_id !=="" …

Member Avatar for ravi142
Member Avatar for Tinnin

Hi All, I'm trying to call data from a php script using getJSON. my php script, php/Validate.php: echo "Hello, World!"; die(); My getJSON bit: <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#ValidateButton").click(function(){ $.getJSON("php/Validate.php",function(result){ alert(result); }); }); }) </script> <input type="button" value="Validate" id="ValidateButton"/> I'm not having any luck getting anything output though. Could someone …

Member Avatar for Tinnin
Member Avatar for nadiam

hey guys. I have a contact form as so <form method="post" action="contact_data.php" class="add-contact-form"> <fieldset> <legend>Add Contact</legend> <p>Salutation : <select name="salutations"> <option value="" disabled selected>Choose</option> <option value="Datin">Datin</option> <option value="Datin Paduka">Datin Paduka</option> <option value="Dato Paduka">Dato Paduka</option> <option value="Dato'">Dato'</option> <option value="Dato' Seri">Dato' Seri</option> <option value="Datuk">Datuk</option> <option value="Datuk Seri">Datuk Seri</option> <option value="Dr.">Dr.</option> <option value="Haji">Haji</option> …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for azdonald

I'm learning knockout.js and i trying to get data from a rest API. The rest API has two end points 1) '/posts 2) '/posts/<id> When i use the first endpoint, nothing happens and there is no error in my script. As a matter of fact, looking at the firebug console, …

Member Avatar for ravi142

Hello I am learn JS cookie my requirement is as under "There is One **Button** submit when i clicked button then **Cookie value store 1** and some **Msg display** in box. Every Time box **check cookie value** if there is **any value** then Msg display continue otherwise Not." Suggest me. …

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The End.