15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for Priti_P

i have table with id myTable first tr is like: <tr bgcolor=#ff9966 id='0'> <td>Skill</td> <td>Skill Type</td> <td>Total Experience Year</td> <td>Total Experience months</td> <td>Last Used In</td> <td>Description</td> <td>Modify</td> </tr> when I am inserting values of one array into this table using for loop with below code: var html=""; var tr_id=/* I …

Member Avatar for Priti_P
Member Avatar for dhani09

I have a drop-down list, which contains a list of over 150 schools. Each school in this drop-down list is located in one of 30 states. What i'm trying to implement is this: If a user chooses a school from the "select" list, the text box below it would automatically …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for ownedbynothing_1

I have this particular snippet.. newcell.innerHTML = table.rows[0].cells[i].innerHTML; //alert(newcell.childNodes); switch(newcell.childNodes[0].type) { case "text": newcell.childNodes[0].value = ""; break; case "checkbox": newcell.childNodes[0].checked = false; break; case "select-one": newcell.childNodes[0].selectedIndex = 0; break; case "number": newcell.childNodes[0].value = ''; break; } the switch above makes the newly added rows to reset the value from the …

Member Avatar for ownedbynothing_1
Member Avatar for Jamie_4

I'm trying to get the text "Student 1, " to display in a text box but also have it as a link back to the student's page. This code displays only the url I want but not as a link and doesn't display "Student 1 " function getFavourite() { var …

Member Avatar for taersious
Member Avatar for sushmaja.arumalla.9

I have 8 ajax tabcontainers in my page.On the top of the page I have one button "Collapse All".When I click on the button all the tabcontainers should be collapsed. Please help me how to achieve this functionality.

Member Avatar for taersious
Member Avatar for Priti_P

I have <div id='name' onchange='load_div()'> <b>Car Name : </b> <select name="carlist" form="carform"> <option value="volvo">Volvo</option> <option value="saab">Saab</option> <option value="opel">Opel</option> <option value="audi">Audi</option> </select> </div> <div id='name2' onchange='load_div()'> <b>second Car Name : </b> <select name="carlist" form="carform"> <option value="volvo2">Volvo</option> <option value="saab2">Saab</option> <option value="opel2">Opel</option> <option value="audi2">Audi</option> </select> </div> Here I have a link called "Add" …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Ok so im using hubspot for inbound marketing and the have a thing called page grader that finds errors in your page. The most common warning is page has images without alt text. Since im dealing with a really big drupal site and dont want to go through every image …

Member Avatar for marta.johnsson
Member Avatar for confstu

0 down vote favorite I want to ask all of you for some help since i'm still new to web programming. So basically i have html table like this, <table width='200' border='1'> <TH>Year 1 Spring</TH> <TR> <TD> <div id="y1f_0">one</div> <div id="y1f_1">one</div> </TD> <TD> <div id="y1s_0">two</div> <div id="y1s_1">two</div> </TD> </TR> </table> …

Member Avatar for dnyaneshk2
Member Avatar for dhani09

I have an HTML dropdown list which i'm populating from a database. My question is how can i retrieve the value of a selected item from this dropdown list using AJAX? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for dnyaneshk2
Member Avatar for nadiam

hey guys. im trying to show a dropdown list and hide input text when an option in another drop down list is selected. dropdown <select name="table-type" id="select-t"> <option value="" disabled selected>Types of Tables</option> <option value="Round Table" id="rt">Round Table</option> <option value="Banquet Table" id="bt">Banquet Table</option> <option value="Square Table" id="st">Square Table</option> </select><br> No. …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for Priti_P
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I have a form in which , I have DIV1. Selecting option from DIV1 another DIV2 gets open and form is filled. But I want after filling DIV2, its values should get refreshed to default ones. How can I do this in JS?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for samertaha

hi , i am searching for a good tree menu design for products categories to use it in my website , i need it to be flexible so i could style it as needed and also simple so i can target it with my own javascript. thanks again.

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Member Avatar for eburlea

Hi. I have an input type "number" set to display decimals. For example if I type "5" there should appear "5.0000". It works in Chrome and previous versions of Firefox. Now with Firefox 29 it does not work anymore. Does somebody know what could be the problem? $('#mynumber').bind('focusout', function(){ if(!isNaN(parseFloat($(this).val()))){ …

Member Avatar for nadiam

hey guys. so i was thinking of creating this page that has 2 different tables : table1(table1 filled with names that are populated from database but lets not think about that part for now) and table2(empty), table1 rows are clickable and when doubleclick on one row the data in that …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for thunder234

I have the following code for a login page that is supposed to display an error when the user enters the wrong username and password combination. can anyone have a look at the code and tell me why it isnt displaying the error message when its supposed to. Here is …

Member Avatar for poosapatisuresh
Member Avatar for vizz

I found [this template](http://livedemo00.template-help.com/wt_48221) on template monster. That is what I was working on. How to slide pages about.php, work.php, contact.php directly inside div tag? Dispaly home.php by default **menus used in example template of template monster** <ul> <li><a href="/"><div class='open_hover'></div>gallery</a></li> <li><a href="/about.html"><div class='open_hover'></div>about me</a></li> <li><a href="/experience.html"><div class='open_hover'></div>Experience</a></li> <li><a href="/resume.html"><div …

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for devianleong

Hi guys, I want to hover all the images and show the image with colour when mouseover (remove hover when mouseover). I hover it by using this line of code and it's work fine but I do not know how to add mouseover method to change fadeTo value become (400,1): …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello There, My problem is: I have declared an empty PHP array. and onsubmit of button I want to add the _post values to array at every time on my form. I am working this in Yii framwork. Array declred as: $skill_values_array=array(); button code <?php echo CHtml::submitButton(Yii::t($model, 'next'), array('id' => …

Member Avatar for Kyle Wiering
Member Avatar for thilipdilip

I want to make a select box like pop up item, I come accross with this link http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/NaturalLanguageForm/ In that they have done select box overwrite method. when clicking on the food it opens in popup about list of the items. can anyone please tell me how to do similar …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nouth

how to `.replace()` the `'error'`? only use `a` and `b` var str = 'bla bla anything error anything bla bla'; var a = 'anything', b = a; im not good with regular expressions so im asking for how to do this with variables so i can set them up all …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for hallianonline

hi I have 1 iframe which includes another iframe it and I want to auto height both frames whenever any activity peform in the iframe it load the new page and auto height according to the 2nd (inner iframe) the code which i am currenlty using in main page and …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for carl.potak

Hey I'm new to the website but I've been a friend of Dani for a little over a year and attend the DaniWeb meetups. I know I'll need coding help and as a noob I'll be seeking out the help of you experts in javascript w/ jquery & ajax, php, …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for david.roun.7_1

Hi all. I have this code: <html> <title> </title> <head> <script> function add(){ var first=document.getElementById("form").value; var second=[first]; for (i=0;i<second.length;i++){ var third=second.join("+"); } document.one.answer.value=third; } </script> </head> <body> <input type="text" id="form" onChange="add()"/> <form name="one"> <input type="text" name="answer"/> </form> </body> </html> What I want to do is allow the user to enter …

Member Avatar for david.roun.7_1
Member Avatar for momal

I have a datalist, and by clicking it, the whole database records pop up. What I want to do is, which ever record is clicked ONLY that record should pop up. **This is my code for the data list and the pop up of all records.** .MY_POPUP_INNER_SMALL { background: none …

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Member Avatar for burhanahmed92

Is there a way to load a page for a minute and then fetch content of a page. I am using new DOMDocument method to fetch content from a page which is working fine. Problem is that i want to load a page for a minute because the page from …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for johndohmen1963

Who can help me with the folowing I have javascrip variable and a php datatable And i wand to read the datatable with the javascript variable here is the code i have if(!isset($_POST['bewerk_gegevens'])) { ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var newland = document.getElementById("geboorte_land").value; if ((newland != "" && newland != "Duitsland") …

Member Avatar for johndohmen1963
Member Avatar for Thodoris

I wanna create a new 3d array levelxyz from the two bellow 2d arrays. var levelxy = [ ["-", "-", "*", "-", "-", "*", "-", "-", "*", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "*", "-", "-", "*", "-", "-", "*", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", …

Member Avatar for tibormarias

Dear Readers! I would like to ask your kind help about showing just the selected markers in Google Maps API V3. I have a HTML select -> <select onchange="appartments()" id="selectField"> <option value="appartment1">Choose one appartment...</option> <option value="appartment2">1052 Budapest, Galamb u. 3.</option> <option value="appartment3">1052 Budapest, RĂ©gi posta u. 11.</option> <option value="appartment4">1052 Budapest, …

Member Avatar for vizz

My client is using [this iView slider](http://iprodev.com/iview/index3.html) He wants to make it responsive & fullscreen. He don't want to change slider as he likes transitions of this slider. I'm trying hard but images are not working as responsive. please help (images are 1600 x 1067) <div class="container"> <div id="iview"> <div …

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The End.