15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for HelenLF

Can anyone suggest a jquery gallery (free or paid) that is responsive and allows for multiple image albums, but is not a tiled gallery?

Member Avatar for Liza_3

<script type="text/javascript"> var so = new SWFObject("wmode.swf", "wmode.swf", "550", "400", "8"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); o.write("flash"); </script> <div id="flash">This is some flash content - you'll need the flash plugin to see it</div>

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Priti_P
Member Avatar for kanjigirl

I have the following Flash code running the photo stack at top right in this page: [URL="http://www.adventurecamper.com/#&slider1=4"]http://www.adventurecamper.com/#&slider1=4[/URL] [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var flashvars = {}; var params = {}; params.wmode = "transparent"; var attributes = {}; swfobject.embedSWF("http://www.adventurecamper.com/wp-content/themes/adventurecamper/flash/stack.swf", "slider", "650", "260", "9.0.0", "http://www.adventurecamper.com/wp-content/themes/adventurecamper/flash/expressInstall.swf", false, flashvars, params, attributes); </script>[/CODE] I'm not that familiar with …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for vizz

How to create infinite loop of Shuffle Text Effect using following code. It stops after animation is finished. How to start again when first loop of animation is completed? <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.3.min.js"></script> <div id="container">text</div> **main script** /** * @name Shuffle Letters * @author Martin Angelov * @version 1.0 * @url http://tutorialzine.com/2011/09/shuffle-letters-effect-jquery/ …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for joachimanderson

I'm really hoping someone can help and I should warn you I am javascript novice. I have a login script for my members website that uses Ajax. It works just fine but I now want to be able to redirect the user to a different page depending whether their account …

Member Avatar for joachimanderson
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I wonder if you can help me at all, I am a bit stuck here. Having this HTML: <div class="formWrapper"> <h2>Form box</h2> <div class="unstyledForm"> <p>These form fields have minimal styles applied to it, so that tehy look the same in every browser and device</p> <div class="row"> <label class="control-label" …

Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I have select(/dropdown) list.Below is code <div id="complete_form"> <b>Skill Type :</b> <select id="skill_type_name" onchange="load_div()"> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="Language">Language</option> <option value="Database">Database</option> <option value="Framework">Framework</option> </select> <div id="id_skill_name" onchange="load_other_skill()"> <b>Skill : </b> <select id="skill_name" name="Skill[skill_id]"> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="test language 1">test language 1</option> <option value="test db 2">test language 2</option> <option value="test fw …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I have multidimentional array. like: $skill_array={ Database,test db skill 2,0,1,2014-Mar,ZCZC,1 Framwork,test fm skill,0,1,2014-Mar,axaxax,0 Networking,test db skill 2,0,1,2014-Mar,yt89887i,1 Database,test db skill 2,0,1,2014-Mar,hkjk,0 } while showing this table in UI in javascript, I want to show table in sorted format of 0th index. i.e in above example, it should come as …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vizz

I want to create simple css3 effect like gallery effect [here](http://livedemo00.template-help.com/wt_47303/) How to create classess * **.animation{}** * **.scaleDown{}** * **.rotateFoldTop{}** * **.rotateUnfoldBottom{}** when menus are clicked **scale down main wrapper**, after **scale down** is **completed** then only **rotateFoldTop** main page & same time **rotateUnfoldBottom next page** (activeTab). After rotateUnfoldBottom …

Member Avatar for SaroGFX

Dear Daniweb, I just got the following [HTML5 music player](http://www.audioplayerhtml5.com/player_blackControllers_WithoutPlaylist_Ex1.html), which gets it's music from a list I provide in HTML like this: <ul> <li class="xtitle">Follow Me Here B</li> <li class="xauthor">Author Name</li> <li class="xsources_mp3">audio/adg3com_freeform.mp3</li> <li class="xsources_ogg">audio/adg3com_freeform.ogg</li> </ul> <ul> <li class="xtitle">This is Freeform C</li> <li class="xauthor">Author Name</li> <li class="xsources_mp3">audio/wm_follow_me.mp3</li> <li class="xsources_ogg">audio/wm_follow_me.ogg</li> …

Member Avatar for samertaha

see this [html page](http://jsfiddle.net/samertaha/hRTw6/) cant understand why they populated the anchor with text this way : `a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Hide details'));` why not this way with the innerHTML method ?? `a.innerHTML = 'View details';` thanks

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for samertaha

http://jsfiddle.net/samertaha/Y2ULV/ kindly see the visibility sample up here , in the first rows of the javascript , they declared some variables , but i couldnt understand why they declared a variable named toggle with no value or type. thanks. // Get references to page elements and create a link dynamically …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for nouth
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Member Avatar for Siberian

function ty(pcheck) { document.write("I want "+pcheck); } var pcash = 500; ty(pcheck); Can the outside variable have a different name and the function still call it ? I read it can, so when I attempt it, it doesn't work ! function hu () { var one = "today"; var two …

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I want to creat array/s in javascripts. But array/s numbers (how many to arrays to be created) is depend on dropdown div length. I have calculated length of dropdown list using `$("#skill_type_name option").length)` But how to create arrays in javascripts in foor loop. array names can be array1[] array2[] …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kshahnazari

I wanted to start learning to scrap data from web and someone told me to use [htmlunit](http://htmlunit.sourceforge.net/gettingStarted.html) if you go the the website the first page is using java to run the htmlunit and there is no example about how to add the htmlunit jar files to javascript and how …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Siberian

Why won't this object, loop won't write ? function lw (bat,bat2,bat3) { this.bat = bat; this.bat2 = bat2; this.bat3 = bat3; } var what = new lw ("one","two","three"); for (var apple in what) { write(what[apple]+"<br/>"); }

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for gotboots

Hi all, I have recently made a ajax script that works completely. It updates the database as required on click of the FU anchor. In the middle of the form I also have a yes | no option that copies the billing address to the shipping address, which also works. …

Member Avatar for Ralf_1
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

I m new to javascript and I m little bit confused on how does a webpage read the actual script. let's say I have the folowing code: <script> vrijeme = document.getElementById("Label7").innerText; minute = vrijeme.substring(0, 2); sekunde = vrijeme.substring(3, vrijeme.length); alert("fuck you"); var start_time=setInterval(secondFunction, 1000); function secondFunction() { sekunde = sekunde …

Member Avatar for [NOPE]FOREVER
Member Avatar for RobotFX

So I'm trying to use a free service to get the visitor's location and redirect them to the proper page. The problem is that these free services don't always work; freegeoip has a limit of 10000 requests per day and I'm not sure about telize. What I want to do …

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Member Avatar for sussy123

I am baffled at this webform on my responsive site which works perfectly fine in all iOSdevices and android tablets. However on android smartphones, specifically samsung s3/s4 -when the text box is clicked- the keyboard appears for less than a second then suddenly disappears. Should a set focus rule be …

Member Avatar for [NOPE]FOREVER
Member Avatar for Priti_P

I have formatted a string date into date format by using <script type="text/javascript"> var st = "26-04-2013"; var pattern = /(\d{2})\-(\d{2})-(\d{4})/; var dt = new Date(st.replace(pattern,'$3-$2-$1')); alert(dt); </script> and it's output is `Fri Apr 26 2013 05:30:00 GMT+0530 (IST)` but I want out put as `2013-04-26` how can i do …

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Member Avatar for Christian Joy

i am making an online quiz that has a countdown timer plugin: https://code.google.com/p/jquery-countdown/source/browse/trunk/js/jquery.countdown.js?r=3 everything is fine but if the user log out or close the browser then the timer will reset back to the default given time. i would like to know how to get the value of the timer …

Member Avatar for Affable zaki

I am using upload services and i have to use a request over http due to which IE gives me "Mixed Content" popup. My client do not want this. Is there any way to hide or handle it through java script or in Jquerry or C#? Additional Info: Web Application …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for rahulroshan

Hi I want to rename Image in this script after downloading ,now it downloads as default Want to rename it to x.png Any help appreciated Saw a way via PHPserver,but Im using JAVA App <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://canvg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/rgbcolor.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://canvg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/canvg.js"></script> <script> function getImgData(chartContainer) { var chartArea = chartContainer.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0].parentNode; …

Member Avatar for nadiam

maybe i need to be more specific in where i post my questions coz i posted one in web development. so ill reiterate im trying out this cloning and toggling thing to see if they could work together. ive got a table like so: <table class="StateTable" rules="all" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <thead> …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hi There, I had a multidimentional array with values. I wanted to convert it into JSON I tried it with : `json=JSON.stringify(skill_array);` But it gave me output as below: [["Language","C++","0","1","May 2014","ascasc"],["DataBase","C++","0","1","May 2014","ascasc"],["Language","C++","0","1","May 2014","ascasc"]] SO how can i convert it into JSON? in Javascript

Member Avatar for Priti_P
Member Avatar for nadiam

what i want to do is show form based on the value of a dropdown list. like if value 2 then what appears is two forms of the same form. example: <div> How many? <select name="options"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> </select> </div> <div id="test"> </div> <form id="form1"> <table> …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello There, Basically I want to print table from javascript. I have a multidimenational array global_arrayLength is lenght of that array In form I have defined an table with below code <div class='box1' id='show_this' name='show_this'> <div id='information-table'><table id='myTable'><tr bgcolor=#ff9966 id='0'> <td>Skill</td> <td>Skill Type</td> <td>Total Experience Year</td> <td>Total Experience months</td> <td>Last …

Member Avatar for Priti_P

The End.