15,127 Topics
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hi guys im trying to login to a webstie just with sending requests to the server . the website has a login form which is this : <form id="Form1" onsubmit="return Form1_onsubmit()" style="direction: rtl; text-align: right" action="./17717417412" method="post" name="Form1"> <input id="__VIEWSTATE" type="hidden" value="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...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" name="__VIEWSTATE"> <input id="__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR" type="hidden" value="C792DAE2" name="__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR"> <input id="__EVENTVALIDATION" … | |
Hey, is there any way to get this: `$(document).on('keyup', "*[data-field='quantity'],*[data-field='price']", function(e){` to run whenever there's a change the whole table? At the moment it only changes on the keyup in the [data-field='quantity'] and [data-field='price']. But thing is I have a button to delete a row, and once ones deleted it … | |
Hello everyobody, I'm trying to do a presentation of MD5 algorithm in my class. I would like to give an example of md5 hash in every programming language. I found a useful website like http://md5-sha.com/ a with examples in all other languages, but i still want to present Java too … | |
I am trying to call a method in a javascript class when a button is clicked. My test program is below. I've tried a number of things based on what I've found on the internet, but I can't get it to work. I would appreciate any help you can give … | |
The website weblup(dot)net/templates/template3 looks 100% correct on the computer thusfar. The overflow is hidden and you can't see the mobile menu bar or the pictures that slide in. But when opened on the phone you can scroll over, and see where the mobile menu is and where the next photo … | |
I need to open this pptx-file. Can anyone help me with that? http://www.filedropper.com/testfileq9 Made in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 and cannot been seen or open with any applications... If it can't be open, how can I fix the file. | |
[http://jsfiddle.net/re2af/193/](http://jsfiddle.net/re2af/193/) Does anyonw know how I can add some pre-filled data to this table? I've commented what I'm trying to do but bascially: Click add item button > creates new row with prefilled data (eg test - test - 1 - 1 - £1) > adds the whole thing to … | |
I am dynamically adding Child DIVs to a Parent DIV, but appendChild() inserts the new child DIV at the end and I want new insertions to be at the top. I understand inserBefore(), but initially there are no children in the DIV. Is ther an easy way to do this? | |
How to create radio button using JavaScript | |
Hi In my table , I have date of birth value like 1991/10/21, I want to display that date of birth like: 21/10/1991(Twentynineth October One thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine) date of birth in numbers and in Characters also. How to do that, it has to do dynamically? | |
if user select on first select menu then it display a table if user select second select menu then it display paragraph both are show on same page so any one suggest me some jquery code . | |
Ok so im looking to create a simple booking system as part of my Final Year Project. I have a locally hosted mySQL database created and linked to using php. I have created a databse called reservations with 3 tablels (Available, reserves and confirms). Basically what I am looking to … | |
Please help me how to do click button to display select box. at the same time add and remove select box | |
Hi All, I have written small slideshow script in Javascript with slice effect. I did functunality such pause function on mouseover. but when i mouseover the slide it crashes (if slice effect had gone it stops normally). what may be the problem. can anyone help me plzzz. Thanks in advance. … | |
Please how do I reload a PHP function in a div using jquery? Any idea? | |
Hey guys, been a while since I've been here, but still the best source for help. Hoping you guys can help me with a checkbox/radio button scenario. HTML... <div style='margin-bottom:5px;'> <div style='float:left;width:49%;text-align:left;'><input class='toppingChecked' type='checkbox' id='top-".$row['id']."' value='".$row['topping']."' /> ".$row['topping']."</div> <div style='float:left;width:7%' class='lblLeft'> <input type='radio' class='css-checkboxLeft countToppingSelect' name='top-".$row['id']."' id='top-left-".$row['id']."' value='Cheese' /> <label … | |
So I have my PHP code here: $r = new HttpRequest('https://api.worldoftanks.com/wot/auth/login/', HttpRequest::METH_POST); $r->addPostFields(array('application_id' => 'e991ff783ae65f1ceefd1036211e5772', 'redirect_uri' => 'http://www.wotclanbuilder.com', 'nofollow' => 1)); try{ $result = $r->send()->getBody(); $json = json_decode($result); $url = json_encode($json->data->location); echo $url; } catch (HttpException $ex) { echo $ex; } and my Ajax code here: // AJAX Code To … | |
i have an echo statement. which am looping columns. and i want to use this onerror command <img src="http://subinsb.com/to-an-image" onerror="this.src='img/delogo.jpg';"/> but not working. how do i do this. thanks echo ' <div class="col-lg-5 col-md-5 col-xs-12"> <h4 class="font_head_check">' . $title . '<span class="box_type_unik">For Sale</span></h4> <p class="font_check">' . $town . '</p> <span … | |
I have the below data and I would like to find out how many sets I have and how to access each key value pair in javaScript. response[ {"RECORD_NUM":967,"DATE_FIELD":"1736-01-19","DESCRIPTION":"James Watt, inventor of the steam engine, was born in Scotland."}, {"RECORD_NUM":1002,"DATE_FIELD":"1747-01-19","DESCRIPTION":"Johann Bode founder of \"Bode's Law \" dies"}, {"RECORD_NUM":1111,"DATE_FIELD":"1770-01-19","DESCRIPTION":"Battle of Golden … | |
This [script](https://jsfiddle.net/WildWind/cnbj069x/17/) won't change the image id when the browser width is 320 ? I'm hoping someone can help ? | |
Hi , I need a calculation method to calculate multiple marks for an Individual students. Based on standard id and section id I showed list of students, and subjects dynamically, so that, for each student n number of subjects will display. When entering marks, for each student and for all … | |
I have been working on a web application that requires a calendar that will display events along with information about them. I have been using the full calendar API to handle the calendar for me. But I whenever I have an event that spans across multiple days the calendar does … | |
Greetings, I am developing a backend website using ASP.NET. I had a 3 GridView controls within the page. I am using the jQuery to add a CSS class to third column of the 3 GridViews when the page in ready as I tried to add this class by setting the … | |
In a site I am working on two of the pages have an iframe being loaded. [code] <IFRAME id="someid" src="http://www.trailblz.info/barkleydean/signup.aspx?rd=http://www.senatorbarkley.com/signup-thank-you.htm" width="700" height="1400" frameborder="0" scrolling="No" style="position: relative; width: 700px; height: 1400px" target="_blank"> </IFRAME> [/code] This works fine but the "Thank you" page loads at the top of the frame but the … | |
Hi In a form, I have two divs like in left and right but only one submit button . I don`t know how to save in submit action. Submit button has to come in center. Here I included my code . Check and tell me <form action="usersave.php"> <!-- class="form-horizontal form-label-left"--> … | |
Hi Guys, Happy new year for everybody. Look i'm trying to achive a goal to load iframe on bootstrap modal dinamical. Like i just want the iframe src be called just when modal is opened. Because the src url is coming from database, and in some page there more than … | |
I have a rss feed project that I am working on Question: I would like to know if there is a way of only displaying 5 result at a time. Currently it displays over 10 [Codepen Example](http://codepen.io/riwakawebsitedesigns/pen/mVMEmO) $(document).ready(function() { url = 'http://codepen.io/riwakawebsitedesigns/public/feed/'; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: document.location.protocol + '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/load?v=1.0&num=1000&callback=?&q=' + … | |
Is it possible to update "only the markers" instead of updating the whole map and markers... as the long lat updated in mysql database. Anything that I need to modified on the script below. <? $dbname =''; //Name of the database $dbuser =''; //Username for the db $dbpass =''; //Password … | |
Hello, Just created a website and want some animations so i used keframe animation in order to do so on 1 row I made an animation for the portfolio to scroll up and stop right there but it goes again at the starting point like 1 to 100 once on … | |
Hi Guys Im trying to search in a textbox on my form and its value will load on the table. But I cannot get how, and also what should I use, I only know PHP and simple Javascript, Please help me. I only want to know on how can I … |
The End.