15,127 Topics
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<script type='text/javascript' src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.4.min.js'></script> <div id="navcontainer"> <ul id="navlist"> <li><a href="#">Item one</a></li> <li><a href="#">Item two</a></li> <li><a href="#">Item three</a></li> <li><a href="#">Item four</a></li> <li><a href="#">Item five</a></li> </ul> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#navlist li').click(function(){ $('#navlist li').hide(); $(this).show(); }); }); </script> This hides li except clicked one. How to show all li again when clicked on … | |
Hi, I have a icon which on mouseover action i'm changing to another icon little bigger and with a tooltip. This icon is placed inside a table row before the text data. When mouseover happens it moves the text data to right and new icon is displayed. I dont want … | |
How are you, I need to write the follwoing code in JavaScript. I Thank you in advance. <script language = "VBScript"> Dim days(7) days(0) = "Sunday" days(1) = "Monday" days(2) = "Tuesday" days(3) = "Wednesday" days(4) = "Thursday" days(5) = "Friday" days(6) = "Saturday" Sub SetDay (day) Daybox.value = "You … | |
Hi, I have a VB.net program in which there is a checkbox and a textbox. The textbox contains a name or a user and by default the checkbox is on checked=true, now, I want the checkbox checked to be false, whenever the user change the text inside the textbox without … | |
Hi guys, Can anyone help me figure out a bug in ie9 i'm having? I'm on a mac and using parallels to run ie9 and its a pain in the neck as I can't get firebug lite working to help debug with this. Anyway http://test.cafemamboibiza.com/en on the right hand side … | |
i've got a project to be done using javascript and html....i don't know how to pass the arguments from <input type="text"> to the javascript function i'm using in my program. i just want the javascript script to calculate the input given by the user and return the answer. here is … | |
Hi there, Can anyone think why my jQuery panoramic plugin (http://test.cafemamboibiza.com/en/ibiza#ui-tabs-4) will only let me scroll once and not click to scroll again inside my site even though when i have it standalone (http://test.cafemamboibiza.com/pan.html) it works as expected. It seems to let me scroll around once perfectly but once that … | |
I'm using following latest files, jquery.min.js jquery-ui.js When I create javascript functions based on above both files, that works well on localhost, but as I upload them to server for become online it goes slower 'n slower 'n slower. Why scripts goes slow on effects? I have tried multiple hosting … | |
Hi does anyone know how i can change the following code so that if theres no checkboxes selected the error message will show. function checkAllArtists() { var checkedValue=document.gridForm.checkAll.checked; for (var i=0; i<document.gridForm.elements.length; i++) if (document.gridForm.elements[i].type=="checkbox") document.gridForm.elements[i].checked=checkedValue; } function countChecked() { if (document.gridForm.checkAll.checked <=0) alert("Please select an artist"); return true; } … | |
Hi, I have attached a .html document and a text file, which is used as a input. This is a very basic website and its working fine in mozilla and chrome but not working on IE. Whenever a refresh button is clicked it loads data in debug area and Generate … | |
basically i am checking if i am in the same url as the page and i want to refresh the page only once,but whenever i try it keep refreshing infinitively place='/development/petersburg'; var pathname=window.location.pathname; if((pathname==place)){ window.location.reload();//reload the page } help!! how can i limit this page to refresh only once if … | |
Hi all my name is codingcon and i just joined daniweb :), i am new to the the javascript language and only have the basics down. Ihave this idea that i want to make and i just dont know how to do this one thing. basically i wanna know how … | |
hi, I have a problem with my javascript function.. this the code <?php include("include/connection.php"); if(isset($_GET['id'])){ if(isset($_COOKIE["users_resolution"])){ $resWidth = $_COOKIE["users_resolution"]-17; }else{ echo "<script language='javascript'>"; echo "writeCookie();"; echo "function writeCookie()"; echo "{"; echo "var today = new Date();"; echo "var the_date = new Date('December 31, 2023');"; echo "var the_cookie_date = the_date.toGMTString();"; echo … | |
I have an iframe that opens within another page. On the iframe there is a button that when clicked opens a region with a number of fields for the user to input. What is meant to happen is that the region opens and the whole resizes so that the data … | |
<script type="text/javascript"> function validate(evt) { var theEvent = evt || window.event; var key = theEvent.keyCode || theEvent.which; key = String.fromCharCode(key); var regex = /[0-9]|\./; if (!regex.test(key)) { theEvent.returnValue = false; alert("Only Numeric is Allowed"); if (theEvent.preventDefault) theEvent.preventDefault(); } } </script> > Hello, > > I'm using the above script for … | |
$query =("SELECT * FROM products"); $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $id=$row['id']; $title=$row['ProductTitle']; echo"$title<br>"; } This gives list of products. How to create and display new div with `width:250px;height:250px;overflow:scroll;` when clicked on product title to show product details. How to check second product details without closing previously open … | |
I have a php foreach loop that displays a span element with a name in it, and an associated input field for each item in the array being iterated through. There is an onclick so that the value is passed to the associated input field: <span onclick="setAuthor(this)">name</span> Here is the … | |
Hello people, I am future web designer and want to learn PHP and javascript, i already know a little javasctipt but i have never touched PHP. I need 2 books: one for PHP and one for javascript, money is not a problem... I saw some books "PRO JS for web … | |
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var ele = $('#scroll'); var speed = 25, scroll = 5, scrolling; $('#scroll-up').mouseenter(function() { // Scroll the element up scrolling = window.setInterval(function() { ele.scrollTop( ele.scrollTop() - scroll ); }, speed); }); $('#scroll-down').mouseenter(function() { // Scroll the element down scrolling = … | |
Hello, Here is my Project i need to show the Model Popup (Gridview) ... I found My code is Correct , But i don't Understand That why is not showing while run time.. here is the Desgin Code... Please Let Me tel What the mistake i've committed over here .. … | |
Hello, I am trying to parse a string using regular expressions. This string can potentially have any number of non-alphanumeric characters acting as delimiters. These delimiters can also be grouped together. Here are some examples of the data: 00923:5342:123 --> I want to extract 00923, 5342 and 123 into an … | |
Hi all, I am new to web development. So please be easy on me and try and explain somethings in detail. I am building a edit page for something else I am building. It is all PHP driven with a MySQL database. Well anyway my boss want a inline on … | |
var arr = new Array(); arr = document.getElementsByClassName("repestyl2"); var index = 0; while(index !== arr.length){ if(arr[index].innerHTML.indexOf("Eck") >= 0){ arr[index].removeNode(true); arr[index].parentNode.removeChild(arr[index]); index++; } Is this code ok? Because I can't get it to work :) Simple question :P Thanks :) Maybe I should use for-each o.O | |
I am using jQuery and Ajax to add items to a shopping cart and in all areas of the site apart from one it works fine and I cannot for the life of me work out why this one area isn't working. The form code (which is the same as … | |
I need to retrieve a valeu from a select in html like on this [Link Anchor Text](http://www.saxoprint.co.uk/shop/folded-leaflets.aspx/) and calculate the price can anyone help me? | |
I want to make a checkbox to control two textfield The checkbox default checked and two textfield default disabled When user uncheck the checkbox , These two textfield do not disabled. How can I write the script? | |
Hi, I have a icon which on mouseover action i'm changing to another icon little bigger and with a tooltip. This icon is placed inside a table row before the text data. When mouseover happens it moves the text data to right and new icon is displayed. Instead of that … | |
Ok, so I have a bunch of scripts that I created, and by themselves they work perfectly, but I am trying to use a load more script, basically like I have below. Now the problem is I have put all of my "scripts" into a load more div, because if … | |
I have created the following code. I want people to drag the objects that are recycleable in the bin and a message to pop up that says "yes, you can recycle this". The others would have a remark that says something like "no, you cannot recycle this". At the end. … | |
Hi there, I would like to make kind of a menu/content like it is on this site: [homebroker.pl/oferty_pracy/wyslij_cv/1](https://homebroker.pl/oferty_pracy/wyslij_cv/1) When you click "zobacz" it expand smooth. Do I have to use some jQuery code to do this? |
The End.