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452 Posted Topics
Re: I think therefore I am not. Only when the mind is silent, I am. - Unknown | |
Re: Where do you set $id? Just print your query (echo $query;) and check if all data is in there. | |
Re: So is this an informative article or a question? :) If it's the first, thanks! And if it's the second, what's the question? ;) | |
Re: You are only passing 3 arguments to your `Get_All_Orderlines_Range()` function, while it needs 4. | |
Re: For example if you have two computers (that are on the same local area network!), the computer with the name "ComputerA" is running XAMPP, and you want to access this XAMPP server from the computer with the name "ComputerB", then here's what you do: On ComputerB, start up your web … | |
Re: This should work: <script> function randomStringToInput(clicked_element) { var self = $(clicked_element); var random_string = generateRandomString(10); $('input[name=emp]').val(random_string); self.remove(); } function generateRandomString(string_length) { var characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; var string = ''; for(var i = 0; i <= string_length; i++) { var rand = Math.round(Math.random() * (characters.length - 1)); var character = characters.substr(rand, … | |
Hello there. I'm at a point where I have to set up a continuous integration environment. I have contributed to projects using CI before, but I have never set it up. I roughly know what it is supposed to do, but I could definitely use some help. In my head … | |
Re: Can you please wrap your code in [ code ] tags for our convenience? ;) As for your question: If you store a password encrypted in your database, you will also have to retrieve it encrypted. So for example if you do this: [CODE]mysql_query('INSERT INTO table (username, password) VALUES ("' … | |
Re: Is it an idea to auto expire a session after x minutes? So for example when a user leaves your website and remains inactive for 10 minutes, after which he returns, your system detects he has been away too long and unsets the session? | |
Re: If you're paying for hosting and if you don't have access to your own MySQL config files, I think you should contact your hosting company and ask them for help. Most solutions that I find on Google (just copy/paste your error into the Google search bar and you'll find plenty) … | |
Re: For starters, I don't see any code where you are actually displaying something that you fetched from your database. | |
Re: It's also the amount of resources that need to be loaded and the complexity of the display. The larger the view that needs to be displayed, the slower it gets. The more content that needs to be downloaded, the slower it gets. At least, for as far as my knowledge … | |
Re: Something like this should be working: <?php $interests = array(); if (!empty($_POST['interests'])) { $interests = $_POST['interests']; } if ($interests) { echo 'Interests:<br>'; foreach ($interests as $i => $interest) { echo 'Interest: ' . $interest . '<br>'; } } else { echo 'No interests submitted.<br>'; } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> … | |
Re: On the first line of your file with the error, type `'use strict'` followed by a newline. That should fix it. Some stuff in Javascript is only supported if you use [strict mode](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Strict_mode). | |
Re: You want to know the value of the `style` attributes? Or? You'd have to write a regex PHP parser for that, or maybe you can do some nice stuff parsing it using Javascript? ![]() | |
Re: You could place your functions inside an anonymous functions like so: (function($) { $('#fancy_jquery_element').doFancyStuff(); })(jQuery); | |
It's cool that you are constantly developing Daniweb, but I feel that it's time to mention some things that I feel are missing since the last overhaul: 1. Can't easily jump to subforums (like "PHP") any more. This isn't really a problem, because I used to just open the "Web … | |
Re: Why don't you use a `JOIN`? :) | |
Re: Depends on what you want to achieve. You don't need to reinvent the wheel but building something yourself from scratch gives you important insights, insights that you will probably need if you want to be a web developer. As soon as you find out how you can make a wheel … ![]() | |
Re: I've cleared up some code for you as it seems to be in random order. Try this out and let us know what the debug messages say, as your code does not appear to be wrong at first glance. <input type="file" name="ft_img" style="margin: 0 !important;"><input type="file" name="download" style="margin: 0 !important;"> … | |
Re: > "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" Kidding, but seriously, if this is a new installation, just reinstall and it will probably fix your problems. | |
Re: Nice one! I think I've learned pretty much all I know about HTML and CSS using that website. | |
Re: Could you formulate that as a full-scentence question? Maybe some context? | |
Re: If you mean the *name* attribute of a meta tag: that's to indicate what the meta tag is indicating ;). | |
Re: Your code with comment: $myarray = array(); $myarray['numbers']=$_POST['numbers']; foreach($myarray as $num){ $numbers=$num; // You aren't creating an array here. You are giving $numbers the value of the CURRENT number in the loop. PLUS your numbers are stored in $myarray['numbers'], not in $myarray ;). } $unique = array_unique($numbers); $output=implode("<br />",$unique); What … | |
Re: Well first thing that comes to mind: did you check if `src/autoload.php` points at something that exists from the directory you're in? :p And do you have permission to read it? | |
Re: What exactly is not working? Are you getting an error? What are you trying to achieve? | |
Re: > nor that every non OOP PHP project isn't great (wow, I hope that triple negative phrase makes sense) +1 ![]() | |
Re: You mean a thesis about the web? Or a thesis built with the web? In either case, I think you will need to come up with at least SOME kind of idea about which you could ask us feedback and/or questions to elaborate on, because we cannot invent the wheel … |
The End.