15,127 Topics
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I have tried my best to find an info about this on the internet, but had no luck, sadly. So I would ask here: Please take a look on this [spam link removed] Can anybody tell me please how to make the same contact form (at the bottom-right corner)? | |
I need some help to add few audio effects to website. I found some examples like following, audioOn: true audio.muted = false setAudioOn true ref: "audio", attrs: { "id": "projects-audio" } }, [_c('source', { attrs: { "src": "/audio/click.mp3" } playAudio: function playAudio() { this.$parent.$refs.clickAudio.volume = 0.8; this.$parent.$refs.clickAudio.play(); }, I need … | |
Hello all, I am trying to understand how to use animation.js: This is what I did: And the result is only HTML text. I expect to see : http://animejs.com/documentation/#functionBasedDuration The first animation appears. I wonder what's lacking. My link to the js is already correct: <html> <head> <script src="anime-master/anime.min.js"></script> <script> … | |
Can you help me to programe a window pop up in my site say in it write your email which code should i use in html and javascript | |
If you viste www.topelven.com you will find a perfect website devloped but till now i can't understand what they code with css can you give me exemple | |
Hello The line of code below works, but I want to use a variable name for the name="1" part alert(document.querySelector('input[name="1"]:checked').value); I currently have an id (string data type) stored in a variable: currentarowID = tbl2.rows[i].id; but I can't work out how to put currentarowID inside the document.querySelector part - so … | |
Hello, I have been searching around the net looking for solutions to my problem, but none have worked. My issue is that when i redirect using: <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=<?php echo $URL; ?>"> The hash tag part of URL gets removed by IE. So example.com/sample#foo will just load as example.com/sample. … | |
Hello friends, I want to develop a online typing tutor using codeigniter......for hindi language (typing in computer with the help of **hindi indic 3** or** hindi indic 2 typing tool**) .......i know the php and codeigniter with css.....please give me guidance to develop it......what language i need to learn.....and how … | |
Hello Guys! Please i need help with my dynamic table, everything seems to be working fine except for my onchange event for each dynamically added row, it only inserts into the first row, but when i select an option from the second added row, the feilds to be updated from … | |
Hi guys, I've got an issue with my angular application, I've got a form which is meant to create a new record (object) and push this object into an array. My set up is the following: I have a book.component.ts whic contains an array of IBooks as such: books: IBook[] … | |
Hello, Check this out - http://loudev.com/ . I would like to add one more button called Select All to select all the email on leftside to move them to the right side. Any clue how to? Thanks in advance. | |
I'm trying to make SSO like [Yandex](http://yandex.ru/) do. How achive authentication without redirect if user has been already authenticated at another service provider? I am working on SAML, but I could not achieve implementation without a redirect. | |
Hello, so I'm trying to create an augmented reality web based app following this tutorial : [Augmented Reality in 10 Lines of HTML](https://medium.com/arjs/augmented-reality-in-10-lines-of-html-4e193ea9fdbf) Im using xampp. The page is there but when I use the hiro image target nothing appears. My code is the same except that i changed the … | |
Hi, I am trying to move from a Xrm.Page code to pulling from a library. I want a notifiction whenever the field value is tagged as needing to be notified. right now the code that works is.... var message = "This person needs to be notified"; function SetANotification() { if … | |
I have a table on my web page that is currently updating with random Data, see below: function changeContent(){ var i = 1; var len = numberRows; var random1 = Math.floor( Math.random() * 90 ) + 10; var random2 = Math.floor( Math.random() * 90 ) + 10; var x=document.getElementById('myTable').rows; var … | |
I have a script for product Invoice which save details of sold product, but it do not update stock quantity when any product sale. Product quantity in stock remain the same which should decrease.. here is the code to save invoice details using for each loop : <?php function saveInvoice( … | |
Hi , i have a collection of html element to render the output , and i wanna change element tag for eg h2 tag to h4 and then send to the render output markup in react js . I can do them in jquery but wanna try in reactjs .some … | |
Hello, I am looking for a new IDE. I am currently using netbeans to develop a website in php/mysql. I like a lot of things about netbeans, but I don't like that it doesn't come with built in compilers/debuggers. You have to manually go and add/link them on a language-by-language … | |
How can I find the parent tr from the closest child tr e.g. from the second child tr, how can I get to the first parent tr? Below is the html table: <table> <tr class="menu"> <td><input type='text' class='parent' value='First Parent'></td> </tr> <tr class="submenu"> <td><input type='text' class='child' value='First Child'> </td> </tr> … | |
I found this script in internet. Is it possible using this script to get the value of dropdown for each row and put it in the textfield. For example, after add row clicked, and dropdown clicked, the value of the dropdown appears in the textfield. Here is the code: <HTML> … | |
There is javascrit functio is calling on button click and this form get created by Iframe i just want to set link to be open in new tab or window top.location.href=queryString; return false; this is redirection link but opening is same page I want this to be open in new … | |
I've this code for my AJAX script $(document).ready(function() { $("#submit").click(function(){ var acc = $("#accountNumber").val(); src = "pass.php"; $.ajax({ url: src, data: 'action=account&type=viewDetail&accNo='+acc, cache: false, type:'GET', success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest){ if(data!=0) { // alert(data); $("#userInfo").html(""); $("#userInfo").css("display","block"); $("#userInfo").append(data); }else { $("#userInfo").html(''); $("#userInfo").append('<span class="alert-red alert-icon">Please Enter correct Account Number.</span>'); $("#userInfo").css("display","block"); } }, error:function(XMLHttpRequest, … | |
Dear Sirs, I have this code to populate a text field: <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload=function() { if (document.getElementById("country")) { document.getElementById("country").onchange=function() { switchme(this); } } } function switchme(SNewSel) { var ind = SNewSel.selectedIndex; var txt = document.getElementById('country_code'); switch (ind) { case 1: txt.value = "+93"; break; case 2: txt.value = "+358"; break; … | |
hello hope you all are going well, so my vacation is comming and i was wondering whta if i did a big project or small project, how hard is it to make my own multivendor website like amazon, i would like to do everything like the code in php, the … | |
Dear Sirs, The below script is working fine on IE but notin Mozilla, could anyone help on this to be working on Mozilla as well? [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> window.onload=function() { if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById("country").onchange=function() { switchme(this); } } } function switchme(SNewSel) { var ind = SNewSel.selectedIndex; var txt = document.getElementById('country_code'); switch … | |
Hello everyone , well am using a script with javascript that gives me some values , that i decided storing in a var JSON : {"user_IP":"192.168.*.**","page_name":"Nous suivre","path_name":"/test/suiv.html","nbre_visites":"3"} //var s=JSON.stringify(cookieso); //document.getElementById("affichage").innerHTML = s; the thing , is that i wish i could store directly on my database : P.S i m … | |
Hello .Im a final year student in bachelor of science computer in web technology. I need your suggestion for my final year project title.Do you have any related ideas? | |
I have 3 tabs on this page http://fiftyallstars.com/tabs.html that I'm trying to target with 3 distinct direct links. Is it possible to have a script read an appended URL to remove/add the necessary active class to achieve the results I'm attempting to achieve. Any other suggestions would be great as … |
The End.