15,688 Topics
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Hi, In my application two fields are the user id and user name,i want to show the user name and user id along with other details in a html table. user id is a numeric dropdown menu and user name is text only.How can i show the specfic record in … | |
I have a very standard code where I use a CRUD interface on my Database. The issue is that every attempt I made to redraw/update the table with the new data [ $('.table').DataTable().draw(); ] has failed miserably. Here is my targeted code: function manageData(key) { var name = $("#countryName"); var … | |
Hello I have java Script code was working but it crash in line 44 it says: > 437anxious.html:44 Uncaught ReferenceError: Particle is not defined at animate (anxious.html:44) My questions is " Particle is not define !! why it war defined and was working fine!! but i tried to play with … | |
On my page https://fiftyallstars.com/50/curriculum.html , I have some basketball drills loading from a google spreadsheet of mine. Only thing is after it loads, I can't seem to get the datepicker to show today's date. My players get confused by having to select the date each time, and I'd rather it … | |
Hello i'm to make a vacations script calculator <div id="content"> <form class="form-container"> <input class="emri" type="text" placeholder="Name"> <input class="mbiemri" type="text" placeholder="Last Name"> <input class="Vendosni-Datelindjen" type="text" placeholder="Birthday"> <select class="drop-down-select"> <option selected="selected" value="Select Zone">Select Zone</option> <option value="Zone A">Zone A</option> <option value="Zone B">Zone B</option> </select> <select class="drop-down-select"> <option selected="selected" value="Nr of persons">Nr of persons</option> … | |
I’ve created animated `rect` shape with **greensock**. It's not working on jsfiddle so created on [codepen](https://codepen.io/anon/pen/PdezOj) I’ve three shapes. I need help with following, 1. make it 100% height & width of viewport 2. it stops for a while before repeating, move `rect` without any gaps 3. they bacomes one … | |
hai all, i want to convert indian rupees into words, is there any function in javascript or any useful links are appreciated.. how to convert indian rupees to words for ex 234.45=Two hundred thirty four rupees and fourty five paise only. this want for any number upto billions.. | |
1) What I'm trying to do: Uploading a file with aws s3 and then taking the filename and filetype and placing it at the end of the url to save it in sql so that every time the person logs in, it will pull the picture up by user image … | |
I'm a newbie in php and I want to create a single login page for Admin and user.When admin log in it should go to an admin page and when user log it shoult go to index page.I want help with my code, it works fine login normal users but … | |
Borders are animating one after one. Need help to animate all borders at same time Here is running example [jsfiddle](https://jsfiddle.net/npLsm0j2/) **CSS** * { padding: 0; margin: 0; outline: none !important; } body { background: #E0D4D4; overflow: hidden; } .borders { height: 100vh; width: 100vw; position: absolute; display: inline-block; z-index: 1; … | |
I'm trying to figure out why some of the ajax tabs are not working. The first two tabs work, the third through 5th tabs do not work when you click on them. | |
Hello, In my project I have a form with many inputs and one object is using DropzoneJS to attach files. Since I store all the inputs when I post the form I need somehow to read the file names of the uploaded files in my server, currently I can only … | |
Hi 1.am able to run using XAMPP on PC. When i run from my board, am not getting proper data. I mean it is not fetching the file index_1.txt.html and index_1.txt file are available in same path in sd card. Anything wrong 2.Instead of using second argument with file name, … | |
Greetings, Trying to understand how to load from a master menu (UL-LI styled) different external html files into multiple DIV s all on the same page. I have a note taking system that runs offline that uses html5 css3 and frames. It uses 2 rows and 4 columns for the … | |
I have tried my best to find an info about this on the internet, but had no luck, sadly. So I would ask here: Please take a look on this [spam link removed] Can anybody tell me please how to make the same contact form (at the bottom-right corner)? | |
I need some help to add few audio effects to website. I found some examples like following, audioOn: true audio.muted = false setAudioOn true ref: "audio", attrs: { "id": "projects-audio" } }, [_c('source', { attrs: { "src": "/audio/click.mp3" } playAudio: function playAudio() { this.$parent.$refs.clickAudio.volume = 0.8; this.$parent.$refs.clickAudio.play(); }, I need … | |
Hello all, I am trying to understand how to use animation.js: This is what I did: And the result is only HTML text. I expect to see : http://animejs.com/documentation/#functionBasedDuration The first animation appears. I wonder what's lacking. My link to the js is already correct: <html> <head> <script src="anime-master/anime.min.js"></script> <script> … | |
Can you help me to programe a window pop up in my site say in it write your email which code should i use in html and javascript | |
If you viste www.topelven.com you will find a perfect website devloped but till now i can't understand what they code with css can you give me exemple | |
Hello The line of code below works, but I want to use a variable name for the name="1" part alert(document.querySelector('input[name="1"]:checked').value); I currently have an id (string data type) stored in a variable: currentarowID = tbl2.rows[i].id; but I can't work out how to put currentarowID inside the document.querySelector part - so … | |
Hey everyone, I'm at a stand still at this bit of code. Ultimately, I want to "expand"/slide down a class to show the rest of the hidden content (the list items with the class of ".hide") inside of that containing div. Sliding down the prices, hr line, and the "Get … | |
Hello, I have been searching around the net looking for solutions to my problem, but none have worked. My issue is that when i redirect using: <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=<?php echo $URL; ?>"> The hash tag part of URL gets removed by IE. So example.com/sample#foo will just load as example.com/sample. … | |
Hello friends, I want to develop a online typing tutor using codeigniter......for hindi language (typing in computer with the help of **hindi indic 3** or** hindi indic 2 typing tool**) .......i know the php and codeigniter with css.....please give me guidance to develop it......what language i need to learn.....and how … | |
Hello Guys! Please i need help with my dynamic table, everything seems to be working fine except for my onchange event for each dynamically added row, it only inserts into the first row, but when i select an option from the second added row, the feilds to be updated from … | |
Hi guys, I've got an issue with my angular application, I've got a form which is meant to create a new record (object) and push this object into an array. My set up is the following: I have a book.component.ts whic contains an array of IBooks as such: books: IBook[] … | |
Hello, Check this out - http://loudev.com/ . I would like to add one more button called Select All to select all the email on leftside to move them to the right side. Any clue how to? Thanks in advance. | |
I'm trying to make SSO like [Yandex](http://yandex.ru/) do. How achive authentication without redirect if user has been already authenticated at another service provider? I am working on SAML, but I could not achieve implementation without a redirect. | |
Hello, so I'm trying to create an augmented reality web based app following this tutorial : [Augmented Reality in 10 Lines of HTML](https://medium.com/arjs/augmented-reality-in-10-lines-of-html-4e193ea9fdbf) Im using xampp. The page is there but when I use the hiro image target nothing appears. My code is the same except that i changed the … | |
The End.