15,127 Topics
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i want to make a pop window like in javascript, when a user enters invalid username or password, a window appears requesting valid information. how can i do that please? | |
Why isn't this [loop](http://jsfiddle.net/WildWind/8GY37/) working ? | |
This is a pretty darn simple snippet that I learned from a site (don't remember the name). This is just the working Javascript which i managed to "easily" replicate :P Hopefully this will be useful for you guys. Note, this won't graph anything unless you have the html/css (i didn't … | |
I have a link that once clicked is suppose to make a div visible. So far it does but it only makes the div visible for a second then it returns to being invisible. I gave the div the value `display:none;` in Css and the javascript gives it the value … | |
I have a function that calls a php script to update cart items (cookie). When I have multiple items in the cart I use a loop that calls my function. function updateCart(ur){ $.ajax({ url: ur, success: function(data){ console.log(data); } }); } I think this is firing too fast or something. … | |
this JS code goes towards a plugin for my forum. the user-code for the smileys is supplied from a <span>user-code</span> or dictionary object as: "{':\\)':'http://somedomain.com/smile.gif',':\\(':'http://somedomain.com/frown.gif'}" ^while this is user-code, a GUI replaces the textarea containing this, so the user doesn't get to see this code. as for the code that … | |
Hello, How can I modify contents of a web page (like text) and have it stay that way locally, even after refreshing and reloading the page from a hyperlink? I know you can use Javascript to modify information in a web page, but that is only temporary. I want to … | |
I'm working on a website with a sign-up form. I've been able to perform validation without page reload, printing appropriate error messages.However i'm trying to implement an interface i've seen on a couple of websites, where a user is guided to fill certain fields like password that come with restrictions, … | |
Heya all, I'm trying to render a histogram of relative frequencies using D3 in combination with AJAX. Now i'm getting all my data correctly, but when i try to draw my chart, the first 2 bars are missing. The only error i'm getting on both firefox's and chrome's javascript console … | |
Can someone explain this what it is doing? if ( condition1 && condition2 && condition3 && condition4 && condition5 ) { code } It doesn't do what I want it to do but this does. if ( condition1 ) { if ( condition2 ) { if ( condition3 ) { … | |
I am trying to create a way so that I can collect 5 points within the (x,y) format. Then, I want to take those points and plot them on a coordinate plane. I am not sure how to write this, espicially when I am only planning on PHP. I have … | |
I want the script, when the event is clicked, animate the div into view, only unless the div is clicked. Is the follow script in the right direction ? $("#open").click(function() { .animate(easeInOutBounce) )}; | |
hello sir, can i use ajax in textarea for showing hints from within a file..i think web development forums used this technique for tgging the posts... | |
Hi! I have now learned how to write to and read from .txt files on my server via [B]php[/B], but is it possible to do this with [B]JavaScript[/B]? :icon_question: Like that JavaScript writes to the .txt file every second without needing the user to refresh the page to write or … | |
I am trying to create a event listener function, which can render table from drawVisualisation(), when the page loads, but when I click on the controls[[categoryPicker(**dropdownist**), stringFilter(**textbox**)]], as the controls filter the data. When the user passes the filter, i would like the data to be filtered and render table … | |
Hello, I am using Yii framwork. What I want to do is, I have a dropdown and one button. on button click, i want to send selected value of dropdown in url. <div class='box'> Change to another Skill Type<br> // IT IS DROPDOWN WITH VALUES AND ID of this input … | |
How can I prevent the user from typing in a date or anything else in the <input> element connected with a jQuery datepicker ? | |
hello everybody; up to what level can I use javascript (taking advantage of the strength of phonegap or Titanium) to create an android application. ex 1:can I create or run a service (in the android sense) !!! ?? or can I access to the GSM properties like provide package android.telephony.gsm. … | |
Hey guys, I am back from the dead (i don't mean it literaly)... I was working on a graphing calculator and I stumbled onto a random problem, which i know is really simple, but I constantly keep over working it (and now I am tired...) to the wrong direction. In … | |
I've recently upgraded to Windows 8.1 and IE 11. When testing my PHP/html/Javascript code, using Xampp, various display and processing errors occur. For example: a particular javascript function doesn't seem to even get get invoked; the javascript return function works differently; icons don't display correctly, etc. When I put the … | |
I have an string get to url as : TP.+H%E1%BB%93+Ch%C3%AD+Minh . I want convert of utf-8 format. | |
When mouse is moved in right direction, move follower in left direction, when mouse is moved in bottom direction, move follower in top direction Simply move `#follower` in opposite direction of mouse move events (move fullscreen div) var mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0; $(document).mousemove(function(e){ mouseX = e.pageX; mouseY = … | |
Hello, I am definitely a beginner. I need some help with this application. I need to be able to have an alert box pop up and as the user 'Enter degrees in Fahrenheit\n Or enter 999 to end entries'. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Thank you … | |
Hi Daniweb, I have a checkbox that is dynamically generated using php using inputs on previous pages. <form name=partselect action="JavaScript:checkmate()" method="post"> <table> <?php while(oci_fetch($stmtgp)){ $idpart = oci_result($stmtgp, "PART_ID"); $stmtparts = oci_parse($conn, "select * from PARTS where PARTID='".$idpart."'"); $execparts = oci_execute($stmtparts); if(!$execparts){ echo 'unable to fetch part'; } oci_fetch($stmtparts); $tpartcost = … | |
i want to redirect forms like bit.ly/XXX and bbc.in/XXX into bitly.com/XXX, can anyone write a greasymonkey script here? thanks a lot. | |
When mouse is on image display one value from array inside **thought** div's span. Show next value each time. When values ends start with first value [something like this](http://jsfiddle.net/W4fm9/) , but when hover on image var arrValues = [ "one", "two", "three" ]; <img src="images/thinker.png" /> <div class="thought"><span></span></div> | |
Hallo, How to create a check mark (V) if status is enable and a cross mark (x) if status is disable. I basically trying to create a CMS for an article. Therefore, if the article is not viewable by others (disable x) or viewable (enable V). Lol. I don't know … | |
I have a simple menu like this **HTML** <div> <ul> <li> <a href="#">Demo</a> </li> <li> <a href="#">Demo2</a> </li> <li> <a href="#">Demo3</a> </li> <li> <a href="#">Demo4</a> </li> <li> <a href="#">Demo5</a> </li> </ul> </div> **CSS** ul li:nth-child(1){border-top:4px solid red;} ul li:nth-child(2){border-top:4px solid pink;} ul li:nth-child(3){border-top:4px solid blue;} ul li:nth-child(4){border-top:4px solid orange;} Now … | |
[www.unitedinblue.com](http://www.unitedinblue.com) There's a lot of JS and ajax and extra scripts and things (far as I can tell at a first look) on this website, some of which don't even seem to serve any purpose. If you look in the source (via Inspect Element, not actually viewing the page source, … | |
there are two properties for my bike method.front gear and rear gear.i want another property which will be a new property called gear ratio property which can be obtained by multiplying front and rear gear numbers.the code i have written giving continuous error.how it can be fixed. <html> <head> </head> … |
The End.