15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for SamJoe1

Hello! I would be grateful if somebody can advise me how I can build site same as [url]http://www.guide2marbella.com/property/[/url], namely, I want to creat same search form on my site where I can search items by location, etc. I am very new to web development and know only HTML and CSS. …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for vky.waqas

[B][B]Hello, i have a form with multiple text boxes jqgrid and a search button. on search button click, i want my jqgrid loads according to the filters that i have passed in text boxes. how can i meet this requirement.[/B][/B]

Member Avatar for Behseini

Hi Everyone I am trying to modify a jquery plugin ([URL="http://jqueryfordesigners.com/jquery-infinite-carousel/"]Infinite Carousel[/URL]) to present some boxes instead of a plain image content. Here is the [URL="http://www.geoca.com/Sample/index.html"]Demo[/URL] I m not sure if this is more styling or scripting issue but I am encountering with tow problems as: 1 - Contents of …

Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Hi All! I'm working on a web application, JSP, where a user selects the text with the mouse in html. I want this text to be inserted in a MySQL database as a java string using prepareStatement in Java and executeupdate. Example: String querystring = "INSERT INTO mySelectedTextTable(selectedTextWithMouse) VALUES (?)"; …

Member Avatar for softDeveloper
Member Avatar for kutchbhi

[CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> aLabe = document.getElementById('alabel') ; function init(){ aLabe.innerHTML= "asdf" ; } </script> <body onload="init()"> <div id="container"> <div id="header" > Google maps Intro 1</div> <div id="alabel">Yo!!</div> <div id="map_canvas"></div> </div> </body> [/CODE]In the above,line 4 throws an aLabe is null error. Why is this? isn't aLabe a global var which …

Member Avatar for kutchbhi
Member Avatar for rukshilag

my code has a print button and when that is clicked i want a new window to open up wit a list of details that the user edits. that is all the data of the form. (only the values) how do i do this?

Member Avatar for dean8710
Member Avatar for raphie

I would like to add an advanced print form into a customer web site. They have an online web form but they also want to have the form break apart into sections as PDF files so it's distributor print out only the sections they need. The full order form is …

Member Avatar for dean8710
Member Avatar for sunny124

Hi, I am trying to make a round corners script in object oriented programming method. This is purely for learning purposes. The script is no where near complete but I am already having problems with it. I am trying out the techniques described in 'David Flanagan ' text book 'JavaScript: …

Member Avatar for sunny124
Member Avatar for naveedqadri

Dear Experts, Thanks for your help and Time. I have an application in asp.net , i am using HTML code , JavaScript and CSS there. My application is also creating pdf file. 20 days back , My reports comming up with out background color or you can Say with out …

Member Avatar for naveedqadri
Member Avatar for jacob501

Hi. I am making a python program that automatically enters information into a form on a website. I looked at a module called mechanize at first but then I realized that it didn't support javascript. Is there any way to take a piece of information and insert it into a …

Member Avatar for jacob501
Member Avatar for Pravinrasal

I want to make following type of animation of balls how can I create I didn't have more knowledge in JavaScript but i want this very urgently [url]http://www.kidneypatientguide.org.uk/site/HDanim.php[/url] this is link please click on play button in movie and wait for 10-15 sec. thank u

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for haimz

Hello :) I need to get the selection position by js and make sure that this code work for all the browsers. For example, the user selected this text (red text is selected): [B]He[COLOR="Red"]llo wor[/COLOR]ld[/B] The function should return to me array or two values wich they are: 3,9 (start …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for jQueryLover

Hello guys i am facing a problem i dont know why. i am upto making barcharts in jQuery but it is displaying in IE not FF.Please Help to fix this problem for me.thanks [B]i have attacted the file below so you can test in your server.so for the all jQuery …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for maxxxx

Is there away to make javascript drop down menu with out CSS? i have 5 page website I would like to change my menu to.

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for maxxxx

I have a website that is 5 pages. Is there away I can link them useing javascript. instead of the old way? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for vigneshd90

I need to use jQuery range slider for setting up limits for multiple ranges which are interdependent, something that is similar to slider that we use for hard disk space allocation during OS installation but mine is a web applcation and the data necessary would be fetched from DB. I've …

Member Avatar for _superted
Member Avatar for malcolm p

In my jsfiddle I have an application where the user can select an option and their answers and then display it in a new row. I have one slight problem though, I think it will be easier to explain if you follow the steps below in my [fiddle][1]: 1. Open …

Member Avatar for dhanlak

Hi all, I have done an asp.net project using VS 2010. I have used jquery, $.ajax calls, updatepanels and pagemethods. I have included the ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll in the bin. What compatibility probles that are likely to occur. I have tested the project in IE8 and firefox 8. It works fine. Since, …

Member Avatar for dhanlak
Member Avatar for Jay-Kandari

Hey guys, Was really fed up with this problem .please check it out. I have a PHP page which calls and retrieves a text from other PHP page. Now using the Normal textarea element the value is showing in the textarea. Now I wanted that text area to be as …

Member Avatar for solomon_13000

I attempted to invoke a C# method using jQuery but it failed. The reason is because the method cannot be found. However the method exist in the class. Did I miss something? Your help is kindly appreciated. Thank You

Member Avatar for solomon_13000
Member Avatar for bisibee82

I'm doing a bidding listing page and I wanted to add a countdown timer to it. So, I have this Javascript countdown function which is modified from [url]http://keith-wood.name/countdownBasics.html[/url]. I'm supposed to pass the ending time to variable t. I have no problems passing in a direct value such as 2011:11:11 …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for minghags

Hello! Sorry for asking but i have really big favor to ask. If anyone is so kind to help me do that i would really appreciate it. I wouldn't even think to ask like that but have a due date till tomorrow. I know its last second but I was …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for talisien

Hi all, How do I use data from json in a javascript function? I have something like this! $('#monday').click(function(){ test(); }); function test() { $.getJSON('singleday.php?dld='+ id+'&chkdag=' + 1, function(json) {sday=json}); OtherFunction(); } Now I want to transfer the json date into an other function. something like this function OtherFunction() { …

Member Avatar for talisien
Member Avatar for naveedqadri

Dear Experts, Thanks for your time. My application developed in 2003 asp.net and C#, there are some important java scripts these scripts are working in IE but when i tried in Firefox, Google Chrom, it does not work. [B]WHERE I AM WRONG IN CODING ?[/B] [B]Important[/B] When i try to …

Member Avatar for naveedqadri
Member Avatar for Stefan_Lam88

Hi Guys, I have a problem here. I can't manage to get the slidesshow display on my aspx. After a few tried. take a look at tis link. [url]http://www.serie3.info/s3slider/[/url] I m trying out this link and many people say it works. But still I failed to display.. mycode: [CODE]<div id="slider1"> …

Member Avatar for dineshsjce
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi there, quick question. I am reading a book about javascript and the author doesn't seem to like quotes ("") at all, but he loves angled brackets (<<>>). what really strikes me is that it looks like he uses them instead of quotes. FOr example I would say: [ICODE]alert("Hello WOrld!");[/ICODE] …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for arctushar

Hi I have developed an website with drupal 7.10. I want this should be in bengali language. everything is ok but problem with numerical system. for example: date,time,points etc. Now I have decided to add java code at the bottom of the theme. so that after loading the page javascript …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for Mayank23

I want to make a rating system that uses ajax for the rating. i use php and call all of the images, then i want to use ajax to post all the votes to a php script. However, i dont know how to get the elements. I want to be …

Member Avatar for Alkis90

So i though how i can get the information that i want but i dont know how exactly to do that. I will have two functions one is rating(id) and one users(id), where the id is the [COLOR="Red"]tt1842127[/COLOR] of one imdb movie web page for example this [url]http://www.imdb.com/title/[/url][COLOR="Red"]tt1842127[/COLOR]/ I searched …

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Member Avatar for as3g

I'm learning JavaScript, and want to know how I can run / test code on windows? I also want to download the library. Can anyone assist me? Thanks

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The End.