15,117 Topics

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Member Avatar for hemanth_3

After Relaoding the page my form is submitting with the values in it how can i stop submitting my values after reloading the page - Thanks for help

Member Avatar for JorgeM
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Member Avatar for frankjames018
Member Avatar for Anto_1

This is my code am getting the result as byte array. i want to print this byte array without saving as pdf in system. kindly note this is web application not window application Page p = new Page(); string fname = string.Empty; string filetype = string.Empty; ReportViewer rptvw1 = new …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Siberian

function house (windows,doors,attic) { this.windows = windows; this.doors = wood; this.attic = stuff; } var parts = house_two ("glass","wood","spiders"); var house_parts = house_two.windows; document.write("I want" +house_parts+ "doors"); I want to understand objects in javascript, so far it hasn't been that exciting as learning other parts of the language. I want …

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for qudsiyah.sherrief

**i have finaly completed the javascript coding, but there seems to be an error "syntax tax, char:1, line:1", i cant figure out wat the problem is.... i have edited it so many times, but it still comes up with errors when excuting it.. HELP!!!!!!! **the following coding: @_@** <!DOCTYPE html> …

Member Avatar for Bogomil
Member Avatar for Anto_1
Member Avatar for Anto_1
Member Avatar for RikTelner

I tried to validate my document, in order to be able to tell how bad I am. I was incredibly happy because I got 0 errors in CSS. I tried to validate `index.php` file with HTML5 validator (which I suppose can also check HTML4.01). And I got this error prompt …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lordofkingz

My code works but my math is off! How can I get my code to find the sum of odd and even numbers? function getNum() { var div = document.getElementById("output"); div.innerHTML = "Numbers entered:<br>"; var score = 0; var sum = 0; var count = 0; var average = 0; …

Member Avatar for lordofkingz
Member Avatar for IndyItMan

In my ASP.NET MVC application, I am trying to put together a page where a user can both sign and print their name once at a workstation equipped with a Wacom. The signatures will be saved to PNGs with links in a database and then stamped in the designated area …

Member Avatar for Ewald Horn
Member Avatar for danarashad

I am using an ajax to load form fields. When the you select the school, the grade fields load. When you select the grade, the show name check box appears. When the select all box appears, I have to click the select all box twice for it to work. I …

Member Avatar for RikTelner

Is this code correct? function gotoPage(id) { ("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $("."+id).offset().top }, 2000); } What I am trying to do is. That I created DIVs, with 100% of height, they have certain classes `.`. I included jQuery, and I wanted to click on anchor and scroll to that certain page. …

Member Avatar for Bob Hensley
Member Avatar for ravi142

Hello I am using Jquery Cookie for that it given me **Error "$.cookie is not a function"** Used [Plugin](https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie) And My code as bellow. $(window).load(function(){ if($.cookie('chat_user_name') !== 'undefined' && ($.cookie('chat_user_id') !== 'undefined')) { requestChat($.cookie('chat_user_name'),$.cookie('chat_user_id')); } }); In IF condition given error.How can i solved Suggestion Me , Thank you

Member Avatar for ravi142
Member Avatar for Varunkrishna

Hi all I have a textarea I would like to validate the same for empty spaces and on no input. Please find my jsfiddle [here](http://jsfiddle.net/Varun_Krishna/jJh8q/). How do I validate for empty spaces in the text area? what am I missing in my fiddle? Thanks Varun Krishna. P

Member Avatar for Varunkrishna
Member Avatar for Varunkrishna

Hi all I have a json format which has two objects Created_date and Reply_date. Created_date has a date on which a message is created and the Reply_date tells when the user has replied to that messge. So I am getting the Created_date as follows var createDate = new Date(Created_date); var …

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Member Avatar for firedesire

Hi I need to show coordinates from the map in the text box below. Can you make the code showing the latitude and longitude onmouseclick? I will be very grateful. <html> <head> <title>OpenLayers Example</title> <script src="http://openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js"></script> <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?v=3&sensor=false"></script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> </head> <body> <div id = "container" style = …

Member Avatar for Alberto Bucur
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

Hey you all I got a time calculation question. I'm attempting to do a lot of PHP and AJAX code appending to HTML. I want to know if my code below will accurately calculate the time of entire code being executed or solely just the PHP code. If it just …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jigar.patel

I need to create select start point and end point between predefine route obn google map Please advise on this.

Member Avatar for jonsan32

Trying to figure out how to have 2 sets of images display randomly on the same page. I know I have to rename something, but nothing I try is working. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. For now I just have the two scripts repeated back to back before …

Member Avatar for jonsan32
Member Avatar for powerson65

Hi i am trying to perform a search on a json file called PCproducts.json which has in it various arrays with other data in it.I have seen various examples but seems that either i am doing something wrong in the code or calling the file in the wrong way. This …

Member Avatar for Purkinje
Member Avatar for Tinnin

Hi All, I'm trying to put together a "fade in", "fade out" segment for user comments on a website. The array of comments with key=>value (memberName=>comment) comes from php. I'm looping through using jQuery like so; $(document).ready(function(){ function swap() { <?php foreach ($memberTestimonials as $member=>$testimonial) : ?> $('#testimonialMessage').fadeIn(5000); $('#testimonialMessage').html("<p><?php echo …

Member Avatar for Tinnin
Member Avatar for jovstudios

Hello guys, I want to validated in my textbox only numbers shoud be entered and i found this code. <script> function isNumberKey(evt){ var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) return false; return true; } </script> then i …

Member Avatar for rtrethewey
Member Avatar for skald89

I want to compare two images side by side. I am trying to grab and store the heights of the first column, to apply the heights to the corresponding image in the other column. Right now I can only get it to either get the first height or all of …

Member Avatar for rtrethewey
Member Avatar for goutham.tandra

Hi! Need to refresh only div for cetrain time without loading any external content into that div.. Can you help me please??

Member Avatar for designershiv
Member Avatar for ravi142

I am making chat application but i am confuse where i put setInterval().bellow function working well. function text_input(id,img) { $("#chat_box").keydown(function (e){ if(e.keyCode == 13){ e.preventDefault(); var textval = $("#chat_box").val().replace(/\n/g,'<br />'); $("#chat_box").val(''); jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "chat_input_insert.php?action=save", //sql querys data: "textval="+textval+"&id="+id }); jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "chat_input_insert.php?action=display", //sql querys data: "textval="+textval+"&id="+id+"&img="+img, …

Member Avatar for ravi142
Member Avatar for kevwood

hi i have been following a tutorial on how to build a image viewer using javascript for a web page i am building for my shop. i have not been able to get it to work and i have looked at the comments at the bottom and it seems to …

Member Avatar for kevwood
Member Avatar for david.roun.7_1

Hi all. I went through 10 pages and couldn't find anything like this, although I would have thought I would. I'm simply trying to get the difference between two times. Here's my code, any thoughts on how I can fix this would be appreciated. <html> <title>timesheet</title> <head> <script> function addhours() …

Member Avatar for Alberto Bucur
Member Avatar for chris.immanuel

Hi I have a question with my code. I implemented drop down list populated from my oracle DB. So my question is, I need to populate the rest of the data into my <input type="number" min="currCutting" max="currQty" /> tag that pulled from the database according to the Head_mark selected from …

Member Avatar for powerson65

I am trying to load different data which are all in one JSON data from a drop down menu to a div area on the web page (eg if one clicks PC on the menu then the items related to PC in the json file will load and if Wii …

Member Avatar for powerson65
Member Avatar for MissMolly

I have this script which is calling 10 divs indavidually from an external file. HTML: <a id="load1" href="#" data-id="1" class="load"> <img> </a> <a id="load2" href="#" data-id="2" class="load"> <img> </a> Javascript: $(".load").click(function () { $("#projects").html(""); $("#loading").show(); $("#projects").load("projects.html #"+$(this).data('id'), function () { $("#loading").hide() }) }) If load1 is clicked, it loads div1 …

Member Avatar for MissMolly
Member Avatar for chris.immanuel

Hi Folks, I need help with my code. Basically I am building an inventory progress web so that it pulls the value from the dropbox, and with onChange, getting the corresponding value from the DB, Update the value and reinsert the new value to the DB using submit button. One …

Member Avatar for LesF

The End.