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Member Avatar for oliprik

Your SQL statment is failing so the mysql_query is returning a boolean value (false) instead of a result set. Make sure that your SQL statement is valid.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for OldDeveloper01
Member Avatar for nandkishor.sharma.372_1
Member Avatar for svilla

I have this PHP program: <?php echo 'Start of Soap Request<br />'; $client = new SoapClient(""); print_r($client); echo '<br />Start of Var_Dump<br />'; var_dump($client); echo '<br />Result Print<br />'; $result = $client->testws(array("PEITEM" => "1020000000", "PEMSG" =>" ")); print_r($result); ?> That access a web service on my iSeries. I can get …

Member Avatar for maba001
Member Avatar for nzz20v

There is a mismatch in the columns being listed and the VALUES being inserted make sure that whatever columns you have in $dblist mathc everything you have in the VALUES. If it is too hard to compare create an $sql var that holds the whole sql statement and dump or …

Member Avatar for nzz20v
Member Avatar for svilla

I have a Web Service I setup on the iSeries. It works when using SOAPUI and it works from the Built in test facility in the Native Web server. But when I try to access it form the following PHP program it fails to return any data. I am obviously …

Member Avatar for svilla

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and I am trying to enter some HTML by hand. I code the following lines: [CODE] <tr> <td colspan="4" class="shade tableheader">NCR Information </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="shade">Date Opened </td> <td><asp:TextBox ID="fldReportDate" runat="server" CssClass="datePicker"></asp:TextBox> </td> <td class="shade">NCR # </td> <td style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 12pt"><asp:Label ID="fldLog" …

Member Avatar for knottykings

Have you dumped the session variable to the screen to see if it really does contain a value? Maybe it is there from a previous signon. Instead of comparing the session variable to '' try the empty() function.

Member Avatar for nagarjunrajen
Member Avatar for SyncMaster170
Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for jigarsangoi

I thought that pulling images from a database was quite an expensive operation. Why not store the file path in the database and then just set the [B]imageurl[/B] parameter of the <asp:image> tag to the path you read out of the database. This would be eaiser and would not require …

Member Avatar for Sarama2030
Member Avatar for johnbo100

I have no idea what your column names are so substittute your column names for 'fld1'. You can concatenate any series of column names and HTML together to get your desired results. [CODE] <?php $firstname = $_post['firstname']; $query_Recordset1 = "SELECT * FROM cust WHERE name='$firstname'"; $Recordset1 = mysql_query($query_Recordset1, $tests) or …

Member Avatar for johnbo100
Member Avatar for akshayphp

I like the jquery library because your can change you code to be easier to read and look like this: [CODE] $('#elementId).change( function() { if ($('input:radio[name=bar]:checked').val() == 'Option A') { $('#element2).show(); } }) [/CODE] I think you have use a unique [B]ID[/B] for each radio button while you can use …

Member Avatar for svilla
Member Avatar for damnably

Some trojans attach themselves into the operating systems IP stack. The IP stack is basically a list of programs or processes that handle the data coming into your PC. Some trojans will embed themselves into this stack so their removal cause a 'hole' in the stack and the process is …

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for dnomde44

There is a comma before and after the WHERE clause. The last SET does not need a comma and ommma at the end will also cause an error. The last line of the SQL sould look like this [CODE] & "AdditionalInfo=@a34 WHERE (ID=@a35)", Con) [/CODE]

Member Avatar for dnomde44
Member Avatar for encodeme

All of the code between <?php and ?> is executed on the server and the variables that you are using in the PHP script do not retain their values. Once you submit a form the values are in the corresponding $_POST[] variables so your [B]if ($Submit) [/B] is acuually looking …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for ionko

You are opening and closing the PHP tags quite a bit, This is not necessary for most of your code. The script is going to be processed from top of the file to bottom. It appears that you are calculating the $total before you calculate the $carprice or $carcondition. In …

Member Avatar for ionko
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

You should be using || instead of |. The || is for comparison and the | is a bitwise operator and I do not think that you are trying to shift or combine bits.

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for MareoRaft

You can perform your own test inside the loop and use the [B]break[/B] statement to break out of the loop.

Member Avatar for svilla
Member Avatar for Sorcher

Are you connecting to the database with a mysql_connect()? You can echo out your $query variable, copy the SQL command and run the query directly against the database. This will return a specific error if there is a problem with the SQL statment. You should also check the validity of …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for frstratd

I have been very successful removing Malware and virus with MalWareBytes. I have used this product to clean the laptops of students at the university I worked at. It is pretty thorough. The software can be found at [url][/url]. There is a free version which I have used exclusively and …

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for MayaPawar

You will need to look at a server side scripting language like PHP, JSP, ASP, ASP.Net, etc ...

Member Avatar for MayaPawar
Member Avatar for masterjiraya

[LIST=1] [*]Your hosting server needs to be running a webserver, hopefully runing on port 80. If not, just make a note of the port. [*]Get the ipaddress of the hosting server. [*]If there is a firewall running on the hosting server, make sure that you open that port. [*]Goto the …

Member Avatar for lasitha2005d
Member Avatar for Pro2000

ASP.NET is an application framework and one of the languages you can use in that framework is C#. So whatever restrictions are on ASP.NET are also on C#. If you want to use a Linux server then you will not be able to use C# and ASP.NET (I may stand …

Member Avatar for Pro2000
Member Avatar for jason830

Take a look at the [URL=""]Head First[/URL] books. They have an interesting way of looking at things. They are pretty easy to read and provide pretty good explanations and examples

Member Avatar for bhartman21
Member Avatar for chriselectrix
Member Avatar for bangla

Why do you have the [B]department[/B] table as part of the query? I would only guess that the last name resides in the employees table. You shoudl try something like this [B]UPDATE employees SET last_name = 'munir' WHERE emp_id = 11[/B]

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for calebcook

Usually when you get that error message that you listed there is an error with the Query. When mysql_query returns a boolean instead of a result set it has caught some sort of error. Echo out the mysql_error and and mysql_errno, nonshatter's query should have worked. You can also try …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for garwil

I am not sure what is in the variable $rateid that you are using in your Query variable, but I think you are constructing the SQL UPDATE command. it looks like the variable [B]$rateid[/B] holds the current rate variable and so does [B]$edit_id[/B]. So, for example if the rate ID …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for uselessninja
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

It would probably be easier if you declared a string and then moved it after the loop. I also declared a string variable so you don't have to mess with messageLabel and object notation inside the loop. This will print all of the numbers between 0 and 10 (inclusive). [CODE] …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for rajandass65

What are you asking? You are echoing the contents of a zip file so it will look like junk characters. You have to some how unzip the file either from the 'download' or via a php function. Here is the PHP manual with all of the zip functions: [url][/url]

Member Avatar for svilla