Hello everybody.. I've been thinking what the best programming language to be used with the internet is.. In addition I want not to use ASP 'cause my web server works on Linux.
Is C# better than ASP.net to download files automatically from the internet, update and retrieve information from databases (especially MySQL)??
Is there another better language??
I've asked this question about the C language, but I was told that there's a language that's better than C.. Can anybody tell me what that language is??
Is it C#?

Is C# better than ASP.net to download files automatically from the internet, update and retrieve information from databases (especially MySQL)??

I think you're confused. What exactly are you trying to do? Yes, you want to download files and connect to a database, but for what purpose?

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Are you trying to make a web application?

The right language is the one that you know best and is also the one that is best suited for the job. C# can be used for web application, windows application, mobile application and video games. So is there a better language, yes and at the same time no. Is there a better language than JavaScript? Yes, but not for client side web scripting.

I think you're confused.

Exactly, I'm totally confused..
I want to build a messenger.. I just want to know what's the best language to use for this purpose??
The messenger application will run on Windows, but the PHP codes will run on a Linux-operating server.
Thanks in advance.

C# is one of the languages you can program in using ASP.Net, the other is VB.Net.
They both achieve the same thing as they compile the same. Your other main options include Java (JSP's) and PHP, especially if you want to use linux.
The real question is what are you comfortable coding in? The end result will be almost exactly the same regardless of the language you use to code your project.

So is there a better language, yes and at the same time no. Is there a better language than JavaScript? Yes, but not for client side web scripting.

Of course there's always a better language, but you can find better languages in certaind fields.. And here I think I made my view clear...

The real question is what are you comfortable coding in?

I'm used to write using PHP and little of JavaScript..

ASP.NET is an application framework and one of the languages you can use in that framework is C#. So whatever restrictions are on ASP.NET are also on C#.

If you want to use a Linux server then you will not be able to use C# and ASP.NET (I may stand corrected after reading about Mono). But, for the most part, when working on a Linux Server you will be using PHP or JSP.

As previously stated the best language is based upon the application and your knowledge of that language.

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And here I think I made my view clear...

No, you didn't.

If you are trying to make a web version of messenger you will need a server side language (ASP.Net or PHP where ASP.Net would be any .Net Language). You will need to be familiar with AJAX and web services. You will more than likely need to use a database (there are ways of doing it without a DB, but they tend to be less robust) and know SQL.

If this is not what you are talking about please be more clear.

YOu can do a windows application, which will work fine over the net (like msn, skype,..).
You need to create a server (which is always good to have, to check what going on around) and then you need clients to log on to server and chat to each other.
One simple example you can find here.

If this is not what you are talking about please be more clear.

Well, I've mentioned my aim; I want to create a messenger application like MSN/Skype (as Mitja Bonca said)...
I can write using PHP, JS and AJAX... As you know, these languages cannot create Windows applications.. So, what I want to know is this: What language can I use to create a Windows-based messenger application (which will indeed connect to my Linux-operating server and use my files and MySQL databases.)

As for:

One simple example you can find here.

Thank you, but I can't write using C#..
I'm just asking to start learning the best language you advise me to use.

Also, since the C# as svilla said:

So whatever restrictions are on ASP.NET are also on C#.

I can't use C#.. So, is there any advice??

Thanks beforehand.

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I can't use C#.. So, is there any advice??

I have advice, learn it.

C# has more transferable skills than most other languages, you can write games, web apps, mobile apps and Windows apps all using the same language. Just because you're database is on a Linux box doesn't mean you can't program in C#.

So to answer what language you should use, it is C#. Now if you ask in the C forum they will likely say C, if you ask in the C++ forum they will likely say C++ and the same for Java.

Just because you're database is on a Linux box doesn't mean you can't program in C#.

Not only my database is on a Linux server, but also my files are.
So, is it possible to build a Windows application using C# and connect it to a server the operating system of which is Linux??

Not only my database is on a Linux server, but also my files are.
So, is it possible to build a Windows application using C# and connect it to a server the operating system of which is Linux??

What's the exactly problem?

What's the exactly problem?

:@ I'm tired with expressing my problem.. Did you read what I've written from the beginning Mr/Mrs MeOnly?? :confused:

Not only my database is on a Linux server, but also my files are.
So, is it possible to build a Windows application using C# and connect it to a server the operating system of which is Linux??

Short answer: Yes.

The OS of the database server shouldn't matter; you'll be connecting over a network anyway. Connector/Net makes it relatively painless to connect to a MySQL database from a C#/.NET application.

Files may be a little trickier; see this post on SO for some ideas.

Thanks, but I have no idea about how to write a single-lined code!!!
I only want to know whether this language can connect to a Linux-based server (of course with files and databases on the server).. If yes, then I'm going to learn it..
If not, please provide me with a helpful language.

I have no idea about how to write a single-lined code!!!

Its simpl just open the c# and start the editor and write your code!!!

Its simpl just open the c# and start the editor and write your code!!!

Sorry, but I want to have the answer for real as you see..
So, please take me seriously!!

So, please take me seriously!!

you have to accept me coz this is me

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Not only my database is on a Linux server, but also my files are.

What files, feel free to explain?

In short, anything you want to do should be able to be done using C#. If you want more information please be more specific.

You see, some confusion has come around when you start talking about wanting to use a Linux box. The reason for the confusion is that you say you want to have a Windows application and use C#. Do you want to have your application run on both Windows and Linux machines? Is your chat server going to be running off a Linux machine? Are you going to have a an application server and a database server being 2 separate machines or are they going to be running off the same machine and what type of machine are you going to use for them? You have given next to no information and expect a simple answer, the problem is you have asked a stupid question and have been getting stupid answers.

Please learn what goes into creating a chat application (this is language independent) and then once you realize the hardware and architecture you will be using, then you can pick which language.

In fact I'm shocked with these not keen answerrs!!!!!!
do you try to make my self crazy!!
Hopefuly you will find the answer somewhere else not here coz they try to make your self crazy here

What files, feel free to explain?

I think that you're going far away from reading my posts!!
Of course my files are the very files stored on my Linux SERVER, which will be downloaded for many purposes such as automatically updating the program.
I know what a messenger program needs.. I don't need codes at all, nor do I need algorithms..
I just want to know whether a C# program can connect to a Linux server.. Can a C# program use (copy, rename, download, upload, and delete) the files stored on a Linux-operating server??
I believe that my idea is now so very clear that there's no need at all for another explanation..
Thanks in advance.

I think you can post your request in the ASP.NET section, Pro2000

Unfortunately, I won't be able to do that because of the reason I've already mentioned. Thanks.

He hasnt to do that.. you can stay here and the answer will come

you can stay here and the answer will come

I'm trying!!

Member Avatar for stbuchok

Can a C# program use (copy, rename, download, upload, and delete) the files stored on a Linux-operating server

Are you asking if C# can do FTP? If so yes. Or are you asking if it has access to the file system? Yes, however I'm not entirely sure about on a Linux machine, I would assume it would have access. (Again, details would be better please, I'm only trying to help you.)

So far my understanding of what you want to do is to create a chat application (similar to MSN Messenger). As well you want people to be able to upload and download files to and from your server. Your server is going to be a Linux based machine that will host the software updates and various other files. This Linux machine will be used for both the application server and the Database server. The database is going to be MySQL. (please correct me if I'm wrong)

If this is correct, and you want to use C# (which you can do) you will need to use Mono (which I believe was mentioned earlier).

I have tried helping you but you just seem to get pissed off at me for asking you to explain in more detail. C# can do pretty much anything you want it to, however you are going to host everything off of a Linux machine which means you will probably need to use Mono which normally is behind in supporting the latest .Net version (I believe normally 1 or 2 versions behind).

So if you have any other question please explain in greater detail so that we can better help you.

(please correct me if I'm wrong)

You are completely right..

I have tried helping you but you just seem to get pissed off at me for asking you to explain in more detail.

Sorry if I have unintentionally offended you.. I was a bit confused and unable to find the solution.. Thank you, anyway.
One more question; what's Mono, or where can I find some information on it?

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