15,127 Topics
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h3> Send review request to test@something.com:</h3> <script type="text/javascript"> function FormValidator(theForm) { // check to see if the field is blank if (theForm.sname.value == "") { alert("Sandbox name should not be blank"); theForm.sname.focus(); return (false); } // require at least 3 characters be entered if (theForm.sname.value.length < … | |
Hi chaps, I wonder if you can help me with this. I have the following script: $(document).ready(function(){ init_get_data(); }); var cars_data; function init_get_data(){ my_data={"data1":{"-xmlns:fo":"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format","-xmlns:inlineData":"Lookup","TheAttributes":{"-price":"Price","-other_attribute":"other_value"... console.log(my_data.data1.TheAttributes.price); } Being very new to json I am trying to write on the firebug console to check how to get the values out of the … | |
For below code I want scrollbar that can scroll content inside div **#inner_content**. I have tried lots of scrollbars, but, nothing works. I have purchased [this](http://codecanyon.net/item/rollbar-jquery-scrollbar-plugin/2113353) scrollbar which is also not working for my code. Suggest scrollbar which will work! Help me please... <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.8.22/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <script … | |
Hi there, I am in a bit of a situation here trying to prevent the browser from following a link within a <a> This is the html code: <a href="#" onclick="changeImage(this,'/folder/images/23.jpg');"> <img src="/folder/images/23_thumb.jpg" alt=""> <span>this is it</span> <h3>This is it</h3> <p class="caption">lorem ipsum...</p> </a> and here's the script: function changeImage(calledFrom, … | |
Hi, I am looking for a blur effect banner/ header script. Can anyone help me? Something like: [URL="http://www.ferron-pharma.com/?q=en"]http://www.ferron-pharma.com/?q=en[/URL] Automatically it should change the header every 3 seconds with blur effect. However the user can change it manually if they press certain areas. | |
Could you guys help Is there a script or way you can use to check if a page has been view before with the users browsers with using the a:visited then change color on like any page you land on it will tell you which urls were visted hence changing … | |
Hi there,, I am trying to get my hea around this simple line of code and trying also to make it work. The ball doesn't move to any direction.. thanks for the help.. <script type="text/javascript"> function moveRight(){ document.images['ball'].style.left = parseInt(document.images['ball'].style.left)+5 +"px"; } </script> </head> <body> <img id="ball" src="ball.jpg" alt="ball bouncing" … | |
Hello everyone I have been learning about Web system design and I'm in a kind of interest,attached is my 1st web page so far with some little css and javascript.But I cant make my Scroll Down Navigationbar work properly it just stuck without annimating on mouse over effect can any … | |
Hello I have a quick question. I can launch javascript code like this through arrays: arrayLinks[13]="javascript:LaunchKeyboard()"; ** but how do I launch jQuery code through an array?** arrayLinks[8]="??????????????";` My jquery code is $(function() { var ele = $('#div1'); var speed = 25, scroll = 5, scrolling; $('#scroll-down').mousedown(function() { etc } … | |
I am trying to setup what would be a tabbed order form witch would also contain a jquery image upload and preview function. However what is happeing is if I just have the jquery code for the tabbed content function the file works but when I add the jquery code … | |
Hi peeps, I wonder if you can help me at all undertanding this code. Unfortunately I don't have it live anywhere, it is something I have seen somebody working on Here's the code and I will explain breifly what it does and what's not clear (which needless to say is … | |
Hi all. Please help. How is it possible to transfer a variable from PHP to JavaScript. I have the following code. <?php $id = 5; ?> <script>window.location.href = 'view_topic.php?id=**VAR**'</script> Instead of VAR should come the value of $id from PHP. Thanks in advance. | |
I am having trouble getting this example to work. I posted exactly like it is put on the google documentation but it just won't work for some reason. Some please help me, am I doing something wrong. The link to the documentation is https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference#Getting_Started The code I am using is … | |
###Hello Developer,### I started with a small projeckt and now i come to a small problem. Where i need to use Ajax/Jquery. And since i dont have the most experience with Jquery / Ajax, Would I like to ask for help. ###The problem:### I have some search criteria as **Category, … | |
I've been developing software for over 25 years and have been doing web development for the past 10. I'm an entrepreneur with several web services, some commercial, some not. While putting together a new service this week, non-commerical, I reached my breaking point with Internet Explorer and made a conscious … | |
Hi! I have the following table: <table width="63%" border="0" align="right" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="findUsResults"> <tr> <th align="left">Company</th> <th align="left">Location</th> <th align="left">Products offered</th> <th align="left">Distance</th> </tr> <tr> <td rel='1'>Company Ltd</td> <td>Town</td> <td><a href="/stockists/ajax.php?id=3" class="various fancybox.ajax">Click to view</a></td> <td>0.9 mil</td> </tr> <tr> <td rel='2'>Company Ltd</td> <td>Town</td> <td><a href="/stockists/ajax.php?id=5" class="various fancybox.ajax">Click to view</a></td> <td>11.56 … | |
Hi there, Can anyone explain what is wrong with my code? I get an error message saying null value from innerHTML. <script type="text/javascript"> var sub1 = document.getElementById("input1") ; var sub2 = document.getElementById("input2") ; var sub3 = document.getElementById("input3") ; var sub4 = document.getElementById("input4") ; var GPA = (sub1+sub2+sub3+sub4)/4; var para = … | |
Hi all, I want to create a login page modal window. Steps are as follows : 1. There will be a login icon(small image). 2. On clicking the icon , a modal window will open having three options (i) Distributor login (ii)Client login. (iii) Employee login .If Distributor login is … | |
Hi, I'm currently working on a site's HTML code and am wondering how can I achieve this: I need to make certain images change, in a form of a slideshow, randomly and with random intervals; this means I will need it to start with a certain image and to go … | |
Hi guys, quick question, I need display search result on another page in page-result div tag, not sure where to implement page adrees like result.php if ( xmlhttp.responseText ) { document.getElementById( 'page-result' ).innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText; } any idea? thanks | |
Hello, I read an article on "how to prevent users from submitting a form twice." at the url http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/100406-1.shtml I was able to freeze the web page but was not able to unfreeze the web page. I am using PHP with javascript. Nothing happens when my code executes the "unfreeze" … | |
Hi there, I am trying to come up with an instant price quote calculator in javascript. it would be a simple one with six fields: Quantity of mounts Outside Top = Free type box Outside Side = Free type box Window Top = Free type box Window Edge = Free … | |
| Hello, I'm trying to implement a grid from Ext Js 4. I have index.php, which is the main page that has the main html (<html><head></head><body></body></html>) and a div inside the body. everything on my application is displayed inside that 1 div. in other words I'm using OOP PHP and Ajax. … |
how to code a jscript similar to fb that click the image and a layer pop out? i would like to see some example on how it is done. thanks! | |
Hi! Does anyone know how to upload a file, say in a form, with input type="file". But what I want is to display the uploaded file in an iframe in the same page. Best Regards | |
What is the quick and easy way to update a navigation bar on a multipage website. I want the page to show where you are as well, currenly I am using a css id to keep track of what page you are on. <div class="nav"> <ul> <li id="current"><a href="some_url/">Home</a></li> <!-- … | |
How do I push new values to the following javascript array? json = {"cool":"34.33","alsocool":"45454"} I tried json.push("coolness":"34.33"); but it didnt work | |
I am trying to push to the javascript array after looping 200 times through the member array to push every member that matches the department selected description into the javascript array., However it fails <? $i = 0 ; while( $i < 200) { if ($members[$i]['department'] == $depttts){ break; echo … | |
hi everyone im new in ajax and i currently studing ajax. my problem is $('#current').click(function() { var id = $(this).attr("id"); var sellitem=$('#spid').val(); $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: "updatecurrentsp.php", data:{ 'itemid' : id ,'sellitem' : sellitem }, success: function(data) { $('#sellprice').css("display","block"); //Changes the style of table from display:none to display:block $('#sellprice').html(data); … | |
Hi I am getting value from another page by sending it as part of url query. I want to know how to set that value to textbox or any component in current html page. I tried document.getElementById().value. But it is not working. Is there a way in javascript where I … |
The End.