15,121 Topics

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Member Avatar for Joe34

This function executes the first time correctly, but the next time the function returns an error. [CODE]function edit_div(id) { if(edit_status == 0) { document.getElementById("addnew").innerHTML = '<form><h5>Move</h5>Top Margin: <input type="text" id="topmargin"></br>Left Margin: <input type="text" id="leftmargin"></br><h5>Backgorund</h5>Background Color: <input type="text" id="backgroundcolor"></br><h5>Border</h5>Border Width: <input type="text" id="borderwidth"></br>Border Type: <input type="text" id="bordertype"></br>Border Color: <input type="text" id="bordercolor"></br><input …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for xylude

So I'm trying to access the .css('height') of an element and it keeps returning 0px regardless of what it's height is. I've put a couple alerts to see what it gets in the $(document).ready() function so it should be accessible by then. The height property is being set in the …

Member Avatar for xylude
Member Avatar for Soben

Hello, I'm going to make a portfolio and am trying to use jquery for effects. Basically I have several menus and when I click on any of them the showed text in content div of page should change, using ajax. These are levels: a) SlideUp the #Content div b) Change …

Member Avatar for xylude
Member Avatar for lcfr1012

IM NEW AT THIS AND I'M WORKING ON MY FIRST WEBSITE. I USED iWED AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY IT WON'T WORK. WHENEVER I TRY TO OPEN IT IT SAYS: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/a2460084/public_html/beto/index.html on line 1 [code=html]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 …

Member Avatar for tian3348685
Member Avatar for aaron1988

Hi wondered if someone could help me i am having the same kind of issue: if you go here: [url="http://bluegeeks-testserver.co.cc/jaclyn-beta/index.php?route=product/product&path=1&product_id=1"]http://bluegeeks-testserver.co.cc/jaclyn-beta/index.php?route=product/product&path=1&product_id=1[/url] and your see the Select Drop Down called: Fonts, well if you choose say Airstrip or Arial the image should change but the problem i am having is. It works …

Member Avatar for aaron1988
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi This isn't specifically a roll-over related question exclusively. More and more when I 'Inspect element' on a roll-over link in Chrome, which clearly has two images, i see that it is infact 1 image, and the two images are stacked... How does this work? how is only one half …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for dyingatmidnight

My google foo is failing me, try as I might I can't seem to word things well enough to find what I want. I'm really new to javascript and AJAX, we did a little in school and I didn't really grasp it well. Given that this undertaking of mine is …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for uselessninja

hello guys..... i need a help about javascript how to convert number (ex. 1) ----> to a word (ex, one)? here it is.... ....if i will input a number like 20 it will then displayed a word twenty.. (the numerical 20 --------> become a word "twenty") thankz in advance

Member Avatar for uselessninja
Member Avatar for ronnieaka

i tested the php version of the autocomplete example in ajax using PHP from here: [URL="http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_aspphp.asp"]http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_aspphp.asp[/URL] i tried the PHP veriosn, not the ASP version. It worked fine. Now i want to implement the same thing in JSP, and so i translated the PHP version of source file (which has …

Member Avatar for ronnieaka
Member Avatar for twentylemon

I have a simple function to toggle visibility of whatever. I use it in many places and I know it works fine. [code=html]<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function toggle_visibility(id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); if (e.style.display == 'block') e.style.display = 'none'; else e.style.display = 'block'; } //--> </script>[/code] I'm now using this …

Member Avatar for twentylemon
Member Avatar for rents

Hey everyone. I'm looking to replicate an effect I saw on an app used on an iPad. Basically, there's a background image and a layered, centered content section. As you scroll down, the opacity of the background starts to fade, without effecting the content section at all. By the time …

Member Avatar for rents
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello Is there a specific tag in html so as to make a field behave as a date picker in a form?

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for mark22

I have almost given up but thought I would post here in a last attempt. I am pretty new to jquery and I am having an issue. I need to use the same carousel with three different json queries on the same page. I tried putting them in divs with …

Member Avatar for rajandass65

hi i have two div with same class name.these two div are generated dynamically by javascript from different server, so i dont have access to css file. i want hide one div when page load. so how to acess the div. regards rajan

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for raghujosh

How can I set the value of a textbox to the user entered value(it's a number). [ICODE]<input type = "text" name = "somename" value = "">[/ICODE] User enters 3 in the textbox The code should transform to [ICODE]<input type = "text" name = "somename" value = "3">[/ICODE]

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for dschuett

I have the following code working just fine, however I cannot get the .show('slow') on the "myDiv" content to "slow" down when displaying. Actually I can remove the .show('slow') all together and everything still works just fine. It is as if it is ignoring the .show() completely on that line. …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for sithembisophp

Hi, I'm trying JSON for the first time and I have a php file that returns this: [CODE] [{"userID":"39160902151","content":"I really can't wait to get this thing done :-)","published":"2011-06-07 10:33:35"}] [/CODE]. What do I do if I want to display only the userID from this data using javascript. I load this …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for Joe34

Hello take a look at my code then I'll tell you what error I get... [CODE]var Top = document.getElementById("topmargin").value; var Left = document.getElementById("leftmargin").value; var Background_Color = document.getElementById("backgroundcolor").value; var Border_Width = document.getElementById("borderwidth").value; var Border_Type = document.getElementById("bordertype").value; var Border_Color = document.getElementById("bordercolor").value; var num = id+1; var new_id = "a"+num; document.getElementById(new_id).style.top = Top; …

Member Avatar for Joe34
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello Are there any tools which can be used specifically to design html forms and generate the codes, which can then be copied to an html page, more like drag and drop, and the codes and validations made available to copy elsewhere?

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Member Avatar for talala
Member Avatar for NETProgrammer
Member Avatar for Joe34

Look at the code... [CODE]var css_code = new Array(); css_code[css_code.length + 1] = "<div style='height: "+square_height+"; width: "+square_width+"; "+square_rounded+" border: "+border_width+" "+border_type+" "+border_color+"; position: absolute;'></div>";[/CODE] This is just a tiny snippet of a huge amount of code, but when I add a new item to the css_code array. An extra …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for hawx

What am i doing wrong? [CODE]function error_msg(code) { if (code=="pass") { alert(code); //pops/works $('#error').addClass("notification fail").fadeIn(); //does nothing $('#error').html('<strong>Incorrect Password</strong><span style="color:black"> - Please try again.</span>');//does nothing } }[/CODE] Any help will be appriciated :-)

Member Avatar for levanlong
Member Avatar for saadi06

Hi, I am having a problem in javascript.It is giving me access is denied error on internet explorer and I am unable to move to my next page.Here is the javascript code. [CODE]stuHover = function() { var cssRule; var newSelector; for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) for …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for laghaterohan

Hello, I show a form in the modal pop up which has several drop down lists in it. The problem is that if i select nething from the drop down list then my selected index change event fires and my form gets refresh..how to overcome this problem?? Can we use …

Member Avatar for riteshsoniarya
Member Avatar for jeevanism

The case scenario is like I have to check all available usernames/names from the databases whenever I type the letters instanly. For example:- When type "je" in the userfield, it should show all combination of names starting with "je" inline. I am attaching a picture as sample. Its indian railway …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for nunos

Hello all. Even though my javascript/ajax knowledge is very low, I would like to be able to do the following, for which I ask you for help: I have a python script that runs from php with exec command. It takes about 5-10 seconds to complete. While the python script …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

Back around 2004 and 2005, I had embarked on a web project that included the ability for my users to draw on a web page—or at least, that was one of the requirements. At the time, most of my web development had been server-side, with very little JavaScript. Long story …

Member Avatar for arnavbhatkar
Member Avatar for RobotFX

So, here's the picture: page1 has, at the bottom of it, a frame loading page2. The question is: can use a javascript (how?) in page2, so when the page1 loads, it will focus to the frame loading page2? Thanks!

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for minitauros

Hello. I'm not so good at Javascript, but I tried to write some code to obtain some form values and write those to a query string to use in AJAX. It seems to be working partially, but I don't understand what is going wrong. What happens is that in the …

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Member Avatar for indianbaski

Dear All, Hi.. I need help… Multicolumn text flowing through multipage sliding, should calculate total column, gap, text size, image size for different browser. To be control with Previous Page & Next Page. At the ending of story the next Page sliding should stop. Please give me suggestions how to …

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The End.