15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for grant.baker

Hi, I'm having trouble figuring out how to prevent the default tab action when using jquery ui catcomplete. It works perfectly until I add the catcomplete widget code. I'm using the catcomplete widget code found on jquery ui.com: $.widget( "custom.catcomplete", $.ui.autocomplete, { _renderMenu: function( ul, items ) { var that …

Member Avatar for grant.baker
Member Avatar for scarcella

I have written a script to get all elements then i go and find this element in another iframe. Wait, so essentially i have 2 frame's on a page, the one on the left i called the "online" and the 2nd one i called the "base". My end result is …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for luma64

Hello, I dont know jquery. I am trying edit some code from web for autocomplete. Is it possible retrieve value afer submit from php page? What's way ? Or only with js ? Connection is ok, selecting too. Link to other page is created with paramaters. Thanks. -- test.php -- …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for GlenRogers

I have a page with list items (links) that I need to be able to hide/show from my admin page. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("button").click(function(){ $("li").css("display","none"); }); }); </script> How do I get it to work that if i press a button in my admin page, it hides list items that …

Member Avatar for BMXDad
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi all, I was wondering if anybody can enlighten me on when it is best to separate javascript code in different script. Let me give you a practical example. I have a script that I would like to run everytime the page is resized, so I am thinking to use …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for luma64

I am new in ajax. I searched some code about autocomplete. But when I select data from list I dont know retrieve data. Page get_course_list.php fill list and send to user choiced value. In php is code Diagnoza: <input type="text" id="course" onblur="course()"> <?php $dgkod=$_POST['course']; echo "course: $dgkod" ; ?> Function …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for patk570

There is two sections i need it to update. When they hover over the members name listed below, I need it to show their details. When the user(one who submitted the content) posts its going to have a hidden value to update the field in the form that i have …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for adishardis

Two questions, How do I create a unix timestamp from a date variable derived like this: `var myDate = $(this).data('date');` the format is like this: 2013-01-01 and how do i then create a new unix timestamp for 90 days later than myDate? Thanks

Member Avatar for adishardis
Member Avatar for LegateLucius

hereis my code the html is on http://cdpn.io/rzcAu /************************************************************************** validation ***************************************************************************/ /*********validation Variables************/ var Email = document.getElementsByName("Email"); var Password = document.getElementsByName("Password"); var firstName = document.getElementsByName("FirstName"); var secondName = document.getElementsByName("SecondName"); var Captcha = document.getElementsByName("Captcha"); var name = document.getElementsByName("Name"); var Subject = document.getElementsByName("Subject"); var Message = document.getElementsByName("Message"); /*********validation Code************/ function email_validation(){ if …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for wonderland

I'm using [filtrify plugin](http://luis-almeida.github.io/filtrify/) on my website and I needed a way to save filter settings when user reloads page or pareses browsers back for forward buttons. After searching for a while I found html local storage solution. I have somewhat implemented in in my website, but I can't get …

Member Avatar for asmira
Member Avatar for pmark019

I have a JSP with a button. This button is disabled. How can I make the JSP keep on reloading until isCheck becomes true and it will make the button enabled? Here is my javascript: var usbAvailable = <%=CheckUSB.getInstance().getStatus()%>; function confirmSound(){ HyPAS.Sound.confirm(); HyPAS.LED.on(); location.href='ScanJobServlet' } function checkUSB(){ <%response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache");%> if(usbAvailable==false) { …

Member Avatar for asmira
Member Avatar for RGStrat

Hello Everyone, So I have a problem that is genuinely stumping me here. The sad part is this is probably something very easy. I'm using the following script for a site I'm working on: http://css-tricks.com/rethinking-dynamic-page-replacing-content/ However, one of the "pages" i'm working on requires a verticle menu that you can …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for lanhaibibo

Hey, Everyone, I am new to CSS programming. SO have some basic questions about the input tag in CSS in the following example. SO, <input type="submit" value="Submit"> does not mention anything about a button, how do you even know that it defines a button ? Thanks in advance. <!DOCTYPE html> …

Member Avatar for crescendo
Member Avatar for lanhaibibo

function smile () { document.getElementById("textfield_width").value = width; //set the elements with id "textfield_width" some value the value of the variable width--> document.getElementById("textfield_height").value = height; // set the elements with id "textfield_height" some value the value of the variable height --> }

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Midgard

Hey all- No doubt, I'm going to be redirected to various threads, but I've looked & I still haven't been able to find the proper solution to my problem. Scenario: Fairly large site, most data is brought in via ajax... *Sometimes* the data brought back might include a dropdown menu …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for AycheKay

I have a div full of links formatted to look basically like square buttons. Each link represents a given product brand. Currently they are anchor tags that link only to # but in the future they may need to link to webpages. When the user hovers on each link, I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for brolly234

Hello i need help with javascript on how to show and hide ads as i ont know much about javascript <html> <h2>Hide Div in JavaScript</h2> <script language=javascript type='text/javascript'> function hideDiv() { if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById('div').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } function showDiv() { if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById('div').style.visibility = 'visible'; } } …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for furlanut

I have some experience of PHP but limited knowledge of handling arrays. My db table has 5000+ rows and 13000 populated fields. I want to create an alphabtical, visible index of the contents of each field, possibly for inclusion in an html page. If this possible, can it be initiated …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Dani

Can you guys help me figure out what's wrong with www.daniweb.com/chat (Sorry, you need at least 5 posts to access the page) It looks fine in Chrome, Firefox, and even Internet Explorer. But the right column doesn't show up in Safari. :(

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for taylby

I am working on a facebook application using Javascript, Knockout JS and ofcourse facebook's js SDK. I have created my view model to have several properties on, one of which is the facebook user id. This I will send off to my server in due course so I can tie-in …

Member Avatar for ryanki10
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Chaps, I wonder if you can help me with this problem please. In a nutshell I am trying to remove/add round corners around a container on the fly. The reason is that I have a div with some content that slides down and when the content is visible I want …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for sidd.

Hi, I need to assign double inverted comma(") to a variable. Please let me know how this can be done. Regards Sid

Member Avatar for aluxian
Member Avatar for Kert

I need to sort tables with dynamical content with rails. I could use the RailsCast tutorial ([http://railscasts.com/episodes/228-sortable-table-columns](http://railscasts.com/episodes/228-sortable-table-columns)) but as I'm not using any specific method in a controller, it doesn't seem appropriate solution. I found out about the jquery tablesorter, but it doesn't seem to work. Where the solution might …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for KamiNuvini

Hello, I'm really new to HTML/jquery so having some issues with submitting a form to jQuery and showing the results in a div. What I want -> Text box: Fill in text Button: Submit text as POST data with longurl=<text>, and display the result in a div (#shorturl) I have …

Member Avatar for KamiNuvini
Member Avatar for matthewl6970

When I try to use the token data it acts like it is out of scope or it leaked. I have tested this in firefox and cannot figure out what is happening. If you could help me understand why it fails to return the token please feel free to reply. …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for gaurav_9

Hi I am migrating code from javascript to jquery. What would be the equivalent jquery of the following javascript. document.getElementById("#elementname").getElementsByTagName('tagname'); Cheers.

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Dimonai

Hello to everyone, my problem is, Im creating dynamacly rows in a table with a textfield and a checkbox, but to delete the rows the checkbox must be on the first column witch I dont get it, if I move the checkbox to the last column and press it, javascript …

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Member Avatar for ngonix

Hello, I have a small issue with copying text from one textbox in main window to another textbox in an iframe. The code i have is as follows: index.html <html> ... \\JQuery Library Here \\JQuery Code <script> $(function() { $('#lastName').keyup(function() { var txtClone = $(this).val(); var rel = $("#listUnder").contents().find("#relationship option:selected").text(); …

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Member Avatar for joanna alday

hello!!! guyz i want to learn how to make a website or web application, and i want to use ajax language.what are the compbination of ajax.it is easy to use or not?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for t_thakar

Hi Im new to JQuery and sorry if this question sounds silly. my question is what is the difference between $.ajax and $.post and which is best if I am posting some form to a php and retriving some values on the same page as the form e.g. contact us …

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The End.