Hai everybody,

I am uisng * valums/file-uploader

i need help in mouseover or mouseup a uploadbutton. after upload a image.

anybody plz help me.

this code no working.

remove this two lines working fine.


anybody plz help me.


        var uploader = new qq.FileUploader(

            element: document.getElementById('btnUploadPlanPicture'),

            action: upload_url,
                album: album,
                type: 'plan',
                desc: 'plan',

            allowedExtensions: ['jpg','png','gif'],

            onSubmit: function(id,filename)
                imgCount = 0;
                imgList = new Array();


            onComplete: function(id, fileName,responseJSON)

                imgList[imgCount++] = 
                    id              :   responseJSON.id,
                    imagetakendate  :   responseJSON.imagetakendate
                return true;

            onAllComplete: function(status)
                 if(fileSizeOption =="Random")



                          if(fileSizeOption =="TimeTaken")

                        if(fileSizeOption =="notarrange")
                                //alert("not arrange");




Did you test if the mouseUp Listener is being triggered?

Just to make sure, mouseUp is triggered when then user click and let go. Is that what you want?

Another thing, Hover expects two functions. Because Hover is a bind for mouseOver and mouseLeave.

And, if you want mouseUp, you don't need mouseOver.

So, either remove the Hover or change it to MouseOver. I suggest you remove it.

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