Hi all,
Can anyone please help me solving this code that i've been stuck for a while.
I would like to logout from my shopping website then redirect the user to homepage after that. Right now, I managed to log them out but everytime they log out, it will bring them to view_cart.asp page.
And I want to redirect them to front.htm.
Can anyone please guide me how to do it?
I have code as below for the moment;
if (window.loginFirstName && window.loginFirstName.length) {
document.write('Welcome <a font class="login" color'+eQ+'"red" href'+eQ+'"javascript:window.location.href=MyAccount.replace(\'login.asp\',\'login.asp\') + \'&sitename=\' + escape(sitename)" >' + window.loginFirstName + ' ' + window.loginLastName + '</a></font>! ');
document.write('<a class="login" href' + eQ + '"JavaScript:window.location' + eQ + 'MyAccount.replace(\'Auto' + eQ + 'Off\',\'opener' + eQ + 'null\')+\'&action' + '' + eQ + 'logout&sitename=\'+escape(sitename)+\'&GoBack' + eQ + '\'+escape(window.location)">LOGOUT</a>');
Thanks in advanced.