15,127 Topics
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I really need this WYSIWYG editor here on DaniWeb, with the smileys and rich text editing, does anyone know where to get it? Thanks, jon | |
Javascript is a object oriented programming language.It is a flexible language.This loosely programming language has its own built-in datatypes.It offers three primary data types,two special data types and two composite data types. -> The primary data types are :- (1) Boolean (2) Number (3) String -> The special data types … | |
We'll got stuck my self in adding row using javascript, It seemed doesn;t work at a time I click on the button "tambah Barang" do I missed something..??please help.. Thanks <?php include_once "config.php";?> <script type="text/javascript" src="../jquery/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var idrow = 2; function tambah() { var x=document.getElementById('datatabel'); var td1=x.insertCell(0); var … | |
Hi everyone, I just found something interesting in my code but I ain't sure why JavaScript. var input= 0; // But in my case, the input variable is getting the value from a field in a form if(!Number(input)){ document.write('it is not a ZERO'); } This is something similar to my … | |
Hi, I have a wordpress site but really I'm looking for a plugin that will allow one word captcha. I have been searching for this but it doesn't appear to be the right name for it. What I want it to do is say "Please type the word frog" and … | |
I have a Flight Log for a small company. I have been able to figure out most of the needs but 2, using Adobe Acrobat 9 and Javascript. 1. I have a passenger manifest that needs a count...I am having a problem with figuring out the code for the counter … | |
Hi All, I just want to share my code. A lots of website said that php is on server side and javascript is on client side...they said we cannot run php on javascript... here's how we can run php function when you click call the onchange events on javascript. [code=php]function … | |
Hi there, I am in a bit of a situation. I have a few images that I have inserted in my html using javascript. The url of the images are stored as strings in json object notation and to access them in the script I had to have 2 nested … | |
Hi all, I am new to Ext JS, I have tried 'drag and drop' and it is working fine when i drag rows. What I am trying now is dragging a row (a field from MySQL) from left grid and dropping it on right grid that gives data from database … | |
hai everyone i hava a big doubt how to make a own login forum for twitter application ? | |
CAN anybody help m please i need it fast create interface where user can enter animals that he/she is buying from list of partner on a single cattle receipt. All data must be stored into temporary data container where data will always be available to view and edit. Maximum width … | |
I have this code to showor hide a div when click on button.But... If you ckick button the div appear.. but when you click again the div doesnt dissapear:| Code: function infoshowhide(){ if(document.getElementById('info11').style.display = 'none') { document.getElementById('info11').style.display = 'block'; } else { document.getElementById('info11').style.display = 'none'; } } *and i need … | |
I dont have the best knowledge to js ot Jquery, so here goes: I have some links, that returns false when clicked on. But still i want to add a class to the element being clicked, because it is kind of a tab thingie in a div, so for usability.. … | |
Hi, I am trying to create a jquery fadeIn from an external file. I am using AJAX and PHP (see below) 1st snippet is the notify.php file. 2nd snippet is the external file called random.php My question is: Where and How should I add in the Jquery to perform this … | |
Hello, I want to set the default backgournd color to transparent but getting white color when i set it to transparent please check the line 26 ( **defaultBgColor: '#e5e5e5**') and 143 ( **backgroundColor: settings.defaultBgColor** ) of my code and please fix it for me please thanksss (function($) { var methods … | |
hi, i am new to jquery though im learning,together with ajax. I have the following script that displays a modal login form after cliking on login_link. But for my web page, i used the .load to load content in the main content div, so whenever this code is placed the … | |
Hi everyone! My questions for the day are: Has anyone here used Wakanda studio/server to make a native app for smartphones? if yes or know anything about it, Give us an insight please. Do you know any free and easy to use studio that lets you develop native apps using … | |
Hello, I have been creating a website using a content slider (malsup's Cycle). When you first load the site it looks fine, but then if you click the home link, its shifting to the left hand side of the page, and clicking the arrow buttons makes it format really oddly. … | |
Can anyone help me with jquery ui selectable please? My html is: [CODE] <input style="" id="input_4" name="input_4" value="" /> <ol id="selectable"> <li class="ui-widget-content">Reservations </li> <li class="ui-widget-content">Information and Enquiries</li> <li class="ui-widget-content">Mambo Tours & Events</li> <li class="ui-widget-content">Press, Marketing & PR</li> <li class="ui-widget-content">Business Development & Franchise</li> <li class="ui-widget-content">Mambo TV & Livestreaming</li> <li class="ui-widget-content">Mambo … | |
Hi there! I'm new in JavaScript - I have a few button that i want to change their background image when i click them. What am I doing wrong? This is my code: <script type="text/javascript"> function Seat_OnClick(control) { var selectedImg = "url(../images/selected_seat.jpg) no-repeat transparent"; var deselectImg = "url(../images/normal_seat.jpg) no-repeat transparent"; … | |
hi everybody ,this is my first post.. :) Am creating a dynamic text box along with datepicker image.. when I enter newdate into the text box, it simply goes to previous textbox and updating the textfield. How to enter the date into the newly created text box??? And also once … | |
This is error its throwing : javax.servlet.ServletException: /dtl.xhtml @13,75 value="#{registerBean.reteriveData()}" Error Parsing: #{registerBean.reteriveData()} javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:606) org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.MonitorFilter.doFilter(MonitorFilter.java:393) dtl.xhtml <h:dataTable value="#{registerBean.reteriveData()}" var="rb"> <h:column> <f:facet name="header"> <h:outputText value="Model" /> </f:facet> <h:outputText value="#{rb.fname}" /> </h:column> </h:dataTable> registerBean.java public List reteriveData() { Connection con = null; List list = null; try { DBConnection db = new … | |
I have an array of checkbox that is populated with data from mysql database through a query. I can submit the value of the checked checkbox into a table from a database. But I want it to be saved according to the sequence the checkbox was checked by the user. … | |
Hi all, I am animating the bg color of some links. But I have changed the bg color of each link, so they have unique bg colors. When I use the jq function i normally use, It doesnt work properly because I can only animate back to one specific color, … | |
I would like my vb2010 program to click on a javascript element on this webpage depending upon what they choose, here is the source of the rating system, thanks in advance: <div class="basic-info-rating basic-info-user-rating" style="display:none"> <div class="rating quick-rating"> <p class="average rating-3">3 stars</p> <ol class="user" data-analytics='{"click_id":1865,"events":"event6,event7,event24"}' data-ypid="5550608"> <li class="rating-1"> <a data-analytics='{"rating":1}' … | |
function productview(view) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { document.getElementById("product_view").innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; } } xmlhttp.open("GET","product_ajax.php?result="+view,true); xmlhttp.send(); } | |
I'm making a project work that encrypt and decrypt the email text using rsa, the rsa function to create an extension thunderbird add-ons. and almost finished, but I get the awkwardness when starting encryption, namely refernce error: new BigInteger is not deifned. hopefully the master javascript can help me, and … | |
I have resorted to everything I can think of and I can't get a PHP variable to go into a form that is onclicked with a Javascript Function... Here is my attempts thus far: 1. Give the div that contains the onclick function the php variable as an id, and … | |
I trying to learn HTML by studying code from a downloaded web site. In the HTML code is the following snippet of Javascript. I am so new to Javascript and HTML and have no clue what this snippet is for. Any ideas? function gID(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]"); var regexS … |
The End.