I have a JS/jQuery based date picker - calendar. The algorithm itself is simple - a Calendar class that generates calendar, several methods for year/month change, etc, nothing that special. Since i have several independent date fields in the page, i am creating several independent calendars, for example, var calendar1 = new Calendar(), var calendar2 = new Calendar() and so on. The generated calendar is then placed into a <div> tag, identified by id attribute. Each time when a year/month is changed, it calls a method that regenerates the calendar output using the new paramets and places it into the same <div> On browsers like Firefox and Chrome everything works just fine, however, on IE comes this problem - when i open calendar, it allows me to change parameters (year, month) just 2-4 times and then it does nothing. If i reload the page, it works again for just a few clicks. I still can open and close the window, but i cannot modify the date anymore. Why is that in IE it does not work properly? Does the IE browser somehow treats different element id's and/or javascript classes/objects?