I would like to make a blok of text appear when the user clicks a hyperlink. Therefor I created a test file in html:
<title>InnerHTML - Test</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function writeEvent(txt){
document.getElementById("infoOut").innerHTML = makeEvent(txt);
function makeEvent(text){
var output
return "<table style='border:solid 1px red'><tr><td>"+text+"</td></tr></table>";
<a href="#" onclick="writeEvent('<b>Partijbestuur</b><br/>Te rode roos,<br/>Om: 19u30')">dag 1</a><br/>
<a href="#" onclick="writeEvent('<b>Kaartavond</b><br/>Te rode roos,<br/>Om: 19u30<br/>Inschijven: <a href=http://www.google.be>Hier</a>')">dag 2</a><br/>
<a href="#" onclick="writeEvent('<b>YO 2008</b><br/>Afspraak om 18:23 aan de kerk in hofstade<br/>tickets in voorverkoop bij hilde te krijgen')">dag 3</a><br/>
<p id="infoOut"></p>
Which works fine in bouth Firefox and IE7. So I placed the code form the test file above into my php code. This php shows a calendar and highlights special dates.
Here are pieces that are the most impotand for this probem:
// Add an event
public function addEvent($eventTitle, $eventDay, $eventMonth, $eventYear, $eventInfo) {
$this->events[$eventYear][$eventMonth][$eventDay] = array('event_title' => $eventTitle, 'event_link' => '#', 'event_info' => $eventInfo);
// Set day as either plain text or event link
if (isset($this->events[$this->year][$this->month][$this->day]))
$this->htmlDay = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" title=\"%s\" onClick=\"writeEvent('%s')\">%s</a>", $this->events[$this->year][$this->month][$this->day]['event_link'], $this->events[$this->year][$this->month][$this->day]['event_title'], $this->events[$this->year][$this->month][$this->day]['event_info'], $this->day);
$this->htmlDay = $this->day;
This code was also tested before I added the onclick() event that shoud trigger the JS function to show the block of text.
Now I have this page that holds the calendar, the special days and the javascript
// JavaScript
$javascript = <<< EOT
<script type="text/javascript">
function writeEvent(t1){
document.getElementById("infoOut").innerHTML = makeEvent(t1);
function makeEvent(t2){
return "<center><table style='border:solid 1px red'; margin=3px; width=435px;><tr><td>"+t2+"</td></tr></table></center>";
echo $javascript;
// Include calendar class
// Create calendar object
$cal = new calendar;
// Turn on navigation links
// Add event on current day
$cal->addEvent('YO 2008', 4, 1, 2008, 'YO 2008<br>test test om 18u30 wees op tijd!');
$cal->addEvent('Patrijbestuur', 9, 1, 2008, 'http://www.example-event.com');
$cal->addEvent('Nieuwjaarsreceptie regio s Vilvoorde en Zaventem', 11, 1, 2008, 'http://www.example-event.com');
// Display calendar centered
$cal->display($_GET['month'], $_GET['year']);
// Output of event
echo("<p id=\"infoOut\"></p>");
This does as it is supposed to do in firefox BUT in IE7 it does not.
when I click a special day in IE7 it does not show any blok of text and gives me the following error:
"error: unkown runtime error"
that points to the 3e line of this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function writeEvent(t1){
document.getElementById("infoOut").innerHTML = makeEvent(t1);
This is realy wierd to me there is nothing wrong with this:
document.getElementById("infoOut").innerHTML = makeEvent(t1);
Please can anyone tell me how to solve this? Or tel me where I can find some sort of solution/explenation.