15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for Behseini

Hi everyone, I am am trying to change the "display" property of a div from "none/block" to normal in order to display it on mouseover event.But I do not know why it is not working! Can you please take a look at following spinets and let me know what I …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for vistriv5

Dear all I am creating a web application for my company. My application has a button and a textbox. What I want to do is entering some value into the textbox and then when i click the button the application will process the value based on the input in the …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for vlowe

Hi, thanks for looking! I am trying to replicate a mouseover image swap feature on multiple images like on this site - [url]http://www.togsandclogs.com/latest-arrivals-12-w.asp[/url] I have found some image swap scripts but finding it difficult to find something i can implement for multiple images as above. The below works ok for …

Member Avatar for vlowe
Member Avatar for 3thal

I have a problem with the following code , i put try ... catch around if statement , and display this error message : 'Question1' is undefined ! [CODE]<html> <head> <title> Online Quiz </title> <script type="text/JavaScript"> function checkAnswer(){ var correctAnswers=0; var errorAnswers=0; document.writeln("The Result : "); try{ if(Question1.Q1[1].checked){ document.writeln("Q1 : …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for jain4

Hello There, I have a code for validation in a form in Html. The javascript works perfectly in IE, but doesnt work in firefox. The code is as follows: [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function Validate_contact() { var status; var err=''; if(document.getElementById('EFirstname').value == '') { err+='Please Enter Your First Name'; err+='\n'; status …

Member Avatar for jain4
Member Avatar for opjjuly

hey guys, i have quiet a number of .css and .js files on my website <head></head> pages. how do i compress them with gzip?

Member Avatar for opjjuly
Member Avatar for oblo10

Hi. In my script there are two document.write lines. The problem is that when I call it from my ajax page it replaces the entire body and the page disappears. Is there a way to call this in an ajax page? <script type="text/javascript"> for (var i=0; i<DropTotal; i++){ document.write('<div id="Drop' …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for triumphost

Can someone explain why my function is not working? Description: ToggleFrame(TagID, FrameID).. Given those two, get the two elements.. If the iframe is showing, hide the tagID element.. if the tagID element is showing, hide the iframe.. My attempt & failure: [CODE] function ToggleFrame(ID, FrameID){ //Given the tag, show/hide it.. …

Member Avatar for pawan768

Please Help Me Out : I want to compare some condition like (check the user id exist in database or not)Trough Jquery, If it lie it show error image else it show the confirmed image! Any One help me out!

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for mayreeh
Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for Inga.K

DHTMLX announced the final release of DHTMLX Touch 1.0, a free JavaScript framework for building HTML5 mobile web apps. Version 1.0 offers more stable performance, better cross-platform compatibility, and extended customization options. In addition to these improvements, DHTMLX Touch introduces some new features, such as HTML5 offline mode, IDE integration, …

Member Avatar for mcwebalizer

I`m trying to find source for insert data to textfield. First, I mean this with clicking "List" to open list of values in javascript popup window. Here list of data appears.User can select value from list and send it back to form textarea with closing small javascript popup window automatically, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Pravinrasal

can anyone please help me I dont have knowledge of jquery I want ti design calculator in jquery

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for klemme

Is it possible to run to functions at the same time when using onchange? Now i have this one: [CODE] <select name="hovedside_id" onchange="hentPosition(this.value)"> [/CODE] Using ajax i get updated another dropdown list with db info from this function just above. I return the data to a span tag with an …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for FreddieBambino

Hi guys. Im not really capable of programming much in javascript but if you guys can guide me a bit here, that would be great. I get this problem alot with Internet explorer, I have a file with table design, and I have expander/collapse button to show and hide the …

Member Avatar for Mitche11

Hello. I am struggling to create this website. It looks great so far. The 2 problems that I am having are trying to add button functionality to the slideshow as well as make it so the images are hyperlinked to another page. If you could help me I would be …

Member Avatar for castillolk

HI!! I have an application in php that runs on facebook. Surprisingly it works ok in IE and chrome BUT in mozilla does not open a new window with information .. The code that I´m using is : <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0 window.open(theURL,winName,features); } //--> </script> .. …

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Member Avatar for jekMCMXC

can anyone help me how to add a comment box in HTML? I'm new to html and I don't have any idea how to do it.. please help me

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for suganthi j

i wrote the program in javascript then which extension i have to used in saving and how to compile and run the file

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for schoolboy2010

Hi, I'm trying to use JavaScript to make a story out of randomly selected words from 4 arrays and then insert it into a textarea. It isn't working, can someone please tell me how to fix it.... there's an error somewhere I can't find. Thanks. HTML [CODE]<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi... I want a to print a receipt using dot matrix printer such that the paper should not eject fully out from printer after printing. Any idea ?

Member Avatar for Magnuskamstrup

Hey :) I am trying to make a foot calculator. And i will make a 2 parts dropdown. for example: [B][U]1)[/U][/B] (in the first dropdown) Where have you eaten? [CODE]<select size="6" id="availableOptions" name="availableOptions"> <option value= 1>McD </option> <option value= 2>Burger King</option> <option value= 3>Sunset</option> </select> </td>[/CODE] [B][U]2) [/U][/B] (If you …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for aPPmaSTer

Hi, I have a rather simple problem, and I hope the solution is just as simple, but I just can't seem to find anything about this specific situation on the internet. I created [URL="http://www.bosal.rs/dizajnirajte"]this web application[/URL] which allows for custom door creation. What I would like to do is to …

Member Avatar for aPPmaSTer
Member Avatar for raheel_88

Hi guys, I've got the following, very basic, working DHTML; [CODE] <HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT TYPE="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT"> function setup(ans) { lit = '' if (ans == 'anim') { lit = '<br><br>How many legs? ' lit = lit + '<SELECT NAME="q2" ONCHANGE="alert(document.quest.q2.value)">' lit = lit + '<OPTION VALUE="">- Please select -</OPTION>' lit = …

Member Avatar for raheel_88
Member Avatar for Kamboodle

To validate the form I'm using jquery simple validation. In order to validate a section I put the "class="required" around it but for the select fields I was wondering if it would be possible to display a pop up if they aren't selected? The code: [CODE]<select name="sltDay"> <option value="">day</option> <% …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for persianprez

I'm starting from the bottom of XML and all I want to do is display the elements of one tag. You'll understand what I mean if you look at the code. [CODE]<table> <script type="text/javascript"> if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for Thevenin

Hi all, this is my first thread here, but I've read your forum a lot as unregistered user. I've searched the web for a complete Javascript or some hint, but I didn't find an interesting script or article to implement what I've thought. There's a way to write text or …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for pagerussell

hello, I am building a site where I want all links to partial page reload using xmlhttprequest and innerhtml. I have done this before, butI always had to have a seperate xmlhttprequest function for each link. So this time I am trying to write just one function, and have the …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for kaosjon

Hi i am having a little trouble with my jquery tabs, for some reason it loads the first tab content, but when i select another tab the content is not displayed. When i try to go back to the first tab it doesnt load either. Here is the html [CODE]<div …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for elneco

Dear Forums, I ran into a problem with some panels I started working on. I uploaded the files on my site, The problem is explained on the page itself: [url]http://elneco.biz/panels/[/url] Please let me know if you guys have any suggestions. I don't have the brain power to try to figure …


The End.