15,127 Topics
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Hi all, quick question about a website I am about to build. Basically, somewhere on the homepage, presumably quite far down closer to the footer I will have a div with two clickable tabs: when clicked they will show different content but the url of the page needs to stay … | |
I'm trying to build google+ sign in feature. I'm able to get all the user data from google+, how can i insert this data into database? I know js is client-side language and it is needed to be done on server side....... my code: <span id="signinButton"> <span class="g-signin" data-callback="signinCallback" data-clientid="My-client-id" … | |
If you were to build a fairly complicated website, and you wanted to add features like instant messaging (one to one and multi-chat like a chat room, and possibly if the site becomes profitable enough, voice/video chatting) and you wanted to be able to store these chat sessions, would it … | |
I am using a simple ajax routine to notify a server of click thrus. This routine passes information about each link on a page when it is clicked to the server which logs information about the click thru. The code works fine unless the CTL key is pressed as someone … | |
Hi Guys! I'm building a site on html,javascript/jquery and css. i have links on the left side of the page (home, contact etc) which clicked displays appropriate and content on the right side. its (20:80) ratio. i have a javascript file that controls the display of the content: $(document).ready(function() { … | |
I need urgent help. I need ONLY select ALL button for my code: if($_POST['SmartPhone']==false and $_POST['Apple']==false) { $this->add(new error('<span style="color:red">Select your cell..!!</span>')); $this->step1(); return; } if(isset($_POST['S4'])) $tech2=$_POST['S4']; $form->add_checkbox('S4','S4',$tech2); if(isset($_POST['iPhone 5'])) $tech3=$_POST['iPhone 5']; $form->add_checkbox('iPhone_5','iPhone 5',$tech3); if(isset($_POST['iPhone 5s'])) $tech1=$_POST['iPhone 5s']; $form->add_checkbox('iPhone_5s','iPhone 5s',$tech1); //In addition, i want to know how to put "Select … | |
Hi friends, http://www.chevalblanc.com/randheli/en/56-unique-experiences.html Examples of the other layer to pass on this page How do I particularly like the scrolling with the mouse How can I pass a little bit when you scroll with the mouse, the other layer. Please scroll your mouse on the page to get a better … | |
I am using XMLHttpRequest as a simple one way ajax logging function. No server response is needed. The request does not cross domains. This code works as expected in IE and in Firefox var client2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); client2.open("GET", "program?url=c",true); client2.send(); alert('sent'); return true; however, as soon as I remove … | |
Hi, I have been trying to create a little jquery plugin for myself so that I can reuse some helpful multiple button submit code. This plugin will allow me to have a class as a selector for every button I want to use on a webpage, a class for everything … | |
Hello, I write the following javascript codes. <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("input").focus(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#fbecc5"); }); $("input").blur(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#f5f5f5"); }); $("textarea").focus(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#fbecc5"); }); $("textarea").blur(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#f5f5f5"); }); }); </script> Only to put the effect on <div id="carticle3">, not on other input form, such as the navigation search input box. How to write the javascript code so … | |
I have a list of items, each item having two checkboxes; available and purchased. The item can be available without being purchased. But it cannot not be purchased without it being available. Therefore, I want the user to be able to check purchased and have 'available' auto-checked if it isn't … | |
hello boss! can any one help me to do this. :S my .ajaxForm() code is working but i want to have validation first for the field before ajax start to work. here's my code: my script: <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('#myForm').validate({ rules: { newsletter: { required: true, email: true} } }); … | |
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/tytabs.jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- $(document).ready(function(){ $("#tabsholder").tytabs({ tabinit:"1", fadespeed:"fast" }); $("#tabsholder2").tytabs({ prefixtabs:"tabz", prefixcontent:"contentz", classcontent:"tabscontent", tabinit:"3", catchget:"tab2", fadespeed:"normal" }); }); --> </script> <script type='text/javascript' src='scripts/jquery.easing.1.3.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='scripts/camera.js'></script> <script> jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#camera_wrap_3').camera({ height: '56.2%', pagination: false, thumbnails: true, imagePath: '../images/' }); }); </script> this jquery gives me error … | |
This is my form : <input type="checkbox" name="dept" value="sales" <?php if(isset($_GET['dept'])) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> onclick="this.form.submit();" />Sales <br /> <input type="checkbox" name="dept" value="it" <?php if(isset($_GET['dept'])) echo "checked='checked'"; ?> onclick="this.form.submit();" />IT <br /> I want to send the value of "dept" as soon as the checkbox is checked and want the page … | |
Hi there, I am currently helping out a company with an eCommerce site in Magento Community Edition, but I'm struggling with embedding a Mailchimp email subscribe form into a page. When I click Subscribe, literally nothing happens. The form is definitely validating, because I'm seeing error messages pop up when … | |
hi there, I have a hidden field in my page which i need to transfer to another page as request query string/paraameter. It works perfectly in IE and in chrome. When i try in Mozilla the value of the req string is always undefined. Can any one help me out. … | |
Hello fellow programmers. I'm in a need of community assistance :) I have a php form with three dropdowns that has jquery function that loads .txt files and builds two dynamic dropdowns realted to first choice. First user choses option (hardcoded in script) - normal dropdown. Then the script takes … | |
I have in table columns name and rc. I retrieve values by select in php by js code info array. I want to display this values in html table with other values by javascript. My question: Whats way to join values name and rc in js? I need to join … | |
I have file that is supposed to pass the id of a link to using the ajax post method to a php file so that a div on my webpage updates. But nothing happens so i think the class is not being passesd. Can anyone see the problem. blog.js $('a.bloglink').click(function(e) … | |
Hello, Anybody knows how to create a changing background website like this: [background](http://id.gateway.com/gw/en/ID/content/home) I have the website and 3 different background. Now, I would like to make those background changes one after another. | |
I am using the [jQuery File Upload plugin by Blueimp](http://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload/) to upload images to a server. The problem is, the sending server is `admin.example.com`, and the receiving server where the images are stored is on `www.example.com`. Same domain, different subdomain. I followed the [instructions here on setting up cross-domain uploads](https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki/Cross-domain-uploads#cross-site-xmlhttprequest-file-uploads), … | |
Hi, I am trying to populate year,day and month dropdown. It working fine without <option value="">Select</option> i.e empty option. But getting wrong no of days for month selection after adding select option <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>untitled</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var numDays = { '1': 31, … | |
(1) 1)here i'm doing clone of a row...but this code is working only in eclipse [ ie ,cloning is working ] and it is also not working in anybrowsers. if i write <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "Page on W3"> to this code ,it will not work in … | |
How many bytes does it take to encode the JSON string "STR\uD834\uDD1E" in UTF-8, in UTF-16 and how many in UTF-32? | |
How to implement this kind of Google Map API like on this website http://dentist-map.jp/map as you can see, there is also a search bar then the markers. Since I am new to Google Map API, any outputs/feedbacks would be greatly appreciated. Do you think the locaations are stored in the … | |
I have a displaytag to display results. But in this displaytag, I want the corresponding occid of the row. But I don't know due to some problem, it is showing me the id of the first row only. It works as follows- when i enter a name and click on … | |
I am trying to populate dropdown list according to other dropdown list using ajax prototype.js framework.But its seems ajax observField function is not picking the change in first dropdown list . I have two tables named mobiles and moddels moddels table has an coloumn mobile_id for association. my models are … | |
Hi all, I have taken from net drop down menu (Drop down chrome menu). it is written in Object oriented background. but i would like to get it simple and concise. i wrote it in a prosedural background again. below is original script. 1-is HTML <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML … | |
I have the following code executed on window load: var focuscheck = setInterval(focuswindow, 1000); $(anotherwindow).focus(function() { focuscheck = setInterval(focuswindow, 1000); }); $(anotherwindow).blur(function() { clearInterval(focuscheck); $("iframe:first", anotherwindow.document).on("mouseover", function(event) { focuscheck = setInterval(focuswindow, 1000); }); }); anotherwindow and focuswindow are fine so I won't post code for that. So this is how … |
The End.