15,121 Topics

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Member Avatar for raviaaaa

Hi I have a hyper link by clicking the link it open child window after selecting the data from right tab;e to left table i click SAVE button, by clickig the button child window is closed , now if i click the same hyper link again the newly added data …

Member Avatar for maria_megha

can someone give me the code to display drop down date with default todays date selected...format dd/mm/yyyy i found the code to display month in mon format..what is to be modified in the function to get in mm format here ______________ [CODE] <script> var monthtext=['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec']; function populatedropdown(dayfield, monthfield, yearfield){ var …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for raviaaaa

scenario: While clicking EDIT hyper link in java script it will open one new window, in this window i have values in the left table i need to select the value from left TABLE to right TABLE after selecting i clicked <OK> button, child window will be closed Now if …

Member Avatar for raviaaaa
Member Avatar for hooray

I am trying to make a form, with a textbox next to a select box. When the user selects an option in the select I would like the textbox to display some text to explain what each select option means. I have this so far: (I have left out anything …

Member Avatar for gudiya_413
Member Avatar for chintanr19

hi... please help me.. i have created a Textbox class in asp.net in which i used Onblur event. but now when i try to use that event again in the page where i have to make some calculations. it doesnt works... IS THERE ANY WAY TO USE ONBLUR EVENT MULTIPLE …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

I have created a JavaScript function in a view which is supposed to return a value from a selected radio button. values from view fields are posted to a function of a controller which in turn will execute an associated model to save the data. how can i get the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Emiliya

Hi all... I have 3 table columns. Columns 1 and 3 have different colored backgrounds. Column 2 is white background and contains the content. I want the heights of columns 1 & 3 to increase according to the height or the amount of content in column 2. Thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for I'mHere
Member Avatar for Jamesiscrazzy

I found this cool source of a dynamic form but after trying to fitting it to using a table it won't work as intended. A little help? [code=html] <html> <head> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> //Add more fields dynamically. function addField(area,field) { if(!document.getElementById) return; //Prevent older browsers from getting any further. var …

Member Avatar for Jamesiscrazzy
Member Avatar for felix001

Im currently working on a HTML page to add additional input boxes. I have the following code. Does anyone know how I would go about adding the required vlaues to each of the input boxes, for use later on within php ?? [CODE]<html> <head> <title></title> <script language="javascript"> fields = 0; …

Member Avatar for felix001
Member Avatar for heshanm

Hi, I want to validate phone number in my project. I include some validations. Furthermore i want to check whether it exactly contains ONLY 10 digits.nothing more and nothing less.How should i include that? [CODE] if (document.form1.phone_number.value == '') { alert('Please fill in phone number!'); return false; } if(!document.form1.phone_number.value.match(/^[0-9]+$/)){ alert('Please …

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Member Avatar for extemer

HELLO guys May peace on you...i am stuck in a problem.i had a loading image that appears while i submit the form but the problem is that my page is not redirect to next page.here is my code please help me.... [ICODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for skald89

When you look at the Photo album the thumbnails line up and scroll horizontally in every browser. However when I click on Paintings the thumbnails go out of wack and different things on each browser, basically does not line up horizontally like it should. I know .hide is what causes …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Casperjames

So here's the scenario guys. I am currently developing a php MUD. There is a specific section where I want the content to load one letter at a time much like someone on the other end of the interwebs is typing it out to the user. (I'm sure you've all …

Member Avatar for MDanz

where did i go wrong? It should update mysql(insertsubscribe function) and change the image in the anchor tag. php [code] $id= $row['id']; echo "<div class='subscribe'><a id='s$id' href='javascript:subscribe($id);'><img src='/subscribe.jpg' alt='subscribe' /></a></div>";[/code] ajax [code]function subscribe(number) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code …

Member Avatar for nobuts

Hello Guys, I'd like to build a ajax cart which is pass the product id, title and quantity to another div. Saying the user clicked 3 items. And I'd like those item to display on a cart like: ID | Title | Qty ---------------- 1 | Apple | 2 2 …

Member Avatar for Tristan2036

Okay i have been looking my best for this problem on forum. I have a website script written in php, now the menu it has is in php and uses a tpl file. This is very crude compared to what i need, now i post here in DHTML because the …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for scorpionz

Hi this is ScorpionZ can anyone have an idea like I have a div box with its 'id' and an Text area When i click on my Div box I get this the ID through Javascript and Print it on Text area Here is a little piece of code [code=html] …

Member Avatar for maniac23
Member Avatar for deraad

I have two functions that work fine individually, but when used together, create the other function not to work for some reason.. :'( My first function submits a form using ajax: [CODE]$(function() { $("#saveList").click(function() { var listname = $("input#listname").val(); if (listname == "") { $('#listnameError').fadeIn("slow"); setTimeout("$('#listnameError').fadeOut('slow')", "1200"); return false; } …

Member Avatar for deraad
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I am setting dynamically a function call in my php as like this onClick=selectAndUpdate('".$row1[serialNo]."','".$row1[bC]."','".$row1[size]."','".$row1[pattern]."'); Then when I run I get this error unterminated string literal selectAndUpdate('EA13','GY','210/60R. That means my third value from the db got problem due to the slash right? How to overcome this?

Member Avatar for rakwel10

as the title says, "close popup window after submit then redirect to parent". how do i do that? i google it and i saw that some people are using the following code: [B]window.close(); window.opener.location.reload(); [/B] The problem is, i dont know how to use and where them. pls guide me. …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for mrhankey

hi guys, i have a script [CODE]<script>KT_self_url = "pageToRedirect.php";</script> [/CODE] basically it is a script that runs after a flash multi upload. problem is that the script does not refresh the page. so if i set for example [CODE]script>KT_self_url = "members_Detail.php?MemberID=<?php echo($row_WADAmembers['MemberID']); ?>#tabs-11";</script>[/CODE] it hangs with the flash upload on …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for shivam charan

client side code: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function closeMe() { // Code is here } </script> server side .cs file code protected void btnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (checkuser(UserName.Text, Password.Text)) { // i want to call closeMe() function here. } else { } }

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Juriy

part of index page [CODE] <form id="form1" name="form1" method="get" action="show.php"> <select id="mark" name="mark"> <option value="">--</option> <option value="100">BMW</option> <option value="101">Audi</option> </select> <select id="series" name="series"> <option value="">--</option> <option value="1" class="100">1 series</option> <option value="3" class="100">3 series</option> <option value="5" class="100">5 series</option> <option value="6" class="100">6 series</option> <option value="7" class="100">7 series</option> <option value="11" class="101">A1</option> <option value="23" …

Member Avatar for Juriy
Member Avatar for stbuchok

I've seen a lot of people having issues debugging JavaScript code. So here is how you can easily debug your JavaScript code using Visual Studio (I believe firebug has similar functionality). Also if someone has Visual Web Developer can you confirm that you can do it in that as well …

Member Avatar for Virangya

Hey this is my code.. I'm trying to display whats in "carefare" variable inside a div. But it's not working I have no idea. All names of the div's are correct. and when i use alerts(commented) correct values are displaying but it's not getting printed inside my divs. Always the …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for ErangaD

I have 2 text boxes A and B I want the answer A-B displayed on A Text box 'onchange' event of B Please help me Thanks God Bless Eranga

Member Avatar for ErangaD
Member Avatar for clbembry

I have a mySQL that is continuously being added to and I need to make an AJAX function that checks the database periodically and only returns the results that it hasn't seen before.

Member Avatar for Brillig
Member Avatar for vizz

I am using following code to generate menus [CODE]<?php $menu = array(); $menu['home'] = 'Home'; $menu['mypage'] = 'My Page'; //Add in the format of: $menu['page name'] = 'Page Title'; $title='Home'; //Default title function generateMenu() { global $menu,$default,$title; echo ' <ul>'; $p = isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : $default; foreach ($menu as …

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for ptemedia

Hi, I have made an image gallery which all in all is working fine. However, there is the option of to play through the images using setInterval to change the image every 8 seconds. After all images have been preloaded, this works fine. In its current set up however, the …

Member Avatar for anandhikrishnan

Hi, Am new to javascript, i have two fields 1. Start time ( hh:mm:ss Am/Pm ) 2. End time (hh:mm:ss Am/Pm) i want to validate it. Start time should be always greater than end time. Eg: start time : 10:00:00 Am end time : 09:00:00 Am It should alert the …

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The End.