15,121 Topics
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Hi How to disply element id value to view pls give me with example if(a.indexOf("UpdateDiv***") > -1){ var arr = a.split("***"); document.all.lblDivAccess.innerHTML = "  [ " + arr[1] +" Divisions(s) ]"; document.all.lblDivAccess.style.display = "inline"; document.all.lblDivAccess.style.color = "red"; document.all.txhSelDiv.value = arr[2]; break; } in this line iam getting totally added 'number'(in + … | |
[CODE]<div id="test1"><div id="fb-root"></div> <script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"> </script> <fb:comments href="http://www.jewelryfresh.com/" num_posts="10" width="739"></fb:comments></div>[/CODE] Above is the code for facebook comments box. I want to dynamically change the href value to the page on which it is. How can i do it.I do not want the static href value as it is now. Please … | |
Hi please help me to finding java code for putting in the text files as username or password or email address in colorless vision and when the user clicking in the field the field shows empty and ready for type words . | |
I am a newbie and I want to create a job, bursaries online classified. What tools do I need to use to get it off the ground. The website creator I am using is Weebly. I've seen some of the other website having some sort of a web page slider … | |
Hi I have a 'add' hyper link by clicking the link it open a new window after selecting the data from right table to left table i clicked OK button, by clickig the button child window will closed , now if i click the same hyper link again the newly … | |
Hi, I've got a table with 3 cols and each cell has a checkbox. I want to have 3 checkboxes above the table that each one checks/unchecks all the checkboxes in the table but ONLY in one col. so if I click checkbox 1 all the checkboxes in col 1 … | |
Hi I want to make image map in flash similar to this one - [url]http://www.image-maps.com/[/url] My image map implementation will be more complex. Basically I want end result like this [url]http://digitalhymn.com/argilla/tipmage/[/url] Only with two changes : - User should able to mark other shapes than rectangle, - It should store … | |
I have a HTML form and I would like to display the values in the form on the same page below the form itself . My question is how can I display the values entered in the form above .I would like to use a javascript. Please help..... | |
hi everyone ...how to do this in jscript .... refreshing a page once,twice or so on every given time.. (refresh 1x/30 secs or 2x/40 secs) to make it clear: example i will input 100 on a textbox (so this is my given time) and i will set to refresh the … | |
Here`s my code. [CODE]<html> <body> <script type=text/javascript> var n=0; while(n<=10) { document.write("<center>"+n); document.write("<br>") n++; } </script> </body> </html>[/CODE] The output is like this : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -- but they are in the center. I want to put them in a table. … | |
Hey Guys What i want is, to show a pop up or a simple div or a modal or any dialogue box to to load on my home page to show welcome message, whats new etc stuff, which will be displayed only once in a day to every visitor of … | |
Hi guys, I am new here in the community. I need help on how to pass a javascript variable value to a php variable.. I am using jquery to hide form1 when the page loads. My first javascript is working fine. my code is like this: [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ … | |
please guys help me out I want to create a busaries and job search website. and i want to link my pages to external pages without leaving my website by just diplaying only that particular content. | |
I'm only adding this code to a few pages. I have the background changing over each linked hover, but is there anyway for me to allow one item remain that background color to indicate which page my visitors are currently on. If you can show me how to do one, … | |
Hello everyone, I've visited a lot of websites, like Daniweb, and found effects on the sites pages that are really of a considerable design. I know it's becoming common, but I really get impressed at seeing such things. When you put the mouse cursor on some button it becomes highlighted … | |
hi Danny, I have an issue where i need to get to a particular element when i click on a menu button.It is working fine in IE but in firefox it doenst work.There is a literal to which i am binding data dynamically and i have assigned id's.When i click … | |
I am looking for a mini project in javascript. Can you please suggest me with some projects......... | |
Hi I have a aadd' hyper link by clicking the link it open a new window after selecting the data from right table to left table i click OK button, by clickig the button child window will closed , now if i click the same hyper link again the newly … | |
Which of the two is better? In terms of speed, ability and size (and anything else that you can think of) | |
Hi, I want to fade in each element in my array with a slight delay from the preceding element so they dont all fade in at the same time. Here is my code: [CODE]$(document).ready(function() { var arr = ['<img src="images/1.jpg" />', '<img src="images/2.jpg" />', '<img src="images/3.jpg" />', '<img src="images/4.jpg" />', … | |
| Hi all, A developer has provided me with some scripts that display clusters of markers and info windows on a Google Map (v3 API). The markers side of things works well but there is a problem with the info windows. Unfortunately I didn't notice until after I paid him and … |
<TD align="left" valign="middle"> <A id="lnkEditDiv" href="javascript:showEdit('Div');" style="display:none;" > <% if(intUserModAcc == 0) {%> <bean:message key="siteadmin.lbl.ViewDivs"/> <% }else{ %><bean:message key="siteadmin.lbl.EditDivs"/> <% } %> Is there any way to refresh "lnkEditDiv" hyper link in java ascript or do i need to write fresh function pls comfirm me on this Prbolem is when … | |
Hello, I want to write a program. in the program i need to generate a password that contain 8 - 10 charachters. i did it, but without regex, Can any one help me, how to do this with the regular exp ? the criterias for the pass are: 1- the … | |
[CODE] function func1(str) { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML='<Br>Graph type: <select id="sel" name="sel" onchange="func2(str)"><option value="1">1</option><option value="2"> 2</option></select>'; } function func2(x) { some codes.... } [/CODE] In Above coding, i want to pass the "str" variable to "func2" in onchange . but above code is not working. Can anyone Please help me..? | |
Dear All, I have function where I read from a mysql table a set of value. Part of my codes is like this. The problem why I need to use fully php here is this a ajax called page. [CODE]echo "<tr id='gridRow'> <td >$count</td> <td> <input type='checkbox' onClick=selectAndUpdate('$row1[size]')></td> <td> {$row1[SerialNo]}</td> … | |
| Hi folks. I'm playing about with jQuery at the moment but I really don't have any js knowledge so I am going mostly by guess work. I ordered 2 js books yesterday though so I should be able to at least start learning the basics in a few days. I … |
Okay... Im still on a big learning curve with Java / JQuery etc... I have easyslider and jcarousel running fine on the page... but I also want to add in jquery.ticker but im getting conflicts with the code - but when I remove: [code]<script src="js/jquery.ticker.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/site.js" type="text/javascript"></script>[/code] It … | |
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0 the codescrap entered in the address bar makes any web page locally editable, you can play with any element or content | |
for example: i m currently work on online results system i can't understand how i could this.. teacher search students seat numbers in 'student enrollment' table and these seat numbers search in text fields than teacher write their numbers three columns mid marks, lab marks and terminal marks student seat … |
The End.