15,688 Topics
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I want a php contact form in facebox.When i click the submit button it should show the error or success message in the facebox with the same page as background.Is it possible,pls help me... Thanks | |
since FB.Connect works only in javascript how do i send the user id from the javascript to JSP for it to be stored in the database. for example how do i use FB.Connect.get_loggedInUser(); to send the id to jsp.? | |
hi, I am trying to setup a page where the visitor answer a question first before continue, otherwise, I don't want them entry. Can I do that using a dhtml and ajax? thank you for your help | |
Hi Everyone! I am trying to use a $.post call in jQuery to check a user's credentials before submitting a form (so I can show errors without reloading the page), but I've run into a problem. I know why it is, because AJAX is not synchronous, but I just can't … | |
Hey! I am trying to make an auto scroll for my chat program. [URL="http://3rlend.com/testingScroll.html"]This[/URL] is the test page. If you are too lazy to take a look at the source, I will give it to you: [CODE] var DS = document.getElementById('div_scroll'); var de = document.getElementById('deb'); var date = new Date(); … | |
I'm sure there is a really, really simple way to solve this issue. I'm just not a programmer so I don't know it off the top of my head. I have this script ext.php that accepts a variable ref. It works like [url]http://ext.php?ref=http://site.name[/url] The problem is that there is also … | |
I need to create a table: inside a table i must have the picture with a heading, link<< 1 of 2 >> ,abstract and full story, read more news. When clicking on the link 1 of 2 the image must change along with the heading and abstract. | |
I am usind ajax modal popup extender control.I used following code. </cc1:ModalPopupExtender> <asp:Panel ID="pnlConfirm" runat="server" Width="328px" Visible="False" CssClass="modalBackground" > <asp:Label ID="lblConfirm" runat="server" Text="No employee is marked as absent,do you want to continue?" Width="409px"></asp:Label><br /> <br /> <asp:Button ID="btnYes" runat="server" Text="Yes" CausesValidation="false" UseSubmitBehavior="false" CssClass="button" Width="34px" /> <asp:Button ID="btnNo" runat="server" Text="No" CssClass="button" … | |
Friends, Since I have to design JSP using Ext-JS, I am in need of help to start Extended JS. Can anyone suggest me any good sites or pdfs to learn. Thanks, ramjeev | |
hi i wrote a code for login. it uses xhtml, ajax and php. the problem is when i try to login using firefox and chrome it does log me in and working fine but when i check it on IE8 and safari it does not log me in. it just … | |
Hi, I have some 100 xml documents on a sharepoint website and I would like to replace the value of a particular attribute inside each XML document on the server. To do this: I would like to run a command line tool developed in Javascript which will ask me the … | |
Well I'm currently creating an application that will subscribe to youtube channels that you are interested in. I run a check to first see if you are already subscribed to the channel, but I sometimes receive an alert box saying you are already subscribed. I couldn't leave this bot on … | |
Hello! I have a text field where a user can enter either a(n): [LIST] [*]American zip code (example: "02475") [*]Canadian zip code (example: "A3F 4G6") [*]A "city/state abbreviation" combination (example: "Toronto, ON", or "Las Vegas, NV") [/LIST] For the most part, users don't have much of a problem with the … | |
i'm using refreshhit for some random quotes pages in different DIVS, and love it; problem is, if i add html to the text in the pages: $string = "<a href=\"page\">text</a>"; echo $string; that's exactly what i'm getting, "<a href=\"page\">text</a>", instead of parsed html - can someone tell me why...? what … | |
Can someone please help me l need to apply a hover css on a radio button. Currently the background color only draws a box around the radio button but does not the actual radio color. l dont mind if there is no css even javascript will do | |
[CODE]window.onload = rolloverInit; function rolloverInit() { for (var i=0; i<document.images.length; i++) { if (document.images[i].parentNode.tagName == "A") { setupRollover(document.images[i]); } } } function setupRollover(thisImage) { thisImage.outImage = new Image(); thisImage.outImage.src = thisImage.src; thisImage.onmouseout = rollOut; thisImage.overImage = new Image(); thisImage.overImage.src = "images/" + thisImage.id + "_on.gif"; thisImage.onmouseover = rollOver; } function … | |
i am completly new to this programming language,but i know the features of the .net that wht is c#,asp.net and sql server.and presently working with s/w company where i need to work on ajax plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz suggets me how will i do | |
Hi php masters.. i manage to use an ajax combobox to shows bus fares and destination on my site and it works great in xampp.. problem start when i tried to upload the site to my host server (linux).. the combobox contains 4 .php scripts and 1 .js script there … | |
I'm validating a textarea for null value by following code var message = document.chat_frm.msg.value; if(message=="" || message==null){ alert("Say something or shout it out! Uhm ... no, type it in!"); //document.chat_frm.msg.focus(); return false; } It is working fine as if without entering any text I click on submit it returns alert … | |
I need help, HTML--i have two links, linkA & linkB--when clicking linkA -should display image1 and whn clicking linkB image2 should be displayed. The trick is they must be displayed in one image tag. Any one who can hepl me? I woukd appreciate your help. | |
i am trying to find what is wrong with that but i can't find it [CODE] function check_form(formid) { var field=document.getElementById(formid); var wrongs=0; document.write("lol"); document.write(field.length); for (i=0;i<field.length;i++) { k=field[i]; temp=k.name; document.write(temp); if (temp.indexOf('email')==0) { document.write("lalala email"); if (check_mail(formid,temp)==true) { wrongs++; document.write(temp); } } else { if (temp.indexOf('til')==0) { document.write("lalala til"); … | |
i have create a function to calculate date. whenever i enter it to the system, there having extra date. why get like that. the coding is just like the below. [CODE]function calculateDate(value) { if (document.form.fromDate.value != null && value != null) { var date = getDate(document.form.fromDate.value); date.setDate(date.getDate() + parseInt(value)-1); var … | |
Hi, i just start learning jquery and want to see some exapmle of jquery core API and ajax. can somebody please give me some code example so that it can be easy for me to understand. Thanks in advance. amby | |
Can someone explain to me why I get this error when i have one radio button in the array with a length size of one and i = 0? [CODE]]document.radioForm.Radio[i] is undefined Line 25[/CODE] Here's the code [CODE] ln = document.radioForm.Radio.length if(isNaN(ln)){ ln = 1 } alert(ln) for(i=0; i<ln; i++){ … | |
i have this function and it works right only to mozilla [CODE] function check_field(formid,field) { var k=document.getElementById(formid); if (k[field].value=="") { document.getElementById("wrong_"+field).innerHTML=" Κενό πεδίο"; } else document.getElementById("wrong_"+field).innerHTML=""; } [/CODE] i use this element to call it [CODE] <tr > <th width="22%" <?php if (isset($_SESSION["prob_onoma"])) echo "class=\"become_wrong\"";?> align="left" > Ονοματεπώνυμο :* </th> <th width="45%"> … | |
I tried this one for some experiment and I can't seem to work it out can you help me about this? The problem here is that when you click on the Radio button then click the result button it should give an alert with number(this number is how may times … | |
I have a hyperlink column in a datagrid that uses DataNavigateUrlFormatString to open a popup window via javascript. I am trying to get two variables from a sql to show in the query string for the popup window. I am able to pass the sessionstart date which is ={0} but … | |
I am new to javascript and downloaded an script to my website. It has columns like Bid, Ask, High values. I like to add an extra column (Spread = Ask – Bid). Is their way to add this extra column? Any guidance or reference to material is highly appreciated. Applet: … | |
![]() | Hi all. Am messing about with an ajax form at present which loops through records in a DB. This is my issue: I have a reset image link in my form (called "file_edit") which calls a 'confirm reset': [CODE]function reset() { if (confirm("Reset? You'll lose any changes!")) { document.file_edit.reset(); } … |
am using an example of tooltips from [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex5/stickytooltip.htm[/url] on [url]www.euroworker.no/order[/url] I have this code here to work with, but it just doesn't seem to work correctly, I've tried everything I can think of. It's not a problem with the Smarty or html, css as far as I Can see, when … |
The End.