15,127 Topics
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Hi, I'm trying to use JavaScript to make a story out of randomly selected words from 4 arrays and then insert it into a textarea. It isn't working, can someone please tell me how to fix it.... there's an error somewhere I can't find. Thanks. HTML [CODE]<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> … | |
Hi... I want a to print a receipt using dot matrix printer such that the paper should not eject fully out from printer after printing. Any idea ? | |
Hey :) I am trying to make a foot calculator. And i will make a 2 parts dropdown. for example: [B][U]1)[/U][/B] (in the first dropdown) Where have you eaten? [CODE]<select size="6" id="availableOptions" name="availableOptions"> <option value= 1>McD </option> <option value= 2>Burger King</option> <option value= 3>Sunset</option> </select> </td>[/CODE] [B][U]2) [/U][/B] (If you … | |
Hi, I have a rather simple problem, and I hope the solution is just as simple, but I just can't seem to find anything about this specific situation on the internet. I created [URL="http://www.bosal.rs/dizajnirajte"]this web application[/URL] which allows for custom door creation. What I would like to do is to … | |
Hi guys, I've got the following, very basic, working DHTML; [CODE] <HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT TYPE="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT"> function setup(ans) { lit = '' if (ans == 'anim') { lit = '<br><br>How many legs? ' lit = lit + '<SELECT NAME="q2" ONCHANGE="alert(document.quest.q2.value)">' lit = lit + '<OPTION VALUE="">- Please select -</OPTION>' lit = … | |
To validate the form I'm using jquery simple validation. In order to validate a section I put the "class="required" around it but for the select fields I was wondering if it would be possible to display a pop up if they aren't selected? The code: [CODE]<select name="sltDay"> <option value="">day</option> <% … | |
I'm starting from the bottom of XML and all I want to do is display the elements of one tag. You'll understand what I mean if you look at the code. [CODE]<table> <script type="text/javascript"> if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code … | |
Hi all, this is my first thread here, but I've read your forum a lot as unregistered user. I've searched the web for a complete Javascript or some hint, but I didn't find an interesting script or article to implement what I've thought. There's a way to write text or … | |
hello, I am building a site where I want all links to partial page reload using xmlhttprequest and innerhtml. I have done this before, butI always had to have a seperate xmlhttprequest function for each link. So this time I am trying to write just one function, and have the … | |
Hi i am having a little trouble with my jquery tabs, for some reason it loads the first tab content, but when i select another tab the content is not displayed. When i try to go back to the first tab it doesnt load either. Here is the html [CODE]<div … | |
Dear Forums, I ran into a problem with some panels I started working on. I uploaded the files on my site, The problem is explained on the page itself: [url]http://elneco.biz/panels/[/url] Please let me know if you guys have any suggestions. I don't have the brain power to try to figure … | |
I'm finding it difficult to implement an in-place algorithm for bucket sort. The question and my attempt are below. Can anyone give me a hint or an explanation of how I can implement in-place bucket sort? Q: Use the bucket sort idea to sort in-place an array of n records … | |
Hi everybody! I am weak in javascript. Can anybody help me. I need to make script which takes from one field string(numbers separated by space copied from excel) divide it by space into variables and insert into another fields on this page. | |
I have an input box with a 'did you mean' box that pops up under it, and it pulls it's results from another php page, however when a term with a space in it, such as "I am" vs. "Im" is entered, it stops working. This is the code i'm … | |
Hi . I have a problem with my ajax code. I have n number of links and I want to pass variables to my sort2.php so that I can understand which link to be run. Is there a way to do it? My code is as follows. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() … | |
Hi guy i don't know if the right place to ask but here the question. I was looking at some code this one [CODE]var pageNum = this.id; $("#content").load("pagination_data.php?page=" + pageNum, Hide_Load()); });[/CODE] i would like a link or answer about why they put ?page= at the end of pagination_data.php i … | |
[CODE]function doit(m){ return(m+2); } function ask(n){ return(n+doit(n+1)+n); } alert(ask(2));[/CODE] How do you read this code? It returns 9 but I would like to how it does as part of my JavaScript course. | |
Hi pals , I need a particular script for spun text generation: We need to create a script that will generate a spun text using the data entered by the user, it can use JS/Ajax to make it user friendly. below you will see how the script will look like, … | |
hi there, when i was try to remove following code from my blogger template, error massage will occur from blogger(unable to save changes), so can you me help me to remove following code from my blogger template <b:widget id='HTML101' locked='false' title='Featured Posts' type='HTML'/> | |
Hi, I would like to add to my sita a thermometer. I have an input box and I think it would be nice if user could see the thermometer next to his input. When user lets the input box the thermometer to be updated. Does anybody know how can I … | |
How to locate a pixel in an image by color? Well title basicly says it all, but what class would I start with? Robot Class? PixelGrabber Class? If you could post a small sample code, that would be even more helpful. :) | |
Im using a javascript tree menu on a site, with collapsible and expandable links, it works perfectly offline but online, the icons that represent the + sign doesn display and an icon named folder.gif displays something else(a real folder)-ive checked the path to the images and everything is ok, ive … | |
Below is my code, I am needing to get to where the label name will match the behavior that my field currently does. If nothing is entered the field is changed to a red background. If it is focused it goes back to white. I am needing the font color … | |
Hi there heres the script [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex3/leaves.htm[/url] it works fine in IE but doesnt work at all in Firefox, can anyone tell me how I can get it working in firefox. Best Regards Monit | |
I have a modal script. I need the modal box to be centered in the middle of the screen. But there is a catch. The modal box can be of a different sizes and i would like to have a offset dependent on the height of my modal box. If … | |
Hi I am using Lytebox v3.22 and I am trying to find a way to add a link on the popup. At present the link only appears on the thumbs page and is only dimly visible when a popup image is selected. I am using document.write. Although clicking on any … | |
Hello I am having trouble running a form validation this is what I need to do:" Create a Web page that meets these specifications: 1. Revisit the grade average calculation program. Name the file validgrade.html. You will validate each of the grades to make sure it is present and that … | |
I am trying to do a simple focus() on mobile. Actually I am using an iphone simulator, but from what I can tell, I am not the only one having this issue but I cannot find a solution. Is there something that I can use instead with jquery? This works … | |
I have a basic page which has a PHP form. It creates a record and uploads a picture. When they user clicks submit, I need it to display a "loading" notice of some description. I was using this: [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var ray={ ajax:function(st) { this.show('load'); }, show:function(el) { this.getID(el).style.display=''; }, … | |
Hello guys, im using javascripts in my index page. For navigation hovering, slideshow and the other one is for displaying inline content in a form of a lightbox. But the problem is they cant seem to work together. i have to remove the inline content JavaScript for the slideshow and … |
The End.