15,127 Topics
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hello, I m trying to check if user has selected at least one checkbox and give an alert for select atleast one. the checkbox in the forms are dynamics depends up on data received from database for ex. user has to select at least one customer to process ahead . … | |
I am trying to use javascript to validate text boxes on my form. I am currently using this code: [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> function validate_form (){ var myTextField = document.getElementById('Motor_Temperature'); if(myTextField.value == "") alert("Please fill in Motor Temperature") return false;} else { return true; } </script> </head>[/CODE] But i keep getting an … | |
Ok well I have a DIV menu bar that I want to stretch 100% in height. It worked perfectly fine until I added the XHTML doctype. So I tried absolute positioning which worked but then my other divs started overlapping them. So I want to know if there is any … | |
I found something here, but I'm not good at javascript, and i don't know which part of the code is the right! I need only for Checkboxes! [CODE]http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t=11165[/CODE] I need something like: [B]onclick="check_if_at_least_one_is_selected()"[/B] :P there is only one <form></form> and all checkboxes are same type... | |
When you fill out the [URL="http://www.thecreativesheep.ca/construction/sheepageb.htm"]form field[/URL] in IE 7/8/9 and try to edit a previous form field the cursor flicks between the fields. This problem doesn't appear in any other browser, I hope I was understood. | |
Hi JavaGeeks, i am trying to get context path of my Applcation. But it is showing errors in that. Can you please mention the way how to get context path in javascript functions. | |
Hey, I was given a task for a class to make a table that shows 1-10 in the first column, the square of 1-10 in the next column and the cube of 1-10 in the last column. Well I got it to work it just looks sloppy to me and … | |
I have a listbox which has some items in it and a button. I select some items and click the button. They are displayed in a table. I want these items to be displayed in the table to be unique...i.e. if I reselect those same items they should not be … | |
Dear Friends i am having n textbox. I want to validate the text box, So please any can help me to solve my issue. I have also enclosed the screen shot of the design | |
I have an iFrame that is 1024px X 700px. I removed the scrollbars using Scrolling="No" because the scrollbars don't look very pleasing to my eyes. I use javascript to scroll the iFrame but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to detect if I'm already at the … | |
Hello all, I am messing around with the jPaginate files, essentially a pagination script using jQuery. I have the mark up working, but I am just messing around (not a real expert in JavaScript) and I have a simple question. When the user clicks on the next page icon, the … | |
Using onMouseOver in a link - I am able to display a file's contents in a frame. - I can display an image file in an IMG tag But I can't figure out how to combine the two. What I want to do is onMouseOver display the contents of a … | |
[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DGegu.png[/IMG] I have that page above.. But the thing is the entire website was made using an iFrame that loads another page.. Each page has one of those at the bottom. Thing is when the main page loads the second page, there are duplicates of those at the bottom. I … | |
Hello Everyone, I`m Using this code to pass javascript associative array to php using jquery ajax [CODE]function install (loc) { var mydata = []; //lightbox(); switch(loc){ case "step1": { mydata['step'] = '1'; mydata['SiteName'] = $("#siteName").val(); mydata['SiteDesc'] = $("#siteDesc").val(); mydata['AdminEmail'] = $("#adminEmail").val(); mydata['username'] = $("#username").val(); mydata['password'] = $("#password").val(); } break; case … | |
I want to make a submit form that validates first through a .txt file then if validation is OK then I will send it.. for example I have a Submit form, and I will type on the form a number 50, then i have a number 50 on my .txt … | |
Hi there, I am having some problem understanding an event in jquery. Given the following example [url]http://api.jquery.com/event.pageY/[/url], I don't quite understand what 'e' is and what it does. The rest of the code is kinda clear, it basically gets the coordinates but I don't understand what is the function of … | |
I need to suspend processing in my script for a few seconds, and i am not sure how. Thanks, sj | |
Hi everyone, i am only just jumping on the AJAX train after all these years... and finding it such a headache - been spending days wondering why i keep getting it wrong. I am trying to load a jquery plugin in div using jquery AJAX. current i am using [CODE]$('#content').load('minishowcase/index.php');[/CODE] … | |
Just learn PHP and wrote a very simple "app" and now wanting to take it offline. Is JavaScript how we access and create databases on a local level if HTML5 now? Trying to connect all the dots. | |
Hi all, This is a ? about Ajax, PHP and form processing. When I submit the form further below, nothing happens! I didnt set the form-"action" to anything. I left it out, to make the form submit to the same page, so I can validate on the same page too … | |
i have this html code: [CODE]<table border="0" width="24%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="62"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="62"><span>Country<span>:</span></span></td> <td><select name="country" class="cbbody"> <option selected>Select a Country</option> <option value="CA">Canada</option> <option value="US">United States</option> <option>--------------------------------</option> <option value="FR">france</option> <option value="ES">Spain</option> <option value="DE">Germany</option> <option value="IT">Italy</option> </select></td> </tr> </td> <tr> <td width="62">State<span>:</span></td> <td><select name="state" class="cbbody"> <option value selected>Select … | |
Hello, I'm trying to calculate the center of a DIV element. But it doesn't seem to be working, I don't quite get what to do with the calculations.. Here's my code: [code] <html> <head> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #cccccc; } .rectangle { width: 400px; height: 100px; border-style:solid; … | |
i have three texts namely [B]price[/B],[B]quantity[/B] and [B]total[/B]. i want the value of [B]total[/B] to change with change in [B]quantity[/B] i.e [B]total[/B]=[B]price[/B]*[B]quantity[/B]. each time the value of quanity change, the function multiplies it with price and displays the quanity. can somebody send me a javascript code that can do so … | |
Hello. My problem is this: I have a table, for which the row and cols number is given by the user. They contai images. Occasionally a cells picture will be changed. The question I have is this: How to do that? I will be able to compute which cell need … | |
Hey, I was wondering if anyone could show me a little javascript. I've never used it before and am unfamiliar with how to reference outside API's. What I'm trying to do is read a string in from a website/Web API. So..: HTML with javascript document: [code] <script type="text/javascript"> var wantedString … | |
Trying for a few days to do this and do not know why it does not work. I want to run a php file using js. And using the event button onclick. Thanks for help file.php [code] <?php echo"<script>alert(\"good\");</script>"; ?> [/code] file.html [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script> <script> … | |
Hello, I'm using jQuery and trying to create a plugin that draws a rectangle on a canvass. However, it will not even work.. I have tried to create it when I click on a button, this does not work either.. Here is the code: [code] <html> <head> <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> … | |
I'm writing a piece of JS code that returns a result of true if the pattern appears in string as a substring (case sensitive) but would like to extend its functionality to returns true if all the individual characters of pattern appear in string (regardless of order). For example: This … | |
Hey guys, I've been trying to do this since yesterday with no luck. I've tried stackoverflow, DIC and this is my last chance. I'm using drop down boxes to have a user select a ship date. I don't want them to be able to choose a date in the past … | |
Hi all, This is a ? about Ajax, PHP and form processing. When I submit the form further below, nothing happens! I didnt set the form-"action" to anything. I left it out, to make the form submit to the same page, so I can validate on the same page too … |
The End.