15,121 Topics
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I need a help With this Program ,as I am getting Error in Tomcat Server While Connecting To the Web Browser . | |
Hi iam i have web app to get from data from webservice , in the text box you will search for name you will get the name and the ID i wanna get the ID and pass it to other function to get the Name detail . here is my … | |
What is the main Difference between var $name and var name? | |
[CODE]<html> <style> #playingArea { position: absolute; top: 1; left: 1; border: 5px solid black; width: 750; height: 720; z-index: 2; } #basket { position: absolute; top: 650; left: 228; width: 64; height: 16; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"> var basket; var basketLeft = 228; function keyListener(e) { e = window.event; … | |
I already have a datepicker to get the start date and the final date, it already makes the validation when the user clicks only on the calendar, but when it's typed, it's not validated. So, i thought something like this: datePickerRange: function () { if ($(this).length != 2) return; var … | |
| I've been using the Ace editor for a little while but for some reason the solution that their website gives for changing the editor's theme won't work. I've Google the problem a few times and haven't found much. Here's my code so far: `var editor = ace.edit("editor");` `editor.setTheme("path/to/css");` I have … |
Hi guys, i want to populate a drop down list with ajax, and so when i select the first option thesecond one select must be populated in table like if shoose <select><option>value one</option> <option>value two</option></select> was supoose be populated the second value in another select, but i want be populated … | |
Hi. this us what Im doing and its not working: test.php $(rclone).on("click", function(){ var event_id = $("#event").val(); var euser_id = $("#userid").val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "InputNames.php", data: "event_id="+event_id+"&euser_id="+euser_id, success: function(data){ var form = $("#input-names").html(); $(".form-inputs").html(form); } }); }); InputName.php: <?php $id = $_POST['event_id']; $userid = $_POST['euser_id']; require "connection.php"; $get = … | |
Hello, I'm new to the DaniWeb community and I am in need of some serious help. I am taking a web design class, but the teacher I currently have now has no idea what he is doing; he is an Info Tech teacher, but we have two classes at the … | |
I could use some assistance My final project in a python class is to calculate the distance between 2 lat/long points. My code is really just managing the input & output portions, while using existing code (properly credited) in a function to do the actual calculations. I've got it working … | |
Hi, I have a field that a user add's a curreny value to, on keyup I fire a Javascript function that checks the following but its not working at all... What I want it to do is... user add's say 10 On keyup the Javascript needs to add .00 to … | |
I've been trying out the HTML5 <canvas> element, and cannot get it to work. here is my code: [CODE] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" > var canvas=document.getElementById("canvas"); var context=canvas.getContext('2d') context.fillRect(100,100,300,300); </script> </head> <body> <canvas width="500" height="500" id="canvas" /> </body> </html> [/CODE] The canvas is there (I confirmed this), but nothing is … | |
Good Day Everyone. I'm using FoundationPress as frontend and Wordpress as backend. I created a very simple plugin to upload image into the homepage. I've no issue with that. I can display them properly in the page I desired. However I wish to use little bit of javascript for the … | |
Hello everyone i'm developing facebook app but i want when user reach at the end of the page the content auto load from database. The only problem is that how i can check that user's reach at the end of the page with in iframe. I have used auto load … | |
Hi can anyone help me find what am i doing wrong. i have an xml request that check data on db and return the result. and base on that result it will clear or highlight a textbox. its working fine using the original function but when i add another xml … | |
My project is to create a webpage to search mobile gadgets on a website(www.mudah.my), and I want the result to be shown on my own webpage, but NOT redirecting me to www.mudah.my. May I know is that possible to do that? I've ask around and people told me that I … | |
If you use JavaScript for geolocation the first time someone uses it then his browser will ask for permission to send his location to the site where your web page is. As far as I can tell Chrome (PC and Android), Explorer (PC), and native browsers in Android devices only … | |
Hey guys, For all web developers out there - a new boilerplate tool allowing to rapidly build Node.JS powered API’s, online stores, and many other apps (igloos) has been made available to the public - http://eskimo.io/. It’s open source! Here you’ll find more details, components, examples and the source - … | |
Hello i am trying to resize the iframe based on its content but its not working may be becuase of the cross domain here is the code i am using <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function resizeIframe(obj) { obj.style.height = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px'; } </script> <iframe src="http://other_domain_name/get?v=07armilCx5A" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" id="iframe" width="100%" height="300px" … | |
| I'm learning vanilla JS at the moment. One of the things I'm learning how to do is make simple animations. I've made an animation where I moved a square div in a square path. I've made another where I moved a circular div diagonally downward. I've even learned how to … |
It seems to me that the Audio object can not be easily played inside a JavaScript callback when running on a mobile device. The code below shows an onload function which, on a PC, plays the sound when the web page is loaded, but on Android phones plays nothing. My … | |
I'm trying to update an input value using jquery and I can't get it to do anything. I've tried .val(), .attr, .html, .text. $('#acctnum').click(function(){ var index = this.selectedIndex; var bal1 = $('#bal1').val(); var bal2 = $('#bal2').val(); var bal3 = $('#bal3').val(); var bal4 = $('#bal4').val(); if (index == 0){ $('#poamnt').val(bal1); alert … | |
Hey, all! I'm trying to figure out how to add collision detection to the following code but I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to pull in the x and y coordinates of the different eggs that are falling randomly. Would you be able to tell me what I'm … | |
Hi, I was informed the only way to get [this](http://cssdeck.com/labs/navigation-dropdown-with-flip-effect) drop down to work on Andriod, WP & to a larger extent iPhone is though JS, I was hoping someone could lead onto what that problem may be ? | |
how can I sent value to JSP by javascript? I want to sent latitude and longitude parameters to JSP <body> <button onclick="getLocation()">click</button> <script> function getLocation() { if (navigator.geolocation) navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(displayLocation); else alert("Oops, no geolocation support"); } function displayLocation(position) { var latitude = position.coords.latitude; // ดึงเอาค่า lat var longitude = position.coords.longitude; // … | |
How to make in admin page to see in navigation Badge with number of post. Autors make new post and administrator see like in this image example: ![aebb9fd23d41b5677781d14c3d116dcd](/attachments/small/3/aebb9fd23d41b5677781d14c3d116dcd.jpg "align-left") Thanks!!! | |
i want to Show the second block of check boxes if first block of checkboxes completed. i.e; first block has 2 or 3 check box if all were selected then second block will be displayed and same technique will be used for third one. please help me. | |
Hi Guys, I need to create one app which must run in terminal or cmd, or lets say in background! The app must be able to request a url, and get content of url requested, parse the html and save it as csv. I have it runnig in browser, so … | |
hello... i'm creating a web application in asp.net in which i would like to give user a one "JavaScript" code, through which the user can get content from my website to his/her own website. i've used one generic handler to process user request in my website. i've tried using jQuery.. … | |
Hi, I am trying to load u sub-page wich has 2 datepickers but i can't get them to work. This is the code on my main page <script> $(function(){ $("#datepicker").datepicker(); }); //function is called onchange in a list function loadTherapie(){ var therapieID = document.getElementById("lijstTherapieen").value; $("#divTherapie").load("wijzigtherapiesubpage.php?therapieID="+therapieID+"&cacheOntloper="+randomNumber()+"&type=2", function(response){ $(response).find("#datepicker").datepicker(); }); } </script> … |
The End.