15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for frankchester

I have a question I have been struggling with for a while, I think I might be taking the wrong approach or not understanding the basics. But I am looking for a solution, so if I have it the "wrong way" please let me know. I am building a login/registration …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dawbin

I'm trying to write a javascript routine to crawl an XML document (of unknown elements) and parse out name/value pairs where "<nodename>nodevalue</nodename>" would come out as "nodename=nodevalue". What I have works great through the second element, then it stops traversing. I feel like I'm close but I just cant get …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Miky_1

[Click Here](null)I have a Chrome Addon and I have to implement the same addon in Firefox. I saw that the directory structure is different but I'm having some problems with Javascript files. In which Firefox folder should I put my background.js code?? Is there an expert that could help me? …

Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi.. I want to reset the multiple file input field. Actually my file input field is an array. I used the following code and it works if the input field is not an array. <script> $(function() { $('input[type=file]').change(function () { var regex = new RegExp("(.*?)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|pdf)$"); var f = this.files[0]; $.each(this.files, …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for gentlemedia

Hi, This will do the job, but it's ugly, so how to do this more elegant? $('ul').prepend('<li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li>'); $('ul').append('<li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li>'); Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for Jenieline

I use append to add another form of it and it work but then in the second column if I'll choose a product name in the second column the price in the first column will also change and it will not place any price in the second column and same …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for stevenson.nelli
Member Avatar for GlenRogers

I'm trying to use fullPage.js but its only ever showing my first section! I have my sections set up like this <div class="section"> Section 1 </div> <div class="section"> Section 2 </div> <div class="section"> Section 3 </div> and I inatlize like this <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('.wrapper').fullpage({ sectionsColor: ['blue', 'red', 'green'], }); …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for Bensirpent07

I feel like this is a very dumb question but please excuse me if there is an obvious answer. I have just recently seriously dug into JQuery (loving it by the way). Anyways in the code below you can see I have the color to animate to white and green …

Member Avatar for Bensirpent07
Member Avatar for old_apache

hi guys i just found wierd thing, my cookies work in local(Windows) but, after i pushed to server (Ubuntu), the cookies null (empty). this the code to set cookies: set: function(name, value, duration, domain, path, secure) { name = this.prefix + name; if (duration == null) duration = this.duration; if …

Member Avatar for punith_1

Hi.. I’m trying to create circular menu bar,but my menu bar is nearly similar to tympanus circular menu bar(visit [Click Here](http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/CircularNavigation/index2.html)) but in tympanus if we want menubar we must click open/menu button I want menu bar(fixed) to be display without any any clicking and instead of button i need …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt

Title should be load ajax inside ajax because facebook comments load via ajax I am building an all AJAX site for a Facebook iFrame page and am having an issue. All the pages and what not load up dynamically just fine, but some pages use the Facebook commet system. After …

Member Avatar for stevenson.nelli
Member Avatar for Olivier_1

Hi, i'm trying to implement a flot.js graph using a custom php array as data. Here is what i've done : <?php foreach ( $dynamic_prices as $limit => $price ): $coordonnees[] = array($limit,$price); endforeach; ?> <?php echo json_encode(($coordonnees), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ?> This code outputs : [[5,9],[6,8]] is it the right format …

Member Avatar for Olivier_1
Member Avatar for fireburner29

Hi there, I have a row of checkboxes and I want the following: - when clicking the child it has to select/unselect all parent checkboxes - and you uncheck one of the child checkboxes, the parent should also uncheck. Here parent ->child select/unselect attached. <script language="JavaScript"> function checkAll(theForm, cName, status) …

Member Avatar for fireburner29
Member Avatar for euhiduwehfui

I have a page which has a form table. It displays select option when an option is selected the user clicks button and it runs choosecake.php which has query for updating. I need the select to be dynamically updated and display the success/error message like "updated" or "no results" on …

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Member Avatar for tudor_1

Hello! I am trying to make a custom drop down list, each row having two selectable options. To be more precise, I want on each row to have two options: select item(which should act as a implicit ddl works) or delete selected item (which removes the selected item from the …

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Member Avatar for Tuan_2

I'm trying to run a script that clicks on two seperate buttons/Ids on the same website. I want to run **first** document.getElementById("add-to-cart").click() which will redirect me to the **cart/basket page** of an online store once I'm there, i want to run document.getElementById("checkout").click() which will take me to paypal. How do …

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Member Avatar for Tuan_2

<a href="javascript:inventoryCheck_panel.open('paypalexpress');" class="button cta_button" data-btntype="hyperlink" data-btnname="cart_paypal" onclick="return runCMConversionEventTag({conversionCategory: 'Shopping Cart', conversionEvent: 'PayPal Checkout'})" title="Check Out with PayPal" id="cart_paypal_button" tabindex="6500"><span tabindex="-1"></span></a> is this code but i need help to click on it..

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Member Avatar for Aethon

I have an page that outputs records from a database (php/mysqli). I'm using TinyMCE to enter in information into the database. I'm trying to create an image gallery that uses Lytebox to view the images. By replacing a div in the record with an on-the-fly iframe containing a script that …

Member Avatar for Aethon
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, Am new n angularjs. Am using angular bootstrap datepicker First issue 1] I want to use calendar for choosing only month and year but am not able to I did the all ways but all are unsuccessful 2] I want to remove Today|Weeks|Clear buttons from datepicker as per gievn …

Member Avatar for Azer_1

Hi there, i have fixed left column and header datatable. it shows all correctly in Chrome browser. but in firefox when first time opened it displays everythink correctly, but when i search smth (tagno input box) the table spans toward right (in firefox and IE). Can anyone help me? Thanks …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Thilip

I try to get facebook id when like button pressed, the function alerts Id, but when I retrun value it says undefined. Here is my code window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(response) { //ajax code to be added for like system usr_id = checkLoginState(); alert(usr_id);// this returns undefined console.log(usr_id); }); …

Member Avatar for manchurianCEO

Hi all, found this questionaire online which looks similar to what I am trying to make for this non profit's website. The only difference is that if there is a "NO" answer in any question, I'd like it to say "sorry, you do not qualify" and if all of them …

Member Avatar for manchurianCEO

Hi there, I am trying to make a small javascript questionaire to include in a website for this non profit where I volunteer. It would basically ask people a few yes-no questions and I would like it that at the end, if all check yes, it would give something (congrats... …

Member Avatar for WaleedaaN

hello, i make a programing a code for uploading files on array but its not work fine and im working for 15day with it i tried so i need help please i explain my idea maybe you have and ready code, i have script php for article any user can …

Member Avatar for WaleedaaN
Member Avatar for slowlearner2010

**Question:** I am new to JQuery. I wanna passing my values to another page using Jquery by clicking on 2nd button instead on submit button. I tried echo what values it carried to another page (a.php) and I got, "[object HTMLInputElement]". There's no values on a.php page. I got "array(0) …

Member Avatar for slowlearner2010
Member Avatar for Siberian

Hi, I did a simple loop in JSFiddle but dispite the code being error free, JSFiddle doesn't run the code even though the framework is set on PureJS ?

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hello, I don't understand why when clicking on map icons, sometimes the infowindow is blinking on firefox. It blinks when we use images on it. I tested on other browsers - opera, chrome, IE, even IE7 and it works well. Is this a firefox bug or what? You can see …

Member Avatar for Jayen
Member Avatar for mitchell.schols

I'm still getting the same error. Sometimes my "normal" jquery will work, sometimes it will not. Note: im targeting .sub-menu with a .after and inserting an icon. you click the icon and it displays the hidden menu.. why does it work sometimes but not others??!!! This is totally driving me …

Member Avatar for mitchell.schols
Member Avatar for mitchell.schols

Hello, My website www.m.keybench.com is supposed to have a sticky header.. It works sometimes but others it will not actually add the class "sticky," to the header.. I think it might be because I have a secondary jQuery library hooked up to the site. Any help is appreciated!

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The End.