15,127 Topics
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Using AJAX is better then iFrames because things are dynamic, instead of making a call to the server to load an entire HTML page, you can do it dynamically, one question remains. Can I style the look of, and this ties into another thread I started, scroll bars etc ? … | |
hi. i just want to know if that is possible. for example there are 5 blank textboxes with no specific id or class: <input type="text"> <input type="text"> <input type="text"> <input type="text"> <input type="text"> is there a way to loop through the textboxes and find the first blank textbox? say the … | |
Good Day Daniweb, I am encountering a problem in php code meant to allow the user to update their profile picture. I am using jquery.min and jquery.js. The code below runs with no errors reported. The file has been successfully uploaded to upload path using this form. upload.php <form id="imageform" … | |
Hi, I have en stdClass object array that looks like this Array ( [10] => stdClass Object ( [inlast] => 2013-02-15 00:00:00 ... etc Where the first number (10) is the uniqe identifier for that row, and the array contains all the rows in the table. So my question is … | |
Hi, I have been creating a round robin. This is similar idea to speed dating except everyone has to talk to everyone. Whilst I have been able to create this, there is a lot of repetition in my code and I wondering if any of you have recommendations for removing … | |
Hello, using for each of jquery am fetching td's name but if try to test it by removing name from firbug and try to submit it then my code is breking. so first question, what should anyone do in such case? and another regarding my code is: $('#SkillDetails_table tr').each(function() { … | |
I am trying to learn how to use jQuery and I stumbled upon this code and the requirements below: * disable all the cells from "Every Monday" till "Every Sunday" as the initial status; * make "Never" exclusive from all the rest of options in the same row; * make … | |
Hello How can i add ID='xyz'in IMG tag <div class="main-banner"> <img width="1000" height="242" alt="cropped-Penguins.png" class="attachment-full" src="http://../cropped-Penguins.png"> </div> JQuery which i have tried jQuery('.main-banner').append("img").attr('id','xyz'); But Not Work. Give me suggestion Thank you | |
[CODE]<div id="wrapper"> <div id="header"> <p>This is the Header</p> </div> <div id="navigation"> <p>This is the Navigation</p> <a href="#">Home</a> <a href="#">About</a> <a href="#">Contact</a> </div> <div id="content"> <p>This is the main content</p> </div> <div id="footer"> <p>This is the Footer</p> </div> </div>[/CODE] This is my HTML code. I have menus in navigation div. Content … | |
Hello, I have been trying to move this box, but so far all common ways of moving the javascript box (whitespaces, CSS) have not worked. I have tried searching the web, amongst other things, and so far nothing has worked. Here is the code: <html> <head> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> #AgodaSearchBox{ … | |
Im trying to dynamically add fields when add button is being press.. my code here works perfectly but.. what I want is when I click any of my fields it must add instantly and dynamically .. here:: $(document).ready(function() { var max_fields = 10; //maximum input boxes allowed var wrapper = … | |
Hello there Good day to each and everyone of us here. i have a problem displaying the image i have uploaded in the root directory folder. This is my codes in uploading image. I am using jquery.min.js and jquery.form.js. $path = "uploads/"; $valid_formats = array("jpg", "png", "gif", "bmp","jpeg"); if(isset($_POST) and … | |
New version of Moony Parser is out (2.4) It is an Earley parser implementation and accepts Structured-BNF as grammar input. You can try it online at: [http://parser.moonyweb.com](http://parser.moonyweb.com) | |
What I want to do is to show an email sign-up pop up when a link is clicked. This is how I am referencing to the external sumome.php file, which contains the js function: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.barcabyfans.com/wp-content/themes/hueman/sumome.js"></script> This is what I am writing for the link: <p>Get more awesomeness <a … | |
This jQuery code works, but when translated to the actual page, it's jerky ? [[Link](http://jsfiddle.net/uL8z4p1h/2/)] | |
Hello, I am trying to create a gallery like in this website: [Web Sites](http://themes.webinane.com/dastak/index.html) When you hover mouse over the gallery certain notes appears on top of the images. How to create such thing through jquery? | |
I'm fighting with jquery flexigrid - below is my format. I can get the flexigrid to load thousands of lines if I load them all into a single page, however I want to split out pages inside my json response. According to the documentation I believe my format is correct … | |
Hi guys, thanks in advance for any help. I'm using this tutorial [Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7C25B2F18F68F3EF) To make a multi-file upload. the actual upload works just fine, however the % progress and final file list of uploaded files that is supposed to show at the end is not working. Here is the … | |
Hi guys, i am currently stuck at live update the data fetched from mysql. The problem now is, if the table has thousand of data, the webpage will hang/lag because of the setInterval() are fetching the data over and over again. My question is, what is the best solution for … | |
I am using PhoneGap Build to build an iOS v7.1+ application and using [weinre][1] to debug. I am using the media-capture plugin and file API to capture a video in an attempt get its base64 representation. I can get the video recorder to open, take a video, and return the … | |
Hi everyone, For a social system I am working on, I am in desperate need of being pointed in the right direction for how to create a live ajax feed which calls data from a database. Urgently needed, any help much appreciated! Cheers! Jack(Scaasiboi) | |
Hi, I am trying to dynamically generate horizontal bars for my project. I would want to make these bars draggable, but I am not able to do so. Could you please tell me how this can be done using javascript/jquery. The code written so far is as follows: <!DOCTYPE html> … | |
I tired installing this code on alpenami.michiganhotelsguide.com , but to no avail. The company said that I needed to message them in order to activate tracking. I sent them it, and it is still not working, at which point I assumed it was a problem with the code. Any thoughts? … | |
pliz let me have an working example for it | |
Hi, I am new to JavaScript and I was wondering if it was possible to assign two click actions for one button. | |
Hi guys, I have use 1 javascript code for banner and anther one is just above the footer but 1 javascript code is running and another one is not running.Theefore I just want to know how to run 2 javascript code in 1 page? | |
$("#phone").blur(function () { alert('on blur'); }); form code: <form id="input_form" action=""> ... <td class="text_right">phone: </td> <td class="text_left"> <input id="phone" class="input" type="text" value="(123) 456-7890" name="phone" style="background-color: yellow" maxlength="15" size="15"> </td> | |
Although i can upload mp3 files locally (wampserver), meaning that the path its been storaged on the database and the actual file is been saved on the folder i have chosen when i upload my site on the internet i can't longer do that. Although the photos i try go … | |
Hey guys! this is my first time here. i was planning to learn JS to make some Games especially MMORPG Web based games. I wasn't planning to make MMORPG right away, ill start making some simple games. But i want to know if JS is okay for making some MMORPG … | |
Hi i'm showing data from json with angularjs if i write this <div class="boxhotel" > <p>rateChange: {{roomz.RateInfo}}</p> </div> i retrieve this {"@rateChange": "false", "@promo": "false", "@priceBreakdown": "true", "ChargeableRateInfo": { "@total": "343.9", "@surchargeTotal": "53.9", "@nightlyRateTotal": "290.0", "@maxNightlyRate": "145.0", "@currencyCode": "USD", "@commissionableUsdTotal": "290.0", "@averageRate": "145.0", "@averageBaseRate": "145.0", "NightlyRatesPerRoom": { "@size": "2", "NightlyRate": … |
The End.