15,127 Topics
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hi guys. i have this one page that is for graphical seating arrangement. u know like for say a wedding u assign who is seating where, what table is used, where is the table placed and stuff like that. right now i just have drop down list of the number … | |
Using jquey, I am making some elements on my site fade in and out. http://www.boneiolam.org/ns/ - The part I am referring to is on the grey background, under "services". How do I make the effect occur on only one instance of the element at a time? For example, when you … | |
hi all , Let us discuss which are the new technology are using in the web development what the feature of this technology and this technology has the feature or not what its advantage using this from the late technology so more basic technology i know is html html5 css … | |
I have developed a script so that users can upload audio files (mp3). The problem is that you can't tell when the uploading has finished and so the user may submit the form. The load status that i have developed keeps showing the loader image without stopping. I want help … | |
I am getting this on my error log Cannot serve directory /home/ro265852/public_html/uploads/photos/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html.var,index.htm,index.html,index.shtml,index.xhtml,index.wml,index.perl,index.pl,index.plx,index.ppl,index.cgi,index.jsp,index.js,index.jp,index.php4,index.php3,index.php,index.phtml,default.htm,default.html,home.htm,index.php5,Default.html,Default.htm,home.html) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive does anyone tell me what it means? | |
Hi all! This is my frist discussion. I'm shearing you a very helpfull website that helping me to learn HTML,CSS,Javascrift online. It's w3schools Wish it will help you. | |
How well does the jQuery library work on a PSP? | |
Hi, say I have `<input type="checkbox" id="box1" />` and `<div id="createhere"></div>` and in a javascript file I have: function(){ var box=document.getElementById("box").checked; var s = ""; if(box){ s = "<input type="text" name="text" id="text" />" document.getElementById("createhere").innerHTML = s; }else{ s = ""; document.getElementById("createhere").innerHTML = s; } } Now this works BUT it … | |
When clicking on any of the menu items on my page, for example; clicking on the word *blog*, calls up the "tutorials" div, when only clicking the word "tutorials" should call up the "tutorials" div. Second issue is the #reachme div should be completely hidden behind the footer and only … | |
I have some code that allows one to move an image by clicking links (move left, move right etc) - the code works in IE but not in Google Chrome - therefore I have added to the JavaScript a check for this via g = (document.getElementById) ? 1 : 0; … | |
Hi, so i found this topic on forum.jquery [Click Here](https://forum.jquery.com/topic/is-it-possible-to-set-id-to-dynamically-created-div) and there is a way to set and ID for a dynamically created div (copy paste from the forum): var x=3,y=3 for (var i=0; i<x; i++){ var line=$('<div>', {id:"X"+i } ).css({clear:'both',width:'100%'}).appendTo('body'); for(var j=0;j<y;j++){ $('<div>',{id:"X"+i+"_"+j}).css({float:'left',width:10,height:10,border:'2px solid red'}).appendTo(line) } } the question … | |
Good Evening, Can anyone help me with the mathematical formula for investment. This the problem that I have to workout Write a program to find future value of monthly investments. Start with an initial investment, make a deposit every 30days, calculate interest on principle compounded daily, display a table showing … | |
$.ajax({ url: "/Configuration/AddServersAdvancedSelect", type: "POST", data: { selectedOUs: that.getByDataSelected() }, async: false, dataType: "html", success: result => { cont.setTabContentFromHtmlString(result, 1); cont.tabClicked($("td[data-value='1']").get(0)); }, error: (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) => { // } }); This is my ajax request towards the server. For some reason the data doesn't get selected. The getByDataSelected function … | |
Hi all. Suppose I have the following JSON Object: "WorkPhone": { "Phone": { "FixedPhone": "98221234", "Fax": { "CountryCode": "61", "AreaCode": "", "text": "" }, "Mobile": "" } } How can I manipulate the 'FixedPhone' object to look more like the 'Fax' object in Javascript / JQuery? That is: - Remove … | |
$(".qty").change(function(){ $.each($('.qty'), function(){ var form_data ={ rowid: $('.rowid').val(), qty: $('.qty').val(), ajax: '1', }; alert(form_data); $.ajax({ url:"<?php echo site_url('cart1/update');?>", type:'POST', data: form_data, async: false, success: function(data) { alert(data); } }); }); | |
Hello, I am building a web registration form using RSForms for Joomla. I need the form to create a QR code with some of the data provided in the form and store it with the user's data. I know this can be achieved using Javascript, but my knowledge on it … | |
hi all i am trying to allow the user to select the folder to store the downloading file using javascript i didnt found input attribute for download like file i try with downloadify.js but its not work their is another way i can do it | |
Hi, guys. Im having this weird thing where the buttons not responding to clicks handled by jquery. i got a page which lists events then when an event names is clicked a table of guest list appears next to it. like this: ![cf2669fd96869baa104ebf595b1f206c](/attachments/large/4/cf2669fd96869baa104ebf595b1f206c.jpg "cf2669fd96869baa104ebf595b1f206c") the page is handled by ajax: … | |
I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS CODE $('.reply_stdelete').live('click',function() { var ID = $(this).attr("id"); //var X=$(this).attr("my"); var dataString = 'c_id='+ ID ; jConfirm('Sure you want to delete this conversation?', '', function(r) { if(r==true) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "<?php echo $base_url; ?>conversation_delete_ajax.php", data: dataString, cache: false, beforeSend: function() { $("#stbody"+ID).animate( { … | |
I have a page where I have 100 combo boxes. I made this bookmarklet : javascript:document.getElementById("hioooo").selectedIndex = 38; It works but only for the first combo box, all the rest combobox remains unchanged although they also have the id="hioooo". What should I do to change all the combobox selection to … | |
Hello, I am trying to build a function that takes the input of the IBAN field (alphanumeric), counts them and compares the to the needed value (24). Then, if don't match it triggers an error message, if they match it does nothing. This is the code: <script type="text/javascript"> function checkIBAN(iban) … | |
Hi Guys, I found a tutorial online on how to build an events calendar using PHP and Ajax. I am however a little stuck, I have ran debuggers and have error messages printed throughout the code and whilst the basic calendar functionality works, it does not actually display any events. … | |
I am using coffee script,when I am trying hit the url..it is not getting redirected to that particualar url and the next steps are getting executed. I am getting this issue only in chrome but it is working fine in firefox previewOpen:-> window.location.href="#/preview" window.setTimeout(@openView(@uuid),500) openView:(uuid) -> $("#design_parts").empty(); console.log("done emptying..."); console.log(uuid) … | |
I'm calling a simple e-mail validator in JavaScript as the below shows - this works fine as I'm calling it in my HTMl form as such: <form name="email" action="mail.php" onsubmit="return SubMail_Validator(this)" method="POST"> Then this code does the validation that an e-mail has been entered - however - I need the … | |
Hi. i am trying to show a hidden element using a button. but i want to make it so that everytime the button is clicked the hidden element get shown that same amount as button clicked. example: <input type="button" value="Click me" id="clickme"> <input type="text" id="textbox"> <script> $(document).ready(function() { var element … | |
Hi, I am trying to take a number entry from a text field to use in some round Robin code to output the data. When I type a number for the variable num e.g. var num=12; the program works fine, but if I try to do it from text field … | |
Hi, so i have this list of table seats like table of 6, table of 8 that kind of thing and i have images(width and height:110px) that correspond with those seats but by default they are hidden using `.hide()` and there is also a div(width:880px, height:350px) where these images would … | |
hello, <?php $q=$_GET['q']; //echo $q; $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","",$q); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $abc=mysqli_query($con,"use $q") or die('cannot show tables'); $result=mysqli_query($con,"show tables"); echo "<select id='abc'>"; while($row= mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value='". $row[0]. "'/>" . $row[0] . "</option>"; } echo "</select>"; ?> i want to response … | |
All, I'm wondering if their is a way to use the CSS clip to place my image propational within another image. In this case - I am giving users the ability to upload their own image: As an example - this URL shows the uploaded image: http://www.pinkcloud.com/custom_clock/submit.php?upload_message=image uploaded&upload_message_type=success&show_image=kmo_mikeg.jpg Here are … | |
I have a scroll function that I want to fire when the user scrolls to the very bottom of the page. However it is doing the exact opposite; it is firing at the top of the page. I have used this before, and everything on the web says to do … |
The End.