Hi Frendz,
I'm using the following code for generating the alert message.

echo '<script>alert("Your project has timed out. Contact your project Manager")</script>';

Its working fine in my local server. But in online server its not working. whats going wrong with this?

I am not sure but try with lang attribute

echo '<script lang="javascript">alert("Your project has timed out. Contact your project Manager")</script>';

I am not sure but try with lang attribute

echo '<script lang="javascript">alert("Your project has timed out. Contact your project Manager")</script>';

Ok Thanks... I'll try this and let you know the result...

Member Avatar for P0lT10n

Maybe with this code ?

echo '<script>alert("Your project has timed out. Contact your project Manager");</script>';

I am not sure but try with lang attribute

echo '<script lang="javascript">alert("Your project has timed out. Contact your project Manager")</script>';

I have tried this in server. Its not working.

Maybe with this code ?

echo '<script>alert("Your project has timed out. Contact your project Manager");</script>';

with this also not working...

Member Avatar for P0lT10n

Post the entire code where it is...

Post the entire code where it is...

				if(($ahours1!='' || $ahours1!=0) and $ehours1!='' and $edate1!='')
					if($ahours1>=$ehours1 || strtotime($edate1) < strtotime(date("Y-m-d")))
						echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Your project has timed out. Contact your project Manager");</script>';
Member Avatar for P0lT10n

Try this

echo '<script type="text/javascript">function alert_time(){ alert("Your project has timed out. Contact your project Manager");} alert_time();</script>';

have you tried it on different browsers

Try this

echo '<script type="text/javascript">function alert_time(){ alert("Your project has timed out. Contact your project Manager");} alert_time();</script>';

Ok.. I'll try and let you know the result soon.

Member Avatar for P0lT10n

Ok.. I'll try and let you know the result soon.

Ok ;)

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