15,127 Topics
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| Hello, I am currently allowing users to upload videos via php $_FILES[][] and then converting them using ffmpeg. I am wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this than using php. I have read that ajax might be useful (that's what vimeo uses). Could anyone point me … |
Hi, i want to use the jQuery UI Slider plugin in my website, however rather than using numbers i want to use 4 different options (easy, medium, hard, very hard), for the user to choose on the slider, how would i do this. This is the slider i want to … | |
I'm a web design student who has designed a website for a family member in my spare time. The website uses 5 html documents and all share one css document, it has no jscript docs. Recently, we learned how to use jscript to set up an image gallery in class … | |
hi guys, i'm trying to write an character converter using php and ajax. i'm getting a really anoing error(uncaught TypeError). can someone help me with this.?:?: , i've added screenshot of the error. and this is the xml i'm trying to read generated with php [CODE]<?php $key = $_GET['key']; header('Content-type:text/ … | |
Hi Frendz, I have two text fields 'from time' and 'to time'. The time format of the two text fields are 11:30 am 01:30 pm. I want to give alert message in javascript when the users enter the to time less than the from time. | |
Hello every1, I want to take two integer value from the user and display the result(sum) as output.. I am using the following JS code : [CODE]function message_comm() { var num1=prompt("Enter the 1st number"); var num2=prompt("Enter the 2nd number"); alert('The sum :'+num1+num2); }[/CODE] The output I am currently obtaining is … | |
I am building a static website, and I have images in my index page each image has a title name, how do I make an image clicked to open in a different window if clicked, I have a template page designed to be used for opening an image in a … | |
Hello, So I was working with php, jquery, javascript and html to make a show/hide toggle system. I use php to fetch some data from my database and display them using html. I use jquery to make the show/hide toggle functionality. However, as I rely on php's while loop I … | |
how could i open a new window using javascript inside php that holds a value of a js variable? please help. thx | |
I was wondering if someone could help me? In my code below what if answers in question 2 were allowed to be in any order? Like: hips,body,knees or knees,hips,body and so on. How should I modify my code? Anyone please???? [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" … | |
hey all, Am trying to display the div tag and its content by clicking it. the code below displays the whole source code when cliked on the div with id = softros. I want to make this script to display the div in view source format of the browser when … | |
hi friends, I'm trying to read an XML file using a jQuery 1.4 ajax ... the code is something like this ... [CODE] $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "abcde.xml", dataType: "xml", error: function(){ /* error lines goes here */ }, success: function(){ /* success lines goes here */ } }); [/CODE] … | |
Please help if anyone can spot the problem. This [URL="http://www.propertyscanner.co.uk/register/"]form[/URL] uses jquery 1.6.2 and its causing a bug in Mac 10.4 . see file attached.Would appreciate any responses. | |
Hi every one my question is that i want to validate the form when any one wants to login or sign Up i want to check that the email address is correct or not means that email address include '@' char or not if not an error message should be … | |
Hi, I am working to call java script function from java program. I am able to do with simple javascript functions like below: ScriptEngineManager factory = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine engine = factory.getEngineByName("JavaScript"); engine.eval("function printHello(Str) { print('Hello World') } printHello('Hello World')"); But not able to do the javascript function which includes … | |
hello, i have a Trajan Pro font on my site. when i put in the web, the people that don´t have the font installed on computer is unable to see with the font that i choose. how can i load the font on my server? i beliave there is some … | |
I'm doing a registration form.I want to validate the email address before submitting the form using ajax.That is to verify if the email address already exist in the database.Can anyone help me please?I don't know what's wrong with these code! regist.html: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var http_request; //global variable function … | |
i'm creating a weapp and i must use a table to show data from a series of records. I use JQuery to open a window to show the table. Inside every TD tag i want to format data using CSS3, like using [B]box-radius[/B] and/or [B]text-shadow[/B]. The problem is that i … | |
Hi, I try to change script source dynamically. When I use the following code, it works fine, and the script is executed [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> document.write('<script src="http://gamestoenjoy.com/site/test.php"'); </script>[/CODE] However when I use the following code, it doesn't work, the script isn't executed [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var url = "http://gamestoenjoy.com/site/test.php"; document.write('<script src=url>'); </script>[/CODE] … | |
Using JQuery and CSS with javascript happens a very strange thing...i'm doing a site where every page has 5 DIV in vertcal, called "div1", "div2" and so on. Every page can have a different height, so i use the following script: [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var sH = $(document).height() … | |
How to play sound file like .wav file with javascript and/or DHTML when some one mouseover to a link. I have done this... but it only works in IE while it does not work in other browsers like firefox and chrome. Can any body help me regarding this issue. | |
Hi all, I have this code that seems to work fine for the order but cant get it to pass the invoice side of things. the trouble im having is when i do the order its fine, but when i do an invoice it sends me back to the order … | |
hi... How to kill/abort the request (ie currently processing) to Applicatin server ,like clicking the "submit new thread" button of IE and i want to stop posting .The main thing is that it has to kill the entire process .Is there any java Script to Handle this requests,or we can … | |
I'm having issues in populating a select list in IE. The following snippet works fine in Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers. Are there any obvious known issues with this snippet that would prevent the information populating? I can't figure out if it's the button IE doesn't like of the Select … | |
Hi friend, i have 2 files 1. ft.php and 2. inf.php [B] this is ft.php[/B] [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function setTXT(x) { opener.document.fmain.mms.value=x; window.close() } </script> <? include_once "conf.php"; $sql="select id,pl,inf from det_pl"; $data=mysql_query($sql); ?> <br> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align='center' class="headlist" >no</td> <td align='center' class="headlist" <?=$colspan?> >code</td> <td align='center' class="headlist" … | |
I'm really no JavaScript expert, and I have absolutely no idea what exactly is causing this error. I am using a Photo Gallery script called Galleria which uses jQuery/JavaScript to display photos. On my index page load (only in Internet Explorer), a message box pops up saying "Message from Web … | |
Hi all, I would be extremly graeful if you could cast your eye over the following problem and give me some advice if possible. I'm ok with the basics of html and css, but and fairly new to it, so have been stumped by this latest problem. I built a … | |
Hi! I have a function that i like to move 2 image objects around. (it works with 1) But im getting errors while im trying to pass multiple object id-s. I believe example will tell you more. [CODE] <script> function Init() { document.getElementById('pilt_kivi').style.left = x + 'px'; document.getElementById('pilt_kivi').style.top = y … | |
[U][B]textbox to search for employees[/B][/U] [CODE]<div id="searchform"> <div id = "courses"> <form id="searchempform" name="searchempform" method="post" "/> <li> SEARCH <b>EMPLOYEES</b> <input type="text" name="searchemployees" class="textbox" [COLOR="Red"][B]onkeyup="searchemp();[/B][/COLOR]" /> </li> </form> </div>[/CODE] ======================================================= [U][B]typed characters sent ... ajax call to another page look out for data[/B][/U] [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> function [COLOR="Red"][B]searchemp()[/B][/COLOR] { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// … | |
| Hi, I have url links in an Access Database which open different info screens depending on the record. I want to include some code in the html which isn't blocked by browsers, but restricts the html code to an initial window of approx 800x600, but can be resized, but importantly … |
The End.