15,688 Topics
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Hi there, I have a very basic CMS system that I wish to update within itself and on the same page to cut down the amount of pages it gives me. At present I have a content box and an edit button, this box is validated by JS and if … | |
I'm working on a search engine that is just like google but customized for me and my friends. I have everything working well from the scripts supplied by google however they don't allow image searches. In order to combat this I added a link that links to google images. Is … | |
Hey guys, I have a lot of javascript for my google map api and I have all the information stored away in an xml file which the javascrupt reads. I have many map markers but I cannot get a line break between th esets of markers, only each and every … | |
Hi I am having a problem with code i have created to delete a customer from my database, would be grateful if someone could tel me where i have gone wrong [CODE]<?php include ('db.php'); $cid=$_POST["cid"]; $cname=$_POST["cname"]; $cusadd1=$_POST["caddress"]; $cusadd2=$_POST["caddress1"]; $cusadd3=$_POST["caddress2"]; $ccounty=$_POST["county"]; $custpc=$_POST["cpostcode"]; $custele=$_POST["ctelephone"]; $cusemail=$_POST["cemail"]; print $cid; $str="delete from customer CustomerName='$cname',CustomerAddress='$cusadd1',CustomerAddress1='$cusadd2',CustomerAddress2='$cusadd3',County='$ccounty',CustomerPostCode='$custpc',CustomerTelNo='$custele',CustomerEmail='$cusemail' where … | |
Hi all, I want to make a dropdown link list like the one at the top of DaniWeb. What would that be called? How do i start?? Thanks Wilko | |
hey people. i want to create a page views counter. i know how to create 1 using php but what i want to create now is to create a very dynamic page views counter that update it's self when ever a new value is added to the database. what i … | |
Hi Everyone, I am trying to use Ajax to submit an XML Web Service request and receive a response XML. While it works perfectly when I submit these requests directly from the XXXX, YYYY, ZZZZ servers on the intranet. The request gets stuck at .open if I connect from any … | |
Hi I am having a problem with code i have created to delete a customer from my database, would be grateful if someone could tel me where i have gone wrong [CODE] <?php include ('db.php'); $cid=$_POST["cid"]; $cname=$_POST["cname"]; $cusadd1=$_POST["caddress"]; $cusadd2=$_POST["caddress1"]; $cusadd3=$_POST["caddress2"]; $ccounty=$_POST["county"]; $custpc=$_POST["cpostcode"]; $custele=$_POST["ctelephone"]; $cusemail=$_POST["cemail"]; print $cid; $str="delete from customer CustomerName='$cname',CustomerAddress='$cusadd1',CustomerAddress1='$cusadd2',CustomerAddress2='$cusadd3',County='$ccounty',CustomerPostCode='$custpc',CustomerTelNo='$custele',CustomerEmail='$cusemail' … | |
Hi peeps, I am having some difficulty creating a reset button that resets some text to the original status. Basically I have a div box in a page which shows what it means to use a table for layout in a page - I am doing a web editing site … | |
Hey, i'm seeming to have a problem with the code below, in my calculations the values don't seem to add, it just adds the 1.50 to 25 like 25.0015 please if theres anyone who could help with this. [code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> … | |
Hellow i have the following files body.html data.php js3.js I am trying to create an ajax search but it doesnt work....:( The js code is: [CODE]var xmlHttp function finding(str){ try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }catch (e) { try { … | |
Hello everyone, Can anybody tell me how to call javascript in Reasonable Servlet Faces(RSF). | |
Anyone know how to put timer on this code that the higher the level the lower the time given to solve the puzzle..this will run only in IE browser [CODE] <HEAD> <style> .bigcell { background-color:#aa9966; border:4px solid #aa9966; text-align:center; } .cell { width:40px; height:40px; font-family:Verdana, Arial; font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; background-color:#996633; color:#ffff33; … | |
Hi Daniweb community! I started learning javascript in school, and the best way to learn is to get into it. So I found a Sudoku game online "http://iphone.janjanousek.cz/isudoku/" and download the files on to my hard drive with much success (all the scripts). The game and site is very well … | |
I have a Javascript function that allows the display of a textbox upon selecting an option from a dropdown menu. In my case when a user selects listbox as the option, the text box appears. I want the same thing to happen when another option (checkbox) is selected. when I … | |
I am designing a website that connects to a database. I am using wampserver to connect to the website. In my customer add page I am trying to ask the website to generate an autonumber from the database. As my table in the database is set up as following: [CODE=SQL]CREATE … | |
Hi, I have problem in displaying "please wait.." text when the client requests data from the server. I have created a <div> element as below. <DIV ID="Loading" STYLE="position:absolute;z-index:5;top:30%;left:42%;visibility:hidden"> Please Wait.... </DIV> I am using Ajax call, to get some table data from the server. This takes around 10-15 seconds. Client … | |
Hello, I am new to JavaScript, I have to make a pizza webpage for my assignment. I am done the HTML part and PHP part. I have a form and when the user clicks submit it calls the check() method in the JavaScript. Even if the fields are empty, the … | |
Hi I am new to PHP and looking to create a search php page, the search needs to be by Country, State and city. I have tried several methods over the last three weeks and none work, im slamming my head against my desk! Basicly I have three dropdown boxes … | |
I want to send another ajax request when one request is in process to get the status of first request. If I call both the request the second request gets blocked till the completion of the first request. Can anyone suggest a method so that second request gets processed in … | |
Hi All, I am using JQuery in my solution and was trying to get the value of the cell which has been clicked. however, after all my searches i ended up with no exact solution. the most common solution i got was to select a row (by making multi select … | |
Jquery's .not() and :not doesn't seem to work in this particular scenario. Any corrections or alternatives would be REALLY appreciated! As you see from the code below, when you click on the green box, the purple box will either slide up or down. How can I exclude the checkbox from … | |
Hi I have a select list on my form as the following [CODE] <form name="source_form"> <select id="sel_source_zero" name="sel_source_zero"> <?php $sources = _ajax_get_news_sources(); foreach ($sources as $key => $value) { print ("<option value=\"$key\">$value</option>\n"); } ?> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> [/CODE] When the user selects a value from the list, … | |
I try to convert a javascript object into string, but i just cannot get the solution after Google on it. Can someone help me about it? Thanks first... | |
Hey guys, I've done this so many times before but I can't seem to get it working!! All I'm trying to do is in the JavaScript at the top change a span tag to whatever the current window location is but it doesn't work! [CODE=HTML] <div id='Box' class="whitebox"> <div class="position"> … | |
I have an onclick that triggers ajax which calls a php script to pull data from MySQL. This information is then displayed in a div. The problem I am having is that sometimes pulling the data from MySQL takes 2-3 seconds, so the div is empty for about 2-3 seconds. … | |
Dear All, How can I call a javascript to my VB.Net Window Application. Apprecited for immediate attention.. | |
Hi All, Iam using RSF(reasonable servlet faces) i need to clear the fields in the form after user submits it using javascript onload function. can anyone please help me. here is my code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:rsf="http://ponder.org.uk/rsf"> <head> <title rsf:id="basic-page-title">Sakai Skin for FlowTalk</title> … | |
This is Jquery plugin which can be used to change the content a its place. Features: 1. Easy to use 2. Maintain changeability of Jquery Know Issue: 1. Can take html string also as input For example: html: [code=html] <div id="editable">I can be changed right here</div> [/code] javascript: [code=javascritp] $.('#editable').editAtPlace(function(newtext, … | |
hi! i am totally new in perl and i have a problem..i have a search maschine and after every query i call a perl script to do the jod and see the results. i want every time i run the perlscrit to be able to see a progress bar in … |
The End.