The script belwo works in IE, how do i get it to work in FireFox?
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
<!-- JavaScript -->
<!-- Begin
mesg = "Welcome to New Litter has just arrived....Ready for you after weaning!....More Love than you could expect from a puppy, Cavaliers love to please you....";
isNS = (navigator.appName == "Netscape")
isIE = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
text = ("<i><font size=8>"+mesg+"</font></i>")
if (isNS) {
document.write(" text + ")}
else if (isIE) {
document.write("<MARQUEE BEHAVIOR=ALTERNATE DIRECTION=RIGHT>" + text.fontcolor("Aqua") + "</MARQUEE>")}
// End -->