I am building a links pages in asp using an Access db. Some of the pages display correctly. Some of the other pages give me this error:

The page you requested, has produced an error
An email alert has been sent to the web site administrators regarding this error.

In the pages that display correctly it is selecting correctly from the db so I dont think it is a db problem.

The program I am using reads to put files in virtual directory...could this be the problem?

any idea what error number it is?

Are you hosting the pages yourself?

What type of pages are they?

any idea what error number it is?

Are you hosting the pages yourself?

What type of pages are they?

there is no error # i have tried to find one but cannot. I am using a 3rd party host. The pages are asp with an access db.

Make sure you have closed all db connection at the end.
Make sure there is no incomplete loopings (i.e. for and next) or conditions (i.e. if and end if). If you forget 'end if', error will be prompted. The same for subrountine (i.e. sub xxx() and end sub).
When using include file, make sure you not redefine the %@LANGUAGE="xxxSCRIPT".

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