15,127 Topics
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Hello, With PHP I've saved all my website settings in one file e.g [code] 'baseUrl' => 'http://localhost/thisSite', 'resources' => '../Resources/', 'templates' => '../Resources/TPL/', [/code] This makes the site very portable. I simply make changes to this one file and I can move the site to any server. But I how … | |
Hello, I am developing a site with Dreamweaver CS3 and have a little knowledge of HTML. I need a solution for the following: Visitors can come to my site through a referrer for ex: [url]www.domain.com/?ref=cesar017[/url] The referrer’s information (cesar017) should be prefilled automatically in a form field on another page … | |
I have already implemented AJAX (DWR) in a web application.My concern is that I don't want the users to lose the efficiency of AJAX simply because browser settings have disabled javascript.Already I have seen someone who has hinted on using degradable AJAX to implement AJAX regardless of whether javascript is … | |
say in textbox its written you, and i erase it and write bingo. how can i retrieve back the old value you? simple solution i dont want to use, i want different way. i do inputhidden where i store the old value always | |
Hi, I'm developing an AJAX website, and I want to make it compatible with most browsers and its many versions in the market. I've been using IE, FF and Chrome, for many years, and I know his popular versions (not everyone updates, you know), but I never used Opera, and … | |
Hi friends, I have a [B]parent page say index.html[/B] on which I have a div. Now, I want to load some content from the [B]child page(external page) say inner.html[/B] into the div on parent page. As far as I have worked on it I found that I can do this … | |
Hey Im trying to send an email with PHP. but Im using ajax to load all my pages So i dont want to disrupt that flow by having the page refresh when you hit submit..I just want it to be like loading and then echo Thank you or something. Here … | |
[CODE]<script type='text/javascript'> function urlget(){ var url = parent.link_frame.location.href; document.getElementById('urlarea').innerHTML = url; } </script>[/CODE] [CODE]<textarea name="urlarea" id="urlarea"></textarea> [/CODE] [CODE]<a onclick='urlget()'></a>[/CODE] it should get the url of the top frame(link_frame) and put in the textarea. | |
Hi, I am using html to upload image from computer in the <img src> tag. i have <input type=file>which browse for file then a button to load image. I am not able to load image. [code=html]<input type=file><input type='button' value='LOAD'> <br> <img src>[/code] Please mail me at <EMAIL SNIPPED> | |
Hi, I've used Dynamic Currency Converter: [url]http://dynamicconverter.com/[/url] on this under development websites: [url]http://www.greyboxtechnologies.com/murugan[/url] For some reason the [B]IE6 SP2[/B] crashes when we access this website on few of our machines. Surprisingly not on all the machines. Its not only in our network machines, I tested it outside also through friends, … | |
Hi guys, I'm very new to Javascript and normally I can find solutions for any issues I have with a quick Google search but this one I just can't find a solution that works. Essentially all I'm trying to do is insert a bit of adsense code into a part … | |
hi Suppose i have 10 checkboxes and i allow the user to check max of 4 checkboxes. When the limit is reached i.e. 4, i need to disable all the other checkboxes and when i uncheck anyone (now only 3 are checked) all the checkboxes should be enabled Here's the … | |
Hey, I was wondering how to obtain a hash value and pass it to php. URL: [CODE]http://www.mydomain.com/#id=110[/CODE] All I want to grab is just the "110". This is my javascript code: [CODE] <script> function getUrlVars() { var vars = [], hash; var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('#') + 1).split('&'); for(var i = … | |
I'd like to use JavaScript to add rows to a table. It seems like an easy idea, but it occurs to me that the parent node of the rows might technically be a TBODY element. So, I'm wondering if I use appendChild to add a table row to a table … | |
Hello All, I'm very new to the world of php, js and ajax however I've been working on creating two combo boxes built from values in a table. The table is such - LeagueCode, TeamCode, TeamName. The first combo displays all distinct LeagueCode values. The second combo then needs to … | |
Hi all, I'm creating different pages on a website for each branch in the country for a business. The way the user gets to their branch is through a dreamweaver generated jump menu. My question is: Will search engine robots crawl the pages that are linked via the jump menu? … | |
Hi guys, I'm trying to write code where an ajax function, at a specified interval, calls php script to query a table and open a certian window according to the response(variable) received. After that, the ajax function will continue to call the same php script but will open another window … | |
Getting to the poiint; I have a 'index.html' document that creates 3 iframes, each within a row of a 1 column, 3 row table. So I have a top (frame1), middle,(frame2) and bottom(frame3). Frame1 src="header.html" is a descriptive banner. Frame2 src="Start.html" is where the real application does all the work. … | |
Hi all, I have a div I would like to show and hide. I've used a script before which works, but now reusing it I can't make it fly. As I can't see where I am going wrong, can anyone else help? This is the one that works: [CODE] <!--script … | |
hi i have a problem in running javascript code between jsp page.. lets below is my jsp body . [code=jsp]<body> <script language="javascript" > alert("hi"); </script> <h1>hello</hello> <% System.out.println("hello"); %> </body>[/code] in the above code there is no problem in running javascipt .. it gives hi alert easily but.. for below … | |
Hello. i use this script to my mediaplayer on my website. but the fullscreen button is not working. can anyone come with anything there can help? [CODE]INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Play" OnClick="Player.URL='my\music\song.mp3'"> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Stop" onclick="Player.controls.stop()"> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Pause" onclick="Player.controls.pause()"> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Full Screen" onclick="if(Player.playState == 3) Player.fullScreen = 'true'"> <p></p> <script … | |
I am developing a website in ASP.net and I would like to be able to track the mouse movements whilst a user of the site is browsing pages on the site and be able to store the duration in seconds of how long the cursor is left in specific areas … | |
Hi, I have a simple vote up and vote down feature, which on clicking calls a js function and increments or decrements the counter variable accordingly. But i have an issue, some malicious script just executing the script to incrment the counter by vote up. I am not allowed to … | |
This is a nice and easy table editer. Use it to add and delete cells, rows, and a caption | |
Ok I am having a lot of trouble making my Nav bar stay fixed in the upper left corner. Every time i scroll down the nav bar follows down the page. I need some help here is the JS but iam not too sure if my prolbem lays in the … | |
I am a newbee to JavaScript was was just fiddling around with events for a browser... Is it possible to detect the browser process termination done through the [B]Task Manager[/B] in windows. [B]Process:[/B] 1. Goto Task Manager 2. Right click on the browser process e.g. iexplorer.exe 3. Select "end process" … | |
My website I'm building has various image Arrays, I have JS code passing data so an image in 1st page exp:[image5] loads into 2nd pages Array as [image5], it works in all browsers except Firefox where 1st page reloads to [image1] in 1st page Array. Being a newbie I can't … | |
Hi all I am a newbie to Ajax and Javasript. Please help me out... I am using Ajax and Javascript to show real-time data on the web page. On my web page, a 4-digit number is displayed in a text box and this number updates every 10 millisecond automatically to … | |
I am newbee to javascript wanted help! I have google, yahoo, bing results to open in a frame without my domain name changing. The results for the query is shown in iframe. The results can be anything any domain. I am trying to see if javascript between those open and … | |
I'm trying to bypass a script if possible to use only a hyperlink that i can build from a database to pull up a web page. What I have is addresses that I need to open in this website: [url]http://gisims2.miamidade.gov/myhome/propmap.asp[/url] You'll notice on the left hand side of the page … |
The End.