15,121 Topics

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Member Avatar for jyotidagia

hey all.. i was wondering if anyone culd help me wid this.. i've a html file with javascript and a php file.. i need to access the db result generated by the php file in my javascript..to dynamically load drop down menu in the html file.. was wondering if i …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for yhoo

Hi, I'm new on ajax/jquery. I will try to explain what is my problem. I'm building a page in which have three div separating (top, left, right) I'm using dynamic ajax content in which on the left side have some href which change the right side of the page like …

Member Avatar for leegeorg07

Hi, I am trying to make a twitter bookmarklet that will tweet the current page, I currently have this code: [code] javascript:window.open('http://twitter.com/?status='+self.location) [/code] but when I try it, it changes the page its tweeting to just show [object Window] how can I fix this?

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Member Avatar for baltazar

Hello, I am having a problem with the jQuery Cycle plugin. I am trying to create a slideshow of images that change(fade) when an element in the pager nav is hovered on. (This is supposed to be possible as per the jQuery Cycle Plugin docs <http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/pager2.html>) My setup: I have …

Member Avatar for baltazar
Member Avatar for haunt_me_gently

my instructor is gonna give me a failing grade if i did not make 10 java scripts using all the statement and the three control function. please help me asap even if it is a simple statement i just need to show her all

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for jyotidagia

i hav this code for autosuggest.. it retrieves the desired values from the datbase.. and produces a list..like in google.. however the values in the list cannot be selected using the arrow keys.. could anybody familiar with google suggest help me out with this.. am using this for an textbox …

Member Avatar for sam023
Member Avatar for ib4dogz

Take a look at the link below. Click on one of my markers in the map. Inside the info windows I would like to have “Directions: To here - From here” feature in it. Thanks in advance for your assistance. [URL="http://www.crucialdesign.net/diningguide/test.html"]http://www.crucialdesign.net/diningguide/test.html[/URL]

Member Avatar for udayangaS

hi, in my case i want to add a new menu item(actually a div tag) to my existing menu when an event or method calling occurs. i want to append a div tag dynamically to my existing menu with all css and effects. so if you guys have a better …

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Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I am using Ajax with JSP.What I am trying to do is when the user enters a name and clicks on the button it goes to a jsp page. On the jsp page it is checked whether the name is present in the database or not. If it …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for ramkumaran

I need onmouse over video file preview code using javascript....anybody knows kindly reply me

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[url="http://5url.com/dhtml.html"][font=Trebuchet MS]http://5url.com/dhtml.html[/font][/url] [font=Trebuchet MS][color=blue]Always felt that [i]Flash[/i] and [i]Browser Incompatabilties[/i] hurt the development of DHTML (except for MENUS)[/color][/font] [color=blue][/color] [color=blue][font=Trebuchet MS]Who knows how far it would have developed[/font] ;) [/color] [color=blue][/color] [font=Trebuchet MS][color=blue]Also [b]STYLE FILTERS[/b] are another I.E. gem[/color][/font]

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for vladacmba

Hy again, I have a quick question that I can't figurite out so I'm just gonna show it to you. I'm not shore if it is Lightbox sample, but it's Java and jQuery comb. 1st. Link [url]http://www.cmsmadesimple.org/[/url] 2nd. Link [url]http://www.omniture.com/en/[/url] At the 1st link, on the Left side under the …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for vladacmba

Just to say hello again and to ask if someone knows what is the name of that Script at this site: [url]http://www.infoway.us/products/index.php#Desktop%20wallpaper[/url] You'll see on rollover like in a eBay can show you image before you search the gallery. I would ask if anyone can give me deeper explan... but …

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Member Avatar for yonghan

Hi all,suppose i got two rows like this picture [url]http://i575.photobucket.com/albums/ss197/yonghan79/ask-1.jpg[/url] I'm trying to change the modified column value to current datetime without refreshing the page when i click the update button..The first row worked,the second doesn't work..Here is my codes views/order_home [code] <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for crebilis

Hi all, I am looking for a method to make a html element empty (no innerHTML). This would be pretty easy if it weren't for IE. IE has the bug that innerHTML is read-only for tables (and some other elements too). So my function [CODE=javascript] function clearElement(id){ document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = ""; …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for pojke

Hi. Perhaps a lot of you heart this problem, but i can't find a solution. Java Script is crashing when see \n sign. I have a lot of functions like this: [CODE=JavaScript] function drawDocumentMainRowColor1(unique, content, align, padding, color) { drawDocumentHTML += '<tr class="stdTab" bgcolor="#' + color + '"><td>&nbsp;</td><td style="padding: ' …

Member Avatar for farkhan
Member Avatar for jaimca

Hi i am generating dynamically a list of books. Each book should be draggable to a certain place in a page. I gave the same id for all the books by keepin each book reference inside a div element. But only the first element is draggable . Please help me …

Member Avatar for shubhamjain1

In orkut, as soon as one receives a new scrap, one gets an alert at side bottom even if page is not refreshed. I am sure that orkut doesn't check for scraps again and again by Ajax. Then how does orkut know that i have received a new scrap?? Similar …

Member Avatar for jomanlk
Member Avatar for cjay175

Hey, Im wondering if someone could tell me how to set a variable depending on the link that is clicked than pass it to php. It's for a rating plugin - The links will be numbers 1 - 5 and need to pass the integer to php when clicked.. in …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for prince23

hi, "INSERT MODE" i have check box in one "tr". and another dropdown control in another "tr" intially dropdown control will be invisiable intially . but once the user checks the check box. the dropdown control should be visiable and he can select the value. but again the user unchecks …

Member Avatar for cmm0812

I am using a tabifier to create a tabbed webpart within a tabbed webpart in Sharepoint 2004. My problem is that when I place the inner tabbed web part inside the outer tabbed webpart, one of the tabs on the outer tabbed webpart disappears. Can anyone help ASAP? If so, …

Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi everyone, its been a while since i kast posted on here, Im trying to make the following menu open on the mouseover event, but im having loads of problems, Whilst the menu system works great on the click event, Copy and paste this code if you are looking fro …

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Member Avatar for shane_tactical1

Hi guys, Can anyone tell me why this script no longer works in firefox? It works in the older version but since it got updated to version 3.5.3 it doesnt work anymore. It works fine in IE. [code] <script type="text/javascript"> function show_popup(s_file, msg, msg2, msg3, w, h) { var p=window.createPopup() …

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Member Avatar for jaimca

Hi I'm using an ActiveX control in my html page.. Each time i load the page ie pops a message box to allow the activex to run or not . Is there any way to handle that message box using javascript. Or is there any other way to avoid that …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, With PHP I've saved all my website settings in one file e.g [code] 'baseUrl' => 'http://localhost/thisSite', 'resources' => '../Resources/', 'templates' => '../Resources/TPL/', [/code] This makes the site very portable. I simply make changes to this one file and I can move the site to any server. But I how …

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Member Avatar for belper

Hello, I am developing a site with Dreamweaver CS3 and have a little knowledge of HTML. I need a solution for the following: Visitors can come to my site through a referrer for ex: [url]www.domain.com/?ref=cesar017[/url] The referrer’s information (cesar017) should be prefilled automatically in a form field on another page …

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Member Avatar for dangari

I have already implemented AJAX (DWR) in a web application.My concern is that I don't want the users to lose the efficiency of AJAX simply because browser settings have disabled javascript.Already I have seen someone who has hinted on using degradable AJAX to implement AJAX regardless of whether javascript is …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for hajjo

say in textbox its written you, and i erase it and write bingo. how can i retrieve back the old value you? simple solution i dont want to use, i want different way. i do inputhidden where i store the old value always

Member Avatar for Cronless
Member Avatar for culebrin

Hi, I'm developing an AJAX website, and I want to make it compatible with most browsers and its many versions in the market. I've been using IE, FF and Chrome, for many years, and I know his popular versions (not everyone updates, you know), but I never used Opera, and …

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Member Avatar for ankitbhatia

Hi friends, I have a [B]parent page say index.html[/B] on which I have a div. Now, I want to load some content from the [B]child page(external page) say inner.html[/B] into the div on parent page. As far as I have worked on it I found that I can do this …

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The End.