15,121 Topics

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Member Avatar for arvindikchari

Hello I have a simple requirement, I have a list of URLs on a page, I want that when the user clicks on any one URL, then a text box on the same page is filled with some data. The data to be filled in is specific for each URL. …

Member Avatar for augie804
Member Avatar for Moselekm

Alright, I think 3 hours of feeling like an idiot and searching and then feeling even more stumped is grounds enough to post here. I am basically just practicing with javascript (Just started a few days ago) and wanted to create an array that pretty much checked a form for …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for dj_dan23

Hi! All I would like to have a way to do my application using a simple way. I have a genealogy site, since a long time ago. I have near 10,000 pages (10,000 names) on a free hoster. Everything works fine. But I'd like to do the conversion from my …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for realchamp

Hello! I got a page which whenever a checkbox is checked I want to insert an image to the right of the check box. Can anyone help? - realchamp.

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for odee

why does the event.clientX and event.clientY is working in IE but not work in firefox? clientX and clientY shows the coordinate of the cursor relative to the screen

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Rblalock

[B]I need help understand where to place (and how to create) [CODE]function calcPrice() { product = document.form1.prod; pindex = product.selectedIndex; product_price = product.options[pindex].value; quantity = document.form1.qty; qindex = quantity.selectedIndex; quantity_ordered = quantity.options[qindex].value; document.form1.price.value = product_price*quantity_ordered; }[/CODE]. I also need to know where to add the [CODE]onchange = "calcPrice()"[/CODE] event handler. …

Member Avatar for Rblalock
Member Avatar for thanigaics

Hi all, this is mohan started working recently on ajax with struts2 framework. I can able to make a ajax request to an struts2 action class.But in the response I am getting the whole jsp page as a response mentioned in the result tag in struts.xml file.But I need only …

Member Avatar for VaishaliVinay
Member Avatar for crazygolfer

I have a table that is populated by php/mysql. I would like to have it were when you click on a row any where on the row the check box for that row gets checked. I have been searching the net for days looking for a way to do this …

Member Avatar for ogunm
Member Avatar for rashi_b

Hi , I need to find all the dates between two given dates. For e.g dates between, 02/03/09 and 02/15/09 format is in mm/dd/yy. I need java script program for this. Kindly help.

Member Avatar for chandru7
Member Avatar for oku

Hello! I have been working on a dynamic solution for a web based purchase order system. When i enter a purchase order i am greeted with: [IMG]http://nenuno.co.uk/temp/12-rows.jpg[/IMG] And i have started to code a solution where I can add rows when I need them! Inspiration is: [IMG]http://nenuno.co.uk/temp/example.jpg[/IMG] The code I …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for namratakakkar84

Hi I have made a program in which we have to read cookies through javascript but I am facing a problem in it. And I am unable to understand where the problem is? Please help me understand the same. [CODE] <html> <head> <title>read cookies</title> <script language="javascript"> function gettime(){ if(document.cookie) { …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for kshatriy

Hello pals, HTML code: <dt><a href="#" onmouseover="addButton(this);" onmouseout="removeButton(this);">CNN News<img src="images/cnn.gif" alt="cnn" style="width:67px; height:43px;"/></a></dt> Javascript: function addButton(selected){ var add = "CNN News<img src=\"images/cnn.gif\" alt=\"cnn\" style=\"width:67px; height:43px;\"/><img id=\"add\" src=\"images/add.gif\" alt=\"Add\" />"; selected.innerHTML = add; } function removeButton(selected){ var add = "CNN News<img src=\"images/cnn.gif\" alt=\"cnn\" style=\"width:67px; height:43px;\"/>"; selected.innerHTML = add; } Here my …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for marulu

I am in the process of learning PHP with JS and Ajax and have the foll. problems. I have created a class to generate master data entry screens. (1) Javascript code that works when I run master.class.php independently does not work when I run users.php. I came across this problem …

Member Avatar for anatta

Hi guys, I am trying to add an instant messaging system to my website so that logged in member can chat one-on-one with other member on his/her contact list. I am aware that there are many of such free scripts that I can use but I would rather learn to …

Member Avatar for tiger86

Is it possible to overwrite internal javascript? I am working for a non profit as an internship and they want to escape a template that almost all of the non profits in that organization have to use, the catch is the template is written in Javascript if it is possible …

Member Avatar for sozeran
Member Avatar for cguan_77

hi guys, just want to ask if it is possible to check which link on the page receives a focus? For example, i got Links name A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5. How to check which link is currently receiving the focus? is it possible to do? thanks ...

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

does anyone know of any tutorials? i don want to use jquery. just javascript. i googled and found nothing but i know its possible. does anyone know? just a simple one. for like divs

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for Baradaran

Hi, This is probably a very simple problem, but still it is bugging me for a while. I have tried to google for solutions, but I did not find any. I have a div containing a few text elements like date and description. I want to change the background-color of …

Member Avatar for Baradaran
Member Avatar for jaimca

HI, I am dynamically generating a unordered list. I want to get value("somevalue") inside each <li> item. How can i access it please help me. <ul> <li value="somevalue" > item1 </li> <ul> Help me in using javascript or jsp to do the above.. thanx in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Altairzq

I'm showing in a field the name of the file the user has chosen. I would like to show the whole name as the title when passing the mouse over the field, in case the name is too long. I swear this was working, but it's not anymore (I'm testing …

Member Avatar for Jupiter 2
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I've been trying to find a regular expression that checks if input contains any of the following characters only: `~!@#$%^&*()-=+\|/?.>,<;:'"[{]} I want to allow users to input any normal character a-z or any numbers as well as underscores and any special character that resembles a letter such as …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for carobee

How to parse an xml from javascript from code beside page? i have tried [code] var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = Readxml; xmlDoc.load("abc.xml"); [/code] but the error is that the xml is not loaded? i am using visual studio 2008.thnks in advance

Member Avatar for sahmed_12
Member Avatar for Ariel_medel

I want this carousel slideshow to also start automatically if idle after a few secs... I tried adding a set interval but with no success so far, please help!!! YAHOO.example = function() { var $D = YAHOO.util.Dom; var $E = YAHOO.util.Event; var $A = YAHOO.util.Anim; var $M = YAHOO.util.Motion; var …

Member Avatar for vsource

Hiii. Iam using alert box to display the total payment modes. But in Alert it displaying only 62 out of 110. my Code:: var hidpaym = document.frmrechnung.hidpayt.value; var str = hidpaym.split(",") var st = "" ; alert("str.length::"+str.length) for (i=0;i < str.length ; i++) { if (st == "") { st …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for mcrawford3911

Is there a code that changes decimal places? Example if you have 333.333333..... can you make it say just 333 Thanks

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Nearly Narik

Hi everyone, Im trying to make a personal home page that both shows the time and a random background each refresh using javascript. so far i have managed to get either one or the other to work but not both. i want to know if anyone could try and tell …

Member Avatar for Nearly Narik
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok so i am an avid php developer and i am starting to get into ajax so i can keep file sizes and code down to a minimum. i am looking in the w3schools ajax examples but i am a little lost at how to send through a variable to …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for coldrain

Hi all, i am new to AJAX, so need some help I want to create simple feedback (comment) form, base on AJAX. So, I have my HTML form, and even have my SQL database, and PHP script. All is working quite ok, but I need to make it AJAX - …

Member Avatar for Njegos
Member Avatar for sleign

I am building a website that's worked out very nicely so far with few problems. It's mainly coded in php and xhtml with css. This site also uses 1 inline frame. I don't know much about javascript - it seems to be such an immense scripting language to me, but …

Member Avatar for sleign
Member Avatar for thirunavukaras

Hai.... "i want used confirm in javascript in code behind" i am used confirm button ,in code behind. if the confirm button worked the function is return the true... else the function return the false.. i want to get true and false value for my further proces.. this my code.. …

Member Avatar for pushkar_it

The End.