15,127 Topics
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Hello Everyone, Quick history....Im a systems engineer, total newbie to web dev. Ive been trying to maintain a memorial website that we had created when my sister passed away. It was hosted somewhere but the person who made it couldn't maintain it anymore, so I downloaded all of the pages … | |
How to make something like spry tabs in dreamweaver with jquery or something. I don't have dreamweaver and i don't want to download a trial. | |
hi friends, i try to make some selector of items placed in <div>, and click on some of items should delete one by changing innerHTML of <div>. delete works, but after delete html page reloads. i suppose its because element, originator, calling delete function exist at time of calling, but … | |
Alright, I made a form, but I don't want just anyone to be able to use it. So I was wondering if it was possible for the page to check if they were logged into my forum. Any suggestions would be great =]. | |
[CODE]<div id="menu" class="menu"> <a href="/" title="Nornix TreeMenu">start</a> <ul> <li> <a href="/info" title="Information">info</a> <ul> <li> <a href="/info/features">features</a> </li> <li> <a href="/info/layers">layers</a> </li> <li> <a href="/info/compatibility">compatibility</a> </li> <li> <a href="/info/usage">usage</a> <ul> <li> <a title="HTML structure">HTML</a> </li> <li> <a href="/info/usage/css" title="CSS classes">CSS</a> </li> <li> <a href="/info/usage/js" title="JS behavior">JS</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> … | |
Hello I have a simple requirement, I have a list of URLs on a page, I want that when the user clicks on any one URL, then a text box on the same page is filled with some data. The data to be filled in is specific for each URL. … | |
Alright, I think 3 hours of feeling like an idiot and searching and then feeling even more stumped is grounds enough to post here. I am basically just practicing with javascript (Just started a few days ago) and wanted to create an array that pretty much checked a form for … | |
Hi! All I would like to have a way to do my application using a simple way. I have a genealogy site, since a long time ago. I have near 10,000 pages (10,000 names) on a free hoster. Everything works fine. But I'd like to do the conversion from my … | |
Hello! I got a page which whenever a checkbox is checked I want to insert an image to the right of the check box. Can anyone help? - realchamp. | |
why does the event.clientX and event.clientY is working in IE but not work in firefox? clientX and clientY shows the coordinate of the cursor relative to the screen | |
[B]I need help understand where to place (and how to create) [CODE]function calcPrice() { product = document.form1.prod; pindex = product.selectedIndex; product_price = product.options[pindex].value; quantity = document.form1.qty; qindex = quantity.selectedIndex; quantity_ordered = quantity.options[qindex].value; document.form1.price.value = product_price*quantity_ordered; }[/CODE]. I also need to know where to add the [CODE]onchange = "calcPrice()"[/CODE] event handler. … | |
Hi all, this is mohan started working recently on ajax with struts2 framework. I can able to make a ajax request to an struts2 action class.But in the response I am getting the whole jsp page as a response mentioned in the result tag in struts.xml file.But I need only … | |
I have a table that is populated by php/mysql. I would like to have it were when you click on a row any where on the row the check box for that row gets checked. I have been searching the net for days looking for a way to do this … | |
Hi , I need to find all the dates between two given dates. For e.g dates between, 02/03/09 and 02/15/09 format is in mm/dd/yy. I need java script program for this. Kindly help. | |
Hello! I have been working on a dynamic solution for a web based purchase order system. When i enter a purchase order i am greeted with: [IMG]http://nenuno.co.uk/temp/12-rows.jpg[/IMG] And i have started to code a solution where I can add rows when I need them! Inspiration is: [IMG]http://nenuno.co.uk/temp/example.jpg[/IMG] The code I … | |
Hi I have made a program in which we have to read cookies through javascript but I am facing a problem in it. And I am unable to understand where the problem is? Please help me understand the same. [CODE] <html> <head> <title>read cookies</title> <script language="javascript"> function gettime(){ if(document.cookie) { … | |
Hello pals, HTML code: <dt><a href="#" onmouseover="addButton(this);" onmouseout="removeButton(this);">CNN News<img src="images/cnn.gif" alt="cnn" style="width:67px; height:43px;"/></a></dt> Javascript: function addButton(selected){ var add = "CNN News<img src=\"images/cnn.gif\" alt=\"cnn\" style=\"width:67px; height:43px;\"/><img id=\"add\" src=\"images/add.gif\" alt=\"Add\" />"; selected.innerHTML = add; } function removeButton(selected){ var add = "CNN News<img src=\"images/cnn.gif\" alt=\"cnn\" style=\"width:67px; height:43px;\"/>"; selected.innerHTML = add; } Here my … | |
I am in the process of learning PHP with JS and Ajax and have the foll. problems. I have created a class to generate master data entry screens. (1) Javascript code that works when I run master.class.php independently does not work when I run users.php. I came across this problem … | |
Hi guys, I am trying to add an instant messaging system to my website so that logged in member can chat one-on-one with other member on his/her contact list. I am aware that there are many of such free scripts that I can use but I would rather learn to … | |
Is it possible to overwrite internal javascript? I am working for a non profit as an internship and they want to escape a template that almost all of the non profits in that organization have to use, the catch is the template is written in Javascript if it is possible … | |
hi guys, just want to ask if it is possible to check which link on the page receives a focus? For example, i got Links name A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5. How to check which link is currently receiving the focus? is it possible to do? thanks ... | |
does anyone know of any tutorials? i don want to use jquery. just javascript. i googled and found nothing but i know its possible. does anyone know? just a simple one. for like divs | |
Hi, This is probably a very simple problem, but still it is bugging me for a while. I have tried to google for solutions, but I did not find any. I have a div containing a few text elements like date and description. I want to change the background-color of … | |
HI, I am dynamically generating a unordered list. I want to get value("somevalue") inside each <li> item. How can i access it please help me. <ul> <li value="somevalue" > item1 </li> <ul> Help me in using javascript or jsp to do the above.. thanx in advance | |
I'm showing in a field the name of the file the user has chosen. I would like to show the whole name as the title when passing the mouse over the field, in case the name is too long. I swear this was working, but it's not anymore (I'm testing … | |
Hi all I've been trying to find a regular expression that checks if input contains any of the following characters only: `~!@#$%^&*()-=+\|/?.>,<;:'"[{]} I want to allow users to input any normal character a-z or any numbers as well as underscores and any special character that resembles a letter such as … | |
How to parse an xml from javascript from code beside page? i have tried [code] var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = Readxml; xmlDoc.load("abc.xml"); [/code] but the error is that the xml is not loaded? i am using visual studio 2008.thnks in advance | |
I want this carousel slideshow to also start automatically if idle after a few secs... I tried adding a set interval but with no success so far, please help!!! YAHOO.example = function() { var $D = YAHOO.util.Dom; var $E = YAHOO.util.Event; var $A = YAHOO.util.Anim; var $M = YAHOO.util.Motion; var … | |
Hiii. Iam using alert box to display the total payment modes. But in Alert it displaying only 62 out of 110. my Code:: var hidpaym = document.frmrechnung.hidpayt.value; var str = hidpaym.split(",") var st = "" ; alert("str.length::"+str.length) for (i=0;i < str.length ; i++) { if (st == "") { st … |
The End.