15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for omsoni

Hi, I have a javascript error in my home page. Which is annoying. I am having hard time debugging it. Please help. [url]www.dealpigeon.com[/url] FF is not showing it. IE7, 8 shows the error. I just launched the website and I do not want users noticing an error. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for LizzyJo

Hi there everyone. I have a problem with the JavaScript code for my aggregates workings for my course. I have worked out with some help how to input a number, click a button and get the number to appear in a listbox. I also had to get the Reset button …

Member Avatar for LizzyJo
Member Avatar for twomers

Hi all. First off this is my first interaction with jquery (and I hope this is the correct forum to put questions about this in, if not might a mod take the liberity of moving it to the correct forum?), so apologies if I'm overlooking an entire room made of …

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for void64

I have a form with multiple SELECT drop-down menus. Each menu can submit the form using the onChange function. How can I determine which of the drop-down menus was used to submit the form? Example: [CODE] <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form data" action="submit.php"> <select name="one" onChange="submit()"> <option value="1">1st choice</option> <option value="2">2nd choice</option> …

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for calvintennant

I am trying to use vertical columns (as commonly seen in print media, magazines/newspapers) in my blog layout. I think that as the aspect ratio of our monitors change ([URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xerox_Alto"]portrait[/URL] in the 70s/80s, (near) square in the 90's, and now landscape) it is important to embrace horizontally scrolling websites. This …

Member Avatar for skumar.snl

I have to Set Iframe Height Dynamically using Jquery or Javascript . I am Using following jquery code: [code]var theFrame = $("#IframeId", parent.document.body); theFrame.height($(document.body).height);[/code] My Problem is that data in iframe has some Images,video thumbnail which are coming from diffrent server Amazon,flicker (means from Cross domain). It takes time to …

Member Avatar for mohan7690

hi friends, my english is poor, please solve my problem i'm developing a site, in that irame is there, when a page is loaded to that iframe, along with links in the page, when i right click on the link and open in a new tab/window, it should open along …

Member Avatar for LizzyJo

Hi. I am new to this site so I hope you will all be able to help me with my problem. I am just starting to learn JavaScript so any help/feedback would be greatly appreciated. I have to make a form that if you put a temperature in a textbox …

Member Avatar for LizzyJo
Member Avatar for AirGear

i'm still a newbie in javascript. i know this question may be silly for some experts in javascript. and i'm sorry for that :( i want to create a dynamic form using javascript, where i can click a button to add some new fields. i tried to search it in …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for Nuttdude

Buttons visibility is set to hidden to start. Suggestions? [CODE]<script Language="JavaScript"> Function CKPMT1() Var PMT1; PMT1 = document.Form1.BalPmtPayee.value; IF PMT1 = "" then ; document.Form1.B1.style.visiblity='visible'; End if End Function <body onLoad="CKPMT1()">[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for firehazrd0

Thanks for viewing. To be perfectly honest, this is (in part) for school. the project is to write a script to prompt for a temperature in Fahrenheit and output the Celsius equivilant. I'm ahead in my school work, and so decided to take my time and have some fun with …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for sam023

[url]http://www.d-scribe.de/webtools/jquery-pagination/demo/demo_options.htm[/url] these type of jquery pagination are riable for large data...??? where query doesnt need 'limit' in it..!!! thanks

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for Tom Tolleson

I have a button that activates a script to create a new radio button. I want the radio button to be of the class draggable. However, my code isn't quite working. Any thoughts on this are appreciated. [code] <head> <script Language="JavaScript"> function modify(){ var newElem= document.createElement("radio") newElem.id = "newradio" newElem.appendChild(newElem) …

Member Avatar for uthumiram
Member Avatar for tangara

Hi, I'm trying to apply light box effect. When the user click on the thumbnail size photo, it will pop up a bigger want and then the background will all blackout...... It's just not working and the the imgage won't show up at all. Hope someone can point out my …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for skulkar

Hello All, I work on PL/SQL web applications with oracle Application Server. I wish to start using some of Ajax features in my applications. Do I need to perform any application/db server side configuration changes to accommodate Ajax implementations? Your suggestions will be of great help to me. Thanks in …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for Gatayo

Design an oracle for the following JavaScript function. 2. Generate a test case set for this function and provide a coverage analysis report for your test case set. The JavaScript function: [CODE=javascript]function purchaseSong(username, password, songId) { // first authenticate the user if (checkCredentials(username, password) == false) { alert('The username or …

Member Avatar for Gatayo
Member Avatar for brechtjah

Hey there everyone I'm a bit troubled with something I'm trying to construct, I'm trying to create an object that can reproduce itself, creating more objects that can be accessed also, to reproduce themselves. Each object would then be given a random name like: object1, object2 so they can be …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for gk0110

Hi friends, I need to do this: Scroll down the scroll bar grey out all my page and show a loading gif load, thru ajax, content from the db server turn off grey and loading gif update current page content. how can i do this without using jQuery? Many thanks …

Member Avatar for IllBeTheJudge
Member Avatar for manofspider

clienthint.js [CODE] var xmlhttp; var parameters=""; function showHint(url) { var myform = document.forms[0]; if (myform != undefined) { parameters = getRequestBody(myform); } if (url.length == 0) { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML = ""; return; } xmlhttp = GetXmlHttpObject(); if (xmlhttp == null) { alert("Your browser does not support XMLHTTP!"); return; } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = …

Member Avatar for manofspider
Member Avatar for psathish2

I am trying to disable the F5 key in Mozilla. I have the next code in javascript that it is working in Internet Explorer but it is not working in Mozilla. how can I disable the F5 key in Mozilla? Code: [code] function checkKeyCode(evt) { var evt = (evt) ? …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for antr25

Hi - I have a css drop down menu that hides behind a javascript photo gallery (in the main area of the page) in IE7. Not quite sure what to make of it. Any and all help is appreciated!! thanks

Member Avatar for laura_ci
Member Avatar for OnIIcE

Hi im messing around with some jQuery and want to disable a link whilst it performs a ajax post (its adding/fetching somthing from a database) and i want to disable the link so it cant be multiclickd. [CODE]<a href=\"#\" id=\"seepages\">See Page</a>[/CODE] ive tried using [CODE]$("#seepages").unbind('click');[/CODE] but that dosnt work! =( …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for samlabs821

Hi !! i faced problem with javascript. When I call function change() it applies only second element that is link2. I wanted when i click the link, the link name must appear to textfield.can anyone help?? here is code: [code=html] <html> <body> <form> <a id="static" href="staticContentAdmin.ioml">link1</a></br> <a id="static" href="staticContentAdmin.ioml">link2</a></br> <input …

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Member Avatar for marian99us

Hello folks, I am a young webdeveloper from Germany. There is this technology used in this great website that doesn't stop amusing me, I was just hoping someone could cypher the technology behind it and perhaps reveal it is done with the help of some freely available Library the link …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for dmmajorstudent

I'm trying to use javascript with NO Innerhtml. i am very new to javascript and i need a little help completing this form. the code i have so far to create a form page is just below this message. How do i create a code when focused the text fields …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Dear All Experts I wrote a simple code in javascript and it is working fine with IE but when I open the page in FireFox or in Google Crome it is not working as I expect. Actually I am enabling and disabling the combo box on the on change event …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for ruwanaru

I am New in web designing What i want is i have one List/Menu its called Make it's containing some vehicles Brands when i selected a brand name i want another list/menu display the models that relevant to Brand this is a screen shot that what i need [IMG]http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh192/magnificent_roo/model.gif[/IMG] some …

Member Avatar for ruwanaru
Member Avatar for lakodajin

plz chk my coding n tell me whr I am wrong. [code=html]<html> <head> <title> My simple calculator </title> </head> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function addit() { var num1=document.calform.one.value; var num2=document.calform.two.value; document.calform.result.value=parseFloat(num1)+parseFloat(num2); } <!-- function minus() { var num1=document.calform.one.value; var num2=document.calform.two.value; document.calform.result.value=parseFloat(num1)-parseFloat(num2); } --> </script> <body>Add subtract Calculator <form name="calform"> <p> First …

Member Avatar for Alxandr
Member Avatar for hobo38

I need help with a java script that increases image size and decreases on mouseover and mouseout for multiple images per page. In an html page. This script that I have tried to modify is for one image. Can anyone help me with this, please. Jerry Here is the html …

Member Avatar for hoping2
Member Avatar for krishnaboppana

how to add online chat for my new website, what i to do, ineed assistance from u ist stage last stage, thank! regards, krishna.

Member Avatar for Alxandr

The End.