15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for Kadjii

Hello again :) I am having a problem where I want to change a particular variable based on what parameters I send to a js function. In the code below, dnum is a number 1-6, and I want the global variable d1keep (or d2keep, d3keep etc.) to equal the dvalue. …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for RMSASPFORUM

Suppose,closing the browser through Browser Close Button(Top Right Corner cross(x) button), i have to execute some ASP script , for that, in body onUnLoad Event calling a fucntion called CloseWin(e,frm), it is working in Internet Explorer successfully , But in FireFox not working. how to solve this problem. or any …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Rblalock

[CODE]<html> <head> <title>Moultrie Technical College - Worth County Campus</title> <style type="text/css" media="all"> /* Ryan Blalock (ShoppingCart.htm) 10/29/09 */ body { background: transparent url(images/bg.gif) repeat left top; } table { color: white; width: 800px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; background-color: black; } td#header { font-size: 16pt; text-align: center; …

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Member Avatar for KamiArmand

Hello, I'm trying to make a spry menu bar for a website. It looks great in DW CS3, and when I preview it in different browsers, it works. However, once uploaded, when I look on the web, it's displaying in outline form rather than a menu. Why is that and …

Member Avatar for susamck
Member Avatar for Romil797

I am making a web site and I was wondering how I would redirect the user to a different website if Javascript is not enabled. I can't use <noscript> because It needs to redirect. Could I put a meta tag inside a noscript tag? Thx.

Member Avatar for Kelicula
Member Avatar for jonow

This may be the wrong place to be posting this but here I go. I have a search on my site that uses Google Custom Search. I would like it to also search my Google Calendar. I can't find any method to search just the Google Calendar. I was wondering …

Member Avatar for Rblalock

How would I go about creating the coding for a submit button that links to another page? And I would I go about creating the coding for the reset button that resets the page? I go about creating a code to do so, but it never works. Here is the …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for abhymax

hello everyone ! .. I am Abhinab Roy. I am new to this Place and I am very glad to be here. I am pursuing a course called Diploma in Multimedia & Animation. I have a exam on 17th Nov. .. and I have a problem in Javascript. We have …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for ady_1

Hi, I'm new to this and have a quick question. I have a form called register.html and have javascript to check the form validation [CODE=html] <form <input type="submit" value="Submit" onClick="return formValidate()"> </form> [/CODE] so in register.html when user presses submit the formValidate method (javascript) is run. once it returns true, …

Member Avatar for Alxandr
Member Avatar for Alxandr

This is a simple code-snippet that can be used to parse dates with javascript. It's setup to use European dates (dd.mm.yyyy | dd/mm/yyyy | dd,mm,yyyy), but it can easily be setup to use american dates as well (mm/dd/yyyy etc), to do so simply replace "$1" with "$2" and "$2" with …

Member Avatar for Kadjii

Hi, I am trying to code a game program in js that will allow the user to click on a "Roll Dice" button that calls a js function to randomly display various images of dice. My problem is that I cant find a way to display the images where I …

Member Avatar for Kadjii
Member Avatar for stevenpetersen

Hello my name is steve & im trying to use ajax to change the content in a div when you click on a nav button (6 buttons in nav)...... I build out side using a Ajax book and it did not work...... deleted the project and im trying to start …

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Member Avatar for JohnSample

Hi, I claim First Post! :) How do we access class names? For example, this code: [CODE]<td class="the-title" align=left>The Title!</td>[/CODE] If you want to parse html and find the title element you can find the class name "the-title". That's what I am trying to do. How do I do that? …

Member Avatar for dsom73
Member Avatar for kozkay

Anybody know of any product review script, like amazon uses, that is javascript?

Member Avatar for phpguru8
Member Avatar for abhymax

:icon_smile:[B] hello everyone ! .. I am Abhinab Roy. I am new to this Place and I am very glad to be here. I am pursuing a course called Diploma in Multimedia & Animation. :(I have a exam on 17th Nov. .. and I have a problem in Javascript. We …

Member Avatar for abhymax
Member Avatar for hno

HI I want to write a search for my site .I make a new panel in the left of my menue and it has a text input and an image which when that user click on it javascript opens a new window which is a php page.The part I don't …

Member Avatar for Alxandr
Member Avatar for thenajsays

im trying to add a star rating system to a website. id like to do something elegant graphically instead of just using a drop down... the javascript framework im using is mootools and i found a great rating system [URL="http://birijan.com.np/?q=mootools+star+rating"]here[/URL], but have no idea how to adjust it so that …

Member Avatar for Alxandr
Member Avatar for mkfastian

hello , my problem is that.. i have 2 treeview treeview1 and treeview2 my problem is that when i add the node on treeview1 then i want to just copy the same treeview1 node to another treeview2 node please tell me how to do that i just want to ask …

Member Avatar for mkfastian
Member Avatar for mkfastian

hello , my problem is that.. i have 2 treeview treeview1 and treeview2 my problem is that when i add the node on treeview1 then i want to just copy the same treeview1 node to another treeview2 node please tell me how to do that i just want to ask …

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Member Avatar for mkfastian
Member Avatar for mekmiotek

Hello Everyone, Quick history....Im a systems engineer, total newbie to web dev. Ive been trying to maintain a memorial website that we had created when my sister passed away. It was hosted somewhere but the person who made it couldn't maintain it anymore, so I downloaded all of the pages …

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Member Avatar for web3

How to make something like spry tabs in dreamweaver with jquery or something. I don't have dreamweaver and i don't want to download a trial.

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for 3.14

hi friends, i try to make some selector of items placed in <div>, and click on some of items should delete one by changing innerHTML of <div>. delete works, but after delete html page reloads. i suppose its because element, originator, calling delete function exist at time of calling, but …

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Member Avatar for Moselekm

Alright, I made a form, but I don't want just anyone to be able to use it. So I was wondering if it was possible for the page to check if they were logged into my forum. Any suggestions would be great =].

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for hajjo

[CODE]<div id="menu" class="menu"> <a href="/" title="Nornix TreeMenu">start</a> <ul> <li> <a href="/info" title="Information">info</a> <ul> <li> <a href="/info/features">features</a> </li> <li> <a href="/info/layers">layers</a> </li> <li> <a href="/info/compatibility">compatibility</a> </li> <li> <a href="/info/usage">usage</a> <ul> <li> <a title="HTML structure">HTML</a> </li> <li> <a href="/info/usage/css" title="CSS classes">CSS</a> </li> <li> <a href="/info/usage/js" title="JS behavior">JS</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for arvindikchari

Hello I have a simple requirement, I have a list of URLs on a page, I want that when the user clicks on any one URL, then a text box on the same page is filled with some data. The data to be filled in is specific for each URL. …

Member Avatar for augie804
Member Avatar for Moselekm

Alright, I think 3 hours of feeling like an idiot and searching and then feeling even more stumped is grounds enough to post here. I am basically just practicing with javascript (Just started a few days ago) and wanted to create an array that pretty much checked a form for …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for dj_dan23

Hi! All I would like to have a way to do my application using a simple way. I have a genealogy site, since a long time ago. I have near 10,000 pages (10,000 names) on a free hoster. Everything works fine. But I'd like to do the conversion from my …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for realchamp

Hello! I got a page which whenever a checkbox is checked I want to insert an image to the right of the check box. Can anyone help? - realchamp.

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for odee

why does the event.clientX and event.clientY is working in IE but not work in firefox? clientX and clientY shows the coordinate of the cursor relative to the screen

Member Avatar for Troy III

The End.