15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for n_vcplus

Hello All, I've been through this article and found it very helpful {http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb250489(VS.85).aspx}. I have a 'static' callback method in my BHO dll which is called whenever 'some' event on the computer happens. I need to call a javascript method on all open browser instances when that happens (or do …

Member Avatar for daddy89

I want to make it so when a person clicks a link it pops up asking "are you sure" and if you click no itll stop u from going further and leave u on that page and if u hit yet itll continue to a specified link (which will be …

Member Avatar for vicne
Member Avatar for robroy

I tried to post on Mozilla's forum but I ran out of space, so I'll give this a try and thanks in advance... :) Also, I've googled til I cannot google anymore, so please be kind. :D I'm trying to call a .js file in my header where javascript would …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for delbois1651

Hi, I recently created a website with a spry dropdown navigation bar. On preview from Dreamweaver CS4, in Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome, all elements work properly and the dropdown menus work as well. However, when I upload it to my server at the domain [url]http://www.kcsslibrary.com[/url], the dropdown menus do not …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for talha06

Hi everyone, I want to convert [B]JDBC ResultSet to JSON Array[/B]. As u guess, direct casting isn't allowed.. How can I convert my DB data which is stored in ResultSet to a JSON Array? I'll be happy if someone can help me. Thanx in advance, With regards, Talha..

Member Avatar for forum-account

I have this ajax script it's works fine in Mozilla Firefox but not Internet Explorer why? test2.php content only text but when i edit it it show it in Mozilla Firefox but in Internet Explorer it dosent change anything... i hope someone can help - not just post comment script: …

Member Avatar for Krstevski

This simple library containing some methods of Ajax. Example about addContent(url, target): With this function you can change the content of the someone DIV tag. E.g: index.php [CODE=php] <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="test"> <a href="javascript: addContent('test.php', 'content')"> Change </a> </div> <div id="content"> <label> This …

Member Avatar for wiz83

Hi, I have a user on a Website(name withheld) who is clicking on a button which loads the Ajax indicator and then opens a pop-up, but for this particular user the Ajax loads indefinitely he never gets to go to the pop-up, my guess is there is no bug in …

Member Avatar for wiz83
Member Avatar for hno

HI, I'm new in javascript and ajax and I need a IDE to write and debug my codes and I want it to be something like phpdesigner or dreamwawer that have snipper and suggest me when I write some of the code. Do you know something that can help me …

Member Avatar for hno
Member Avatar for ayo991

I have a simple page that has two popup windows ran with css and javascript. Using the edit button, the windows popup correctly, but I cannot get the position to be right. When I click edit on either of the two links, the div opens at the top edit rather …

Member Avatar for C#Novice

Please see the code below. i am not able to get this to work. When i click on Activities in Header, the content doesnt show up. what am i doing wrong here?? please help... thanks in advance <aj1:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server" SelectedIndex="-1" HeaderCssClass="navlinkI" ContentCssClass="subnav" AutoSize="None" HeaderSelectedCssClass="navlink" FadeTransitions="true" TransitionDuration="250" FramesPerSecond="40" RequireOpenedPane="false" SuppressHeaderPostbacks="true"> …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for gunnarflax

I 'm trying to create my own Javascript library which I want to be able to access in the same way as you do with Jquery (by writing Jquery.something or $.something). But I can't figure out how that is done. The object Jquery must in someway be created and have …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax
Member Avatar for Ramyamca

pls , anybody help to me. i have meet one problem for my website developing , i have add to div tag in my page. i don't want to display that scroll in server side, but i need div all actions. pls help me this is my code <div style="overflow:auto;height:535px; …

Member Avatar for ajoseph

i am using update panel. i could not validate the text,number and email in aspx page.I need the solntion.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for hno

Hi I have seen this popup in a registration form. I think it's using jquery but I don't know how can I make some thing like this . I want to put a registration form in it ( ajax registration ) when the popup appear , around it will became …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax

Hi, I am trying to create a website where the visitor can choose one of two languages when first arriving at the website. Then I want that choice to be saved throughout the whole visit without the visitor having to log in. I've always felt that cookies are a lame …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax
Member Avatar for MDanz

this is code for the pop up div, but i want the pop up div to display where the cursor is clicked. I need help adjusting this code to do that? [code] x = 20; y = 70; function setVisible(obj) { obj = document.getElementById(obj); obj.style.visibility = (obj.style.visibility == 'visible') ? …

Member Avatar for albertkao

A "Confirm" window pop up for Firefox, IE but not Chrome for my web page with auto refresh every 10 seconds by javascript. Attached is the screen shot. How to stop this "Confirm" window from popping up?

Member Avatar for albertkao

How to auto refresh my web page every 10 seconds without resetting all the checkboxes? This will auto refresh my web page every 10 seconds but will reset (uncheck) all the checkboxes [CODE] <body onload="timedRefresh(10000);"> <script type="text/javaScript"> function timedRefresh(timeoutPeriod) { setTimeout("window.location.reload(true);",timeoutPeriod); } </script> [/CODE]

Member Avatar for ErlendHL
Member Avatar for mairtinomarta

Is the form below a valid method of changing the id of an XHTML element, specifically the one actually being referenced? It does not seem to work for me. [CODE]document.getElementById("Original_Name").setAttribute("id", "New_name");[/CODE]

Member Avatar for mairtinomarta
Member Avatar for ErlendHL

Hi! I am testing how to make an easy chat engine [URL="http://erlendhl.ueuo.com/c/ExternalChat.html"]here[/URL]. First I used[ICODE]xmlhttp.open("GET",url+"?F="+FILE,[B]false[/B]);[/ICODE], but I noticed that it was very bad to use false, because then, every 2 seconds, the page stops working. (like you can't do anything for like 0.5 sec) So I tried to use [B]true[/B], …

Member Avatar for xxmp

i have the variable $hello="this is test" and i would like to do this when someone click the link "LINK" to show down of it "this is test when click once i want to look like this LINK this is test and when click again to look like this LINK …

Member Avatar for mairtinomarta
Member Avatar for Egypt web

I have a list of radio buttons. Each radio button has a dynamic name. Is there a way to check if they are all selected? Because most radio validation scripts uses a static name. [CODE]<% Dim sql,objRs,intRecord Call OpenDbconn() Set objRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") sql=" select * from Review_Sheet ORDER BY …

Member Avatar for Egypt web
Member Avatar for Hangfire

Hi guys I'm making a golf handicap calculator, you have a couple of columns, for each hole - par, score, difference and adjusted difference. I need to total up each column, and this is my code to do it. It works but feels inefficient and clunky. Any thoughts on improving …

Member Avatar for webass

[COLOR="grey"]Hi all, I've been trying to solve this problem for like 3 hours, but couldn't solve it, so any help would be appreciated.[/COLOR] I want to perform 2 actions on 1 form and on 1 submit. address1 - i only have to send datas address2 - i have to send …

Member Avatar for Hangfire
Member Avatar for grahamfromcork

[CODE=AJAX] function update(value1) { doAjax("behind_scan.php" , "id="+value1); } function doAjax(url , str ) { xmlhttp=GetXmlHttpObject(); if (xmlhttp==null) { alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request"); return; } url=url+"?"+str; xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged; xmlhttp.open("GET",url,true); xmlhttp.send(null); } function stateChanged() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) { //document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; //alert(xmlhttp.responseText) document.forms.myform.scanner.value = ""; document.forms.myform.scanner.focus(); } } function GetXmlHttpObject() { if …

Member Avatar for Hangfire
Member Avatar for KPooja

hello all, i am using script functions for tooltip. [code=JavaScript]function showTip(js_element) { var str_selectedElement=""; var str_tipElement=document.getElementById(js_element); var str_comboElement=document.all('cmd_combo'); for(var i=0;i<str_comboElement.length;i++) { if(str_comboElement[i].selected) { str_selectedElement=str_comboElement[i].text; break; } } str_tipElement.innerHTML=str_selectedElement; }[/code] This function is giving me tooltip on clicking/selecting items from dropdown list.i want tooltip according to my mouse movement over the …

Member Avatar for KPooja
Member Avatar for SaravKumar
Member Avatar for PatMcC

Hi Everyone. Desperate stupid question but.. Client side JS is crippled, no file access etc and the browser is also sandboxed but has anyone heard of someone running Server-side JS on the client side in a non-sandboxed browser? I know this sounds insane but in a safe intranet only environment …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for sumangala

Hi all,I am trying for validation using regular expression for Indian mobile number. Simply i have tried for"^[8,9]{1}[0-9]{9}$" and some others also but it is not working. I want regular expression for: 10 digit mobile number starts with 8 or 9

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The End.