15,127 Topics
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hi i wish to learn ajax and cms can anyone help me,please tell how to start with them, which is the best site to learn them and from where to download please | |
Hello, this is my first post here, but I'm having some trouble figuring out what I messed up on my code :( I'm making a Javascript game of Hangman for one of my classes and I originally had the input as a text box where you physically type in the … | |
Hai, I made a captcha verification in my php page and refresh the image using a simple javascript. Everything working fine in IE .. But in FF the refresh of image is not working... This is my code... Please advice [ICODE]<script language="javascript"> function refreshCaptcha(){ document.getElementById('code').value=''; document.getElementById('captchaImage').src="captcha.php"; } </script>[/ICODE] Thanks in … | |
This is my first time really using HTML, Javascript and PHP. This is part of a prototype for a project for my SW Eng. course. The problem I am having is that the form is not going through the validation. The user is supposed to be able to search by … | |
Hi, In my page I have a checkBoxList and I need to select all items that has an specific word. Let's suppose my CBL is: VB.NET C#.NET Java2SE Java2EE And suppose that I need to select only the items about .NET (the items that cointain the string ".NET"). How can … | |
Problem with storing values in Array from php to AJAX index.php [CODE] <html> <head> <title>Main Page</title> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function ajaxFunction() { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xmlhttp.readyState==4) { var arr = new Array(xmlhttp.responseText); alert(arr[0]); } } xmlhttp.open("GET","main.php?q="+document.frm.Act.options[document.frm.Act.selectedIndex].value,true); xmlhttp.send(null); } </script> </head> <body> <form name="frm" id="frm" … | |
This purpose of this thread is for anyone who wants to learn JQUERY. [url]http://jquery.com/[/url] here are the demo's that you can easily apply on your website. [url]http://jqueryui.com/demos/[/url] do you have any ideas about jquery? thanks | |
Hello all, I am trying to update the .onclick event after its been clicked once. Everything works fine in my script except updating the .onclick event. I have searched the web and found that I should do the following: div.onclick = function(params); or div.onclick = new function(){updatedStatement}; I have tested … | |
Hi Guys, any one can reply me on if we can do some thing like in flash or java or dll or not sure for example [url]http://www.screentoaster.com/[/url] click on ?start recording?. [url]http://screenr.com/[/url] click on ?Record your screen cast now? [url]http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/[/url] click on ?Create? button. , basically i want transparent frame … | |
How do i add my ajax-loader.gif to my js. and what kind does the script look like.... Thank you to everyone.... My js. below [CODE]var Spry; if (!Spry) Spry = {}; if (!Spry.Widget) Spry.Widget = {}; Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels = function(element, opts) { this.element = this.getElement(element); this.defaultTab = 0; // Show the … | |
Hi there, nice to be part of the forum, and sorry for my English, I will try my best but is not my mother tongue. With bigger monitors available on the market the gap between 1024x768px and 1920x1200px is now really huge so I need to manage a photography website … | |
Hi all, I made a script that can be used as a captcha. It shows a random amount of (roman) letters sliding by every 2000 miliseconds (thats why its called [B]Matrix[/B]Captcha. But I am not sure wether it is able to stop bots from spamming. Does anyone have a suggestion … | |
Hi guys, I'm wondering if you guys can help me to perform on-demand javascript using AJAX? If you can help me with a simple example, I would really appreciated. my question is: how to get a javascript code from my server and execute it? Thanks for the help | |
I have this var x = window.event.clientX; var y = window.event.clientY; i get the x and y coordinates on button click i do this x = x+10; y = y +10; how can I now on this position X AND Y, pop up an imageon that position?? | |
well i m using the new Ajax.InPlaceEditor here when i click on perticular id's elements's text then it converts to textbox for eg, the following code is in my page <span id='abc' > Some Text </span> when i click on this span then `some text ` will be in text … | |
I want javascript to download a file automatically in every 3 mins and save it to my server. Is it possible. What will be the javascript code? thanks Lavi | |
Ciao, this function should show only selected items, in firefox always works, but with IE works only the first time, then are visualized all the elements visualized previusly [CODE] function showMapLegend(id){ alert(id); var elem=document.getElementById(id); var tohide=document.getElementsByName('legend'); for(var i=0;i<tohide.length;i++){ tohide[i].style.display='none'; } elem.style.display = ''; [/CODE] | |
hello.... is javascript works in mailbody? i mean admin sends registration form through email to new users. for that registration form validation javascript is not working. any suggestions | |
I'm trying to create a type of moodboard where you can drag drop and resize pictures on. but i want to create a carousel that shows the available pictures that you can drag and drop onto or into the mood board div. i have either the problem that i cant … | |
Hello all, I am not sure if I should post this in this forum or the PHP forum. Basically, I am designing a web application for a school project. On the delete action, I want to prompt the user to make sure they mean delete. I was wanting to use … | |
Hello everyone, I hate to be a bother, but I'm having some difficulty figuring this out. Through an AJAX implementation, I am receiving a SQL Query result that has: [LIST=1] [*]An object's attribute delimited by a comma [*]An entire object (database row) delimited by a colon [/LIST] This is an … | |
I have absolutely no idea how to create cookies for a shopping cart, and I was wondering if anyone could help me create cookies for my shopping cart. I need cookies for:[B] first and last name, address, city, state, postal code, credit card name, and credit card number[/B]. I just … | |
| Is there a way to send a large amount of data through AJAX to a PHP script? Almost all tutorials say to modify the URL to equal whatever variable your trying to look up. I am wondering if it is possible to pass infomation to the server through an XML … |
I have written a javascript function that calls a web service to save data. When the web service is called an alert pops up saying [I]the server method saveUpdateCodes failed[/I], and it gives no other information. The thing is the web service executes and throws no errors (I've stepped though … | |
I'm a newbie trying to modify the code in an AJAX tutorial to load data from an XML file, and it is not working. The code is in a php file that is invoked with the URL: [icode]getXMLTest.php?showName=photoShowTest.xml[/icode] The code I've written (mostly copied from the tutorial, actually) is: [code] … | |
Hi I am having a problem with getting my output to display a dollar sign. I have the program running the way it is supposed to, it just won't format for currency. I have tried a couple of different methods and do not understand why the current code does not … | |
Hello Everyone, I am new to Javascript and would appreciate any help here. My client has a requirement of a search function which is specific. That is, if a user puts in the word "lexus printer" in the search field the result for that would be "toner123" and it should … | |
This script can be used for star ratings on for example forum or music sites. The scriptinformation is included within the script. ~G | |
Hi everyone, As the title of my topic says, I created a javascript loop that had some PHP code inside of it, hoping that every time the javascript function ran, it would re-call the PHP code inside of it. Turns out my hopes failed - the PHP code is only … | |
i have all the fields working. now i just need the user information as well as my created images into my sidebar div id="badge" and div id="results" every time i hit submit it clears the form rather than posting it. what am i missing? [CODE]// JavaScript Document function setupForm() { … |
The End.