I have a web page where i need to use some javascript.
If i write all the javascripts and jQuery javascripts in the aspx page it works perfect.
But when i write all the javascripts in separate file called scripts.js and include scripts.js in the aspx page it doesn't work.
Here is how i have included the scripts file in my aspx page or let's say master page:

<script src="../../Scripts/scripts.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

I am using asp.net mvc.

I have been using asp.net and i used to do the same thing in asp.net and it used to work fine but it doesn't work in asp.net mvc. I have been noticing this for quite some time now.

Any advice

Your syntax indicates that the scripts folder is two levels up from your aspx page. Is that the actual case?

Meaning, you'd have a directory structure like this


i already checked the directory structure it's ok.

i think there is something to do with asp.net mvc

u can try that,
copy script.js in app_code directory...
then try it....

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