15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for jonsan32

Simple question, I'll take NO for an answer if it's not possible. With a random array, can I display the results multiple time on the same page. I know I can't use css, and I would rather not use php... but is there a way for me to list the …

Member Avatar for jonsan32
Member Avatar for Romil797

how do i get the id of the item being moved in a sortable? also how do i get the new position of the item? its in an update block, but it wont give the id. here is my code: $(function () { $("#sortable").sortable({ update: function (event, ui) { alert(ui.item.value); …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for divin757

I want to have an iframe expand and center on the screen when a button is clicked. This would be similar to creating a lightbox for it but I dont want to have the content in the iframe reload. I have found solutions that can resize an element but it …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for abelingaw

I am trying to display an alert box using javascript in my login php file. When a user logged in using a wrong username or password, then a messagebox will display. This is what i have so far: [CODE] $query="SELECT * FROM info WHERE username ='$user' && password ='$pass' "; …

Member Avatar for asprin
Member Avatar for learner guy

Hi i am learning xml , in a very simple code i got an error saying [B]"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getElementsByTagName' of null"[/B] i am getting this in all browsers ,i have tried to look for solution on google but could not find ,Plz help [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for vijayram
Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for mln_ndh

[B]Hi I really really really need your help since I have no idea about this.[/B] [B]How can I insert the Javascript Confirmation Alert into the del.php file?[/B] [U]I have this del.php file[/U] [CODE]<?php require ("include/config.php"); $id=$_REQUEST['id']; $strSQL = "DELETE FROM change WHERE id = '".$id."' "; $objQuery = odbc_exec($conn,$strSQL); if($objQuery) …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Joe34

Let's say I have the letters... A,D, and G And O (It's special) How can PHP make all possible combinations with these words by using all or as little amount of letters as possible? (But special letters must be included in each scramble) For example PHP would go through those …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for raul8

Hi, I want to change color of a <div> element after some delay: For. e.g: Initially div is in Orange Color. Then onClick it will become White then after half second delay, it will become Black. But it is not working. It becomes black on the first click & White …

Member Avatar for ckchaudhary
Member Avatar for FriXionX

I'm completely new to javascript, but in my eyes this should work. But then again, i'm quite an idiot myself and it's usually a very very simple problem that someone will see in 5 seconds. I want the header (supposed to be in variable 'itemname') to be put into variable …

Member Avatar for FriXionX
Member Avatar for swebdizajn

I tried the old [URL="http://www.mediafire.com/?rlcbewz9okrcnr4"]BBeditor 1.4[/URL] move to this new bbcode [URL="http://www.mediafire.com/?2xj5ht15oxx4vqt"]Wysiwyg BBCode[/URL] - and i failed. The admin panel to have integrated old bbeditor 1.4, where in the folder are files: 1. folder: images 2. ed.js 3. styles.css 4. bbeditorimg.gif I tried to just rename the files and editor.js …

Member Avatar for justinkb88

I am very new to JavaScript and am trying to use JavaScript to determine the height of a div. The div starts in the middle of the browser window and I need it to extend to the bottom of the window. How can the window height be determined and used …

Member Avatar for justinkb88
Member Avatar for ultimatebuster

What are some good JavaScript project for beginners? I have a decent understanding of programming itself, I familiarize myself with JavaScript for the past couple of days, but don't exactly know what I can write for it. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for laklaker

Hello guys! I created a website. I tested it on my computer it works when I transfer it to the host it won't work now :( here's the code [code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 5.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>NeverlastingRO</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ceres.css"> <script …

Member Avatar for laklaker
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello EveryOne! i am very new in JS and JSON , or you can say this is my first day to learn something about JS and JSON, i have few questions 1- what is difference between JS and JSON. 2-My Task is to connect MSSQL server 2008 and show records …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for kincaid

Hello everyone - new member here! I have a javascript function for creating an 'add bookmark' link on my pages. For firefox it uses window.sidebar.addPanel to add the bookmark [code] function addBookmark(title, url) { if (window.sidebar) { // firefox window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url,""); } else if( document.all ) { //MSIE window.external.AddFavorite( url, …

Member Avatar for atul.kushwah
Member Avatar for toplisek

I like to set trigger to show message board. Minus should be on the top left hand side after clicked on link and shown banner from the right to the left part (toggle). <a class="trigger" href="#">View all messages or reply</a> I post working code and need help. [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html …

Member Avatar for Johnbonono

I have a div with 2 divs inside it. The container div is positioned relative, and the 2 inside it are positioned absolute, one on top of the other (on the z axis). I made it so that when the mouse enters the container div, the top div slides up …

Member Avatar for ckchaudhary
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Dear all, Context: JSP I'm trying to get the value of a java variable and assign it to a javascript variable in order to later on use it in an iframe: [CODE] ... rs.next(); entry1 = rs.getString(3);%> <SCRIPT> [COLOR="Red"] var tt="<%=entry1%>";[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"] var content = "<html><body>" + tt+ "</body></html>";[/COLOR] var …

Member Avatar for kris-kz

Hi co-programmers, We're currently doing a simple conversion of a jsp to java format. I think we we're able to somehow force our way for a java program to hold our jsp program, but unfortunately we are having a slight problem. We're getting this exception: Exception in thread "main" javax.script.ScriptException: …

Member Avatar for kris-kz
Member Avatar for oksam

This is my ajax script: [code=JavaScript]type: "POST", url:"getresponse.php", data: data, success: function(response){ uploadForm(response); } function uploadForm(response){ alert(response); $('#fileupload').uploadifySettings('scriptData',{'response': response}); }[/code] the alert function does show the right value of response but for some reason the value of response is not sent as POST. Funny thing is if I change {'response': …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Pankti Desai

I am looking for a way to achieve the layout shown below using CSS or any other method that can accommodate the design and implementation. The "top" portion is a fixed area. The "left" area will be a list of text links that target to the "main" area.To be more …

Member Avatar for Philippe.Lahaie
Member Avatar for Waldema

Hi! I'm building website of my own and got a little problem. My home.php is based on image, which contains certain areas to be links to the other areas. I'm trying to use <map> and <area> elements creating the links. Basically code is working just fine, but when I added …

Member Avatar for jackbauer24
Member Avatar for aidanmack

Hi, I'm trying to load some xml in using ajax. But my xmlhttp status is always 0. The status never comes through as 200. I dont actually no what 0 is equal to. I could find anything when I looked that status up. My script looks like this... Could someone …

Member Avatar for aidanmack
Member Avatar for h5ron

Hello, I've been searching for a way to log whoever print screens my website by IP address. So for a quick example, if someone pressed the print screen while on my website their IP address would written a separate .txt file along with the time etc. Is this possible at …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for tqmd1

Dear Experts, I have following codes [CODE]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type> <META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 8.00.7600.16912"> <style type="text/css"> .back {clear:both;width:100px;height:30px;padding:5px;color:green;font-style:bold;} h3 {color:blue;font-style:bold;BACKGROUND: url(hotmail2.jpg) no-repeat center #90bade;line-height:30px;} #box {width:275px;height:275px;padding:5px;margin:5px;background:#e3eeff;text-align:center;border:1px solid #069;} </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.7.1.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.corner.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('input[name="RD"]').click(function(){ alert("Please note …

Member Avatar for tqmd1
Member Avatar for stroper

We have to make a little webshop in HTML, Css and javascript. Everything but the div's are to be made in JS, also the table's we can't make them in HTML. In the left (Links div) we make a couple of links, in the middle div (dynamicLeft) we have to …

Member Avatar for Easyrider439
Member Avatar for Joe34

Here is my code... [CODE]function buildTimer(second,minute,hour,day,month) { if(getCookie('day') == "") { setCookie("month",month,1095); setCookie("day",day,1095); setCookie("hour",hour,1095); setCookie("minute",minute,1095); setCookie("second",second,1095); } var d = new Date(); var curr_month = d.getMonth(); if(month >= curr_month) { year = d.getFullYear(); } else { year = d.getFullYear()+1; } var Bday = new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Hi all! Does anybody know a cool and cheap site where I could host my web application (jsp+Mysql)? Thanks in advance! Kind Regards

Member Avatar for minitauros

Hello there, I'm running into a minor problem. I want to execute an onKeyUp action after a short delay when a key is released. So for example when the user gets his finger off the "y" button, I want to execute an action related to that "Y" after 1 second. …

Member Avatar for Seesharp

The End.