15,688 Topics
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Hello All, Assume i have the following code: [code] // This code is defined in one file : editor.addMenuItem = function( name, definition ) { if ( groupsOrder[ definition.group ] ) menuItems[ name ] = new CKEDITOR.menuItem( this, name, definition ); }; // This code is defined in another file: … | |
Hi guys/gals, I have a menu with a div displaying onmouseover, and hiding onmouseout, it works great except in IE if I click on the [ICODE]<select>[/ICODE] tag, it triggers the mouseout event, interestingly enough the same does not happen when I click on a text field.. Code Example: [CODE] <ul> … | |
I have been racking my brain for days now and cannot get the button to work with my tell a friend script. <form> <input type="button" value="Close Window" onClick="window.close()"> </form> I'm trying to add it to my web site [snipped] Any help or guidance would be appreciated. Thanks Cake | |
Hi again,Guys.Here's my problrm. In [B]Appointments.php[/B] ,In the [B]Sector Drop down list[/B] when i select a sector,through AJAX i have selected the list of hospitals for the sector using [B]fun1()[/B] and displayed it back here in [B]appointsment.php[/B].Now that's ok. But when i try to acess the hospital select lists value … | |
[CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> function insertPreference() { var row = document.getElementById('voteTable').rows[0]; var cell = row.cells; var id = cell[0].innerHTML; var title = cell[1].innerHTML; alert(id); alert(title); } </script> <table id="voteTable" border="1"> <tr> <td id="id">3</td> <td id="title">This is an example of storing the table value into a database.</td> <td id="vote"> <input type="radio" name="yesorno" value="true" … | |
Hi I'll describe the following scenario: I got a table with td's and each of the got onchange and onclick when i change value of a td and click on other td i get the onchange event(of the first td) being fired and then the onclick (of the other td) … | |
Hi all, I am generating a html report displaying the records. In that report their are 10 rows and 4 columns. In 4th column i am adding the button. Now i want to use button click event i.e onclick() . 1) how i call the javascript function/Javascript. 2) how can … | |
Hi ppl, I need a javascript that can do.. "When you leave a page to alert you how many times have you clicked". I have no ideas, and almost no exp in this.. So PLEACE help me.. Sorry for the bad english.. | |
This is javaScript based ASP.net web application. [CODE] <%@ Page Language="C#" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function oddEve(){ var rand = Math.random(); rand = Math.ceil(6*rand); if(rand % 2 == 0){ document.write("Odd number: "); } else{ document.write("Even number: "); } document.write(rand); } </script> <html … | |
hi, thank you for helping in advanced i faced some punctuation problem during i using ajax I used ajax with Get Method to pass some value from textarea to update the database.My problem is: example: "Hi, I'm Jane~" database updated : "Hi, I'm Jane~" but the response.text of ajax give … | |
hi, am working on a php site, i need a functionality where titles of last four posts would show up, i know how to get last four titles. but dont know how to make them blink one by one on same place,like i have four titles name A B C … | |
How to extract a website TITLE, META KEYWORDS and META DESCRIPTION by javascript for example [URL="www.surfpack.com/bangladeshiwebdirectory_com"]www.surfpack.com/example_com[/URL] site has exactly extracts [[url]www.example.com][/url] websites TITLE, META KEYWORDS and META DESCRIPTION. How to do it by javascript mainly in HTML? Thankyou! | |
Hey everyone, I'm working on a web application that's supposed to be compatible with all browsers, yet IE, as usual, is giving me one hell of a headache. I'm posting the code below, it's very straightforward... 3 divs containing ordered lists are made hidden/unhidden via a select menu. The problem … | |
This looks as it should except that it needs more spacing between the columns. How would I do that? [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var numRows = "10"; var numCols = "10"; if (isNaN(numRows) || isNaN(numCols)) { }else { var tblHTML = "", rowHTML; for (var row = 0; row … | |
Hi, I am having problem with applying ajax on IE.I am applying innerHtml on select tag but it is not working my ajax code is [CODE]function AjaxF(ftype,cid) { var httpxml; try { // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari httpxml=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { // Internet Explorer try { httpxml=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); … | |
Hi everyone My problem is that i am using javascript form validation for the first time and have made a function "Validateform()" to validate "emailid" field in my Form. Now the problem is that it's not working. Now in my registeration form when i enter a wrong email id for … | |
hello, I am working on gridview in a project in which i have to apply javascript on gridview. there are 2 events whcih i have to apply on it 1st is that when i click an image the gridview should be opened and when i select an item in gridview … | |
Hi All, As the title says. Have been looking for solution these past 2 days, Salary Record are pulled from database (MySql) in to PHP table (do/while loop). - Name , Salary , OvertimePay , Subtotal , MedicalDeduct , UnionFeeDeduct , Tax , Grand Total - Peter , 1300 , … | |
It sounds confusing, but is quite simple. I have a square div, and using css I have four circles replacing the corners of the of the divs border. I want the user to be able to click on one of the corner circles changing the curser image and calling the … | |
Hi, I know for calling jquery function requires some event. But in my project I want to call function of jquery onchange event but that value changing through coding and whenever that value changed jquery function should be called. That means upto particular condition value will be changed of textbox … | |
Ellew! Attached I have an example of my form written in GXT (EXT GWT). On the image you will see a red line I drew where I would like to put in a line feed just to make the layout look a bit less cramped. Does anyone have an idea … | |
Hi everyone, I have managed to call the window.print() in the javascript to printout my page. Does anyone knows how to remove the URL links, page number and others at the header and footer of the printout? Or is it possible to modify the window.print settings so that it can … | |
Hello guys, I'm starting to learn Javascript and I'm having trouble combining 3 text fields on a form in order to submit it in a single textfield. For example I have the following texfields: [CODE]<input id="country_code" name="country_code" size="6"> <input id="area_code" name="area_code" size="5"> <input name="hphone" size="9">[/CODE] I want to combine them … | |
Sorry to ask this, i know its that simple. Am working on Java for the first time. All the tabs that i placed appears below the text. I want the tabs to be appearing right after the text towards the right. Can someone help me with this. Attached is the … | |
Hello all, In JSP / HTML, I want to restrict the size of file being uploaded. [I]<input type="file" name="myfile"/>[/I] If the user trying to upload a file size bigger than some value say 5MB, i want to give mesage to the user. I don't want to wait till the file … | |
Hi Masters, I Need your help on the bellow scenario: I have a list of checkboxes. Want to show or hide images related to each checkbox upon selection/deselection. I want [B]initially the images will not shown[/B] as the check boxes are select the images will showup. if deselect any checkbox … | |
Hi, I am starting to learn JavaScript. But now I need a good IDE to code. Obviously I need a free IDE, I am not planning to make money with my code. Can experts give me some advice. Thanks in advance. | |
I have a php function that list all of the countries from my database as a select option, then based on what the user selects for their country im using jquery to make an ajax call and get all of the states/regions for that country. This part works fine. I'm … | |
i have a little problem with jquery...for example i have five A anchor tags everyone with an ID (<a id="a1">, <a id="a2"> etc). when i click on one of them i want to appear a dialog box (with jquery-ui) containing an image. but the following code doesn't work, when i … | |
Hi I need to get input for a css class font-size attribute from the user like 8px,10px,12px and so on.. and dynamically I need to change it. I get the following code from net function changecss(theClass,element,value) { var cssRules; var added = false; for (var S = 0; S < … |
The End.