15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for dennishall

Hi there: I am running FCKEditor 2.6.4 and am looking for a solution to insert onClick and onMouseOver external javascript into the anchor tags of my editor instances. This insertion would be handled via a toolbar button. What I already know and have tried: 1. Know how to manually do …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for aladar04

Example, lets say I have L1.html and L2.html. In L1.html, I have a <div id='name'></div>. Is it possible to call that 'div' in L2.html using its 'id? If possible, how? Can you give a sample? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for chineerat

Hi! I need help calculating the summed values of a column. Also, the row values are subtracted from each other eg: [CODE] col1 col2 col3 row1 a b = a-b row2 c d = c-d row3 =a+c =b+d =a-b+(c-d) [/CODE] however there can be N number of rows. I have …

Member Avatar for chineerat
Member Avatar for nicholaslee21

[CODE] <html> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="DynCalendar/dynCalendar.css" /> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="DynCalendar/browserSniffer.js"></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="DynCalendar/dynCalendar.js"></script> <body> <table width="703" height="210" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="535"><form name="Add_Record"><form action="insert.php" method="POST"> <p class="Headings"><strong>Add a Record</strong> </p> <p>First Name: <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="20"name="firstname" /> Last Name: <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="20" name="lastname" /> </p> <p>Days …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for techie929

Hi, I want to calculate the number of days between two dates. Date is in the below format: First Date : 2010-09-27 05:00:00 Second Date : 2010-10-1 08:00:00 Thanks.

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for gauri_agr

Hi All, I am new to Ajax. I have updated my website with Ajax code. How should I get unique url after click on menu. I mean if I click on "about me" on my website yogawithgauri.com. the url in the address bar should be yogawithgauri.com/aboutme Please let me know …

Member Avatar for Protuberance
Member Avatar for marketingmaniac

This use to work for me when i placed it in the browsers address bar to follow someone on twitter. [CODE]javascript:alert($('.follow-button').click());[/CODE] does anyone know how to not follow with a similar code in the address bar? been trying everything but cant seem to get the rite code down.

Member Avatar for marketingmaniac
Member Avatar for MackAttack30

Hi forum, This will probably be an easy one but i have a situation where i have multiple PHP/HTML <SELECT> tags. So i hold their id and name in an array. When i go to call this enableBox JavaScript function and i try to call the selectorName[] using the getElementById …

Member Avatar for MackAttack30
Member Avatar for anandhikrishnan

Hi all, I have a jsp page. It display a table contain 3 columns. 1st column display color name, 2nd for purpose of color like that.. Now i need the contents in td element to editable. This is the sample code. here status is a vector table. out.println("<td align=left class=formlabel1 …

Member Avatar for Protuberance
Member Avatar for julianmoors

Hi Guys, OK I'll admit it from the off I'm a complete PHP newbie, but I'm willing to learn. Here's what I've got so far... I have a search form which is being updated using an AJAX call. So far so good, but my boss would like it so that …

Member Avatar for thinstaafl

Please help! I have a form with checkboxes. When one or more checkboxes are clicked, I want the program to dynamically create a div, assign that div an editable text area, then when user clicks submit, I need it to gather the input from EACH textbox and output that to …

Member Avatar for sana3366
Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost

Hi all, I mistakingly posted this in the PHP forum but hope to find my solution here. I am trying to make a dropdown system for states and cities but the cities aren't coming up correctly. I have this on the root page: [code] <? echo "<form name=sel>\n"; echo "States …

Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost
Member Avatar for dalip_007

Hi all I want to make sure that my password field should contain numbers as well as letters i am using something like function isAlphabet(elem, helperMsg){ var alphaExp = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/; if(elem.value.match(alphaExp)){ return true; }else{ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; } } but it does nothing when there are letter in field …

Member Avatar for dalip_007
Member Avatar for H_TSOPELAS

i serch about 1 month to find a script that names biorhythms and i found a script! my problem is that the script works in internet explorer but not in firefox and i do not know why! i will sent the code...can any one help me and say to me …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for NBLWebmaster

This question refers to this sample page on my test site: [URL="http://www.twdesign.ca/up/display_tattoos_2009.php"]http://www.twdesign.ca/up/display_tattoos_2009.php[/URL] The following section of PHP code: [CODE=php] <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="right"> <?php while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result2)) { $active = $row[0]; $imagenum = $row[1]; echo "<tr><td><a name='placeholder$imagenum' href='display_tattoos_2009.php?in=$imagenum' onClick='swap('toppic','$imagenum')'><img class='opacity' name='$imagenum' id='$imagenum' src='tattoothumbnails/$imagenum.png' width='72' height='72' alt='$imagenum'></a></td></tr>\n"; } ?> </table> …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for ktyler

I have the following code (at the end) that will create a new distribution row dynamically. Everything looks good on the page and here is the innerHTML for the new row: [code] <TD style="WIDTH: 10px">&nbsp;</TD> <TD colSpan=4>Distribution to: <INPUT name=newdistacct> <INPUT name=newdistshare> <INPUT type=checkbox Name="newdistdefault"></TD> <TD>* New</TD> <TD><INPUT style="TEXT-ALIGN: right" …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for SSMuller

I am getting the exception in firefox 3.6.10 "Illegal operation on WrappedNative prototype object" nsresult: "0x8057000c (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_OP_ON_WN_PROTO)" <myfilename>::anonymous::line 172 I am using prototype.js and the line as folows, var dropInsertBeforeElement = createElement("<div id='drop_insert_before_" + this.id + "' style='height:6px; width:" + totalWidth + "px;'>"); The exact place in prototype.js var Enumerable …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for lse123

<textarea [B]wrap="hard"[/B] name="Questions" id="Questions" cols="32" rows="4"></textarea> wrap=attribute DO NOT pass w3c validator [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">[/CODE] well what is css equivalent?

Member Avatar for Traevel
Member Avatar for arctushar

Hi I have below javascript code [CODE] <SCRIPT language="javascript"> function validate(){ if(document.r_requisition.r_project_name.value=="deny"){ alert ("You are not authorised to any project "); return false; } if(document.r_requisition.r_number.value==""){ alert ("input in req No."); return false; } if(document.r_requisition.r_delv_date.value==""){ alert ("input Delivery Date: "); return false; } } </script> [/CODE] Its working fine. But when …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for CasTex

I want to echo the variable when I use test(); fuction. I meanwhen I use the variable with this function like test(john) , how to use it in that php snippet. Anyone knows ? [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> function test(){ document.getElementById("php_code").innerHTML=" <?php echo "hello"; ?> "; } </script>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for bobyx

Hello,everybody.I want to write a program that change the color of blocks and text on each block in a web page by it.You know in a web page we have many blocks and each blocks we have texts and may be shapes.[B]So,I want to assign three(3) code to each block …

Member Avatar for bobyx
Member Avatar for Yazzy

Greetings, all! I'm looking for a script (java or other) that would pull information daily and display it on an index page. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

Member Avatar for maxelcat

I have a client that wants a site for people who are potentailly being abused, often by partners they live with. He is under the impression that it is possible for there to be a "Button" that deletes the cache when the user presses it rather than going through the …

Member Avatar for maxelcat
Member Avatar for julianmoors

Hi guys, I have a form which has multiple drop-down menus using the standard <select> tags, but I can only get the results for the first drop-down menu. Does anyone know how I can expand the below code to support multiple variables using a querystring? Thanks, Julian [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC …

Member Avatar for julianmoors
Member Avatar for kartiktiger

HI I HAVE ONE PROBLEM........ANY ONE CAN SOLVE IT .................... String s="void main() ' he is a \"good boy"; out.println("<input type=text value='"+s+"' name=s>"); IN THIS CODE , IN TEXT BOX THE VALUE AFTER ' IS NOT COMING , CAN ANYONE TELL HOW THE FULL STRING s CAN COME IN TEXT …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for Pari13

hi All, how to save image in folder using javascript in asp.net.? I want to save image in folder using onchange method. So can any body have code for that? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Pari13
Member Avatar for scarcella

Hey guys i have a little problem!! :confused: I am trying to prompt a JavaScript alert before the html headers and when this happens i does not style my footer from css. Heres my code: [CODE] if ($queryupdate) { echo "<script>alert('Your password has been updated!')</script>"; } else { echo "<script>alert('Your …

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Member Avatar for brown23

I'm having a little bit of a problem with JavaScript and a User Agent. I'm using a C# Application, and a WebBrowser Control with a custom user agent. Now I'm currently looking at different ways on how to show different methods for specific user agents. I've got a little script …

Member Avatar for cmccully

Hi all, I have a page that modifies (using AJAX) a list of animal characteristics stored in a database. The page uses a PHP file to control the actual access to the database. Everything works except when a duplicate entry is entered. The PHP file prevents the duplicate entry from …

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The End.