I am receiving the following errors in my code. I'm trying to copy just portions of the ASP at a time into ASP.NET and fix errors as I go. I'm receiving a Statement cannot appear within a method body. End of method assumed. followed by a 'End Sub' must be preceded by a matching 'Sub' on the following code. Please Help!!!!
<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/BlankLayout.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="reports-shipping.aspx.vb" Inherits="reports_shipping" title="AMNet Final Shipping Reports" %>
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AMNet Final Shipping Reports
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="SectionTitle" Runat="Server">
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function gfRefreshBranch()
var theForm = document.forms["ReportsSelection"];
var branchSelection=theForm.Branch.value;
window.location = "reports-shipping.asp?Branch=" + branchSelection;
function gfRefreshSalesDate()
var theForm = document.forms["ReportsSelection"];
var branchSelection=theForm.Branch.value;
var salesDateSelection=theForm.SalesDate.value;
window.location = "reports-shipping.asp?Branch=" + branchSelection + "&" + "SalesDate=" + salesDateSelection;
function SortVBArray(arrVBArray) {
return arrVBArray.toArray().sort().join('\b');
<!--#include file="incASP/gfConvertDate.inc"-->
<!--#include file="incASP/gfMapURL.inc"-->
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
dim gvReportsFolder, gvReportsFolderPath, gvBranchSelected, gvServerFolder, gvServerFolderPath, gvBranchFolder, gvNumReports, gvSalesDateSelected
Dim gaReportsPath(999), gaReportsDateLastModified(999), gaReportsSize(999), gaReportsDesc(999), gaReportsSalesDay(999)
Dim gvBranchFolderPath
dim fs, itemFiles, wvStr, url, strLoc, strLen, kbSize, wvFileDate, fileDate, fileTime, i, itemFolders, lastFileDate, itemNumber, B, strBranch
dim sorter
dim plantFolder(7)
plantFolder(0) = "001-JacksonPT"
plantFolder(1) = "002-PlymouthPT"
plantFolder(2) = "003-KalamzooPT"
plantFolder(3) = "004-SidneyPT"
plantFolder(4) = "005-ColdwaterPT"
plantFolder(5) = "006-FortWaynePT"
plantFolder(6) = "008-ColdwaterPT"
dim plantDesc(7)
plantDesc(0) = "Jackson"
plantDesc(1) = "Plymouth"
plantDesc(2) = "Kalamazoo"
plantDesc(3) = "Sidney"
plantDesc(4) = "Coldwater I"
plantDesc(5) = "Fort Wayne"
plantDesc(6) = "Coldwater II"
'/Check for Development System or Production
strLoc= InStr(LCase(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")),"/dev/")
if strLoc = 0 Then
'/production files
gvServerFolderPath = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\shippingreports"
'/development files
gvServerFolderPath = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dev\shippingreports"
End If
gvBranchSelected = Request.QueryString("Branch")
gvSalesDateSelected = Request.QueryString("SalesDate")
If gvSalesDateSelected = "" Then
gvSalesDateSelected = gfConvertDate(Date,0)
End If
fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
gvNumReports = -1
if gvBranchSelected = "" Then
gvReportsFolderPath = ""
gvBranchFolderPath = gvServerFolderPath & "\" & gvBranchSelected
for i = 0 to 6
gvReportsFolderPath = gvBranchFolderPath & "\" & plantFolder(i)
gvReportsFolder = fs.GetFolder(gvReportsFolderPath)
for each itemFiles in gvReportsFolder.Files
if InStr(itemFiles.Type,"Adobe") > 0 Then
gvNumReports = gvNumReports + 1
gaReportsDesc(gvNumReports) = plantDesc(i) & " Shipping Report "
gaReportsPath(gvNumReports) = itemFiles.Path
gaReportsDateLastModified(gvNumReports) = itemFiles.DateLastModified
gaReportsSize(gvNumReports) = itemFiles.Size
End If
end If
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